View Full Version : Alphasim F-104 Starfighter?

January 11th, 2010, 02:20
Anyone got any info on this bird? I've only just seen it - don't know how long it's been out for FSX.

I had the Captain Sim model for FS9 and loved it. Really hard to fly though.

January 11th, 2010, 02:52
I have always wondered this myself. Is it on par with the CS offering from fs9?

January 11th, 2010, 03:16
It has been out for years. It seems to be a basic Alphasim model. The VC is rather sparse as to workable switches and systems. However, it flies like I would think the F-104 flew. Goes like a bat out of hell and you better keep your smash up on landing.

It was a decent model for its era and reflects the state of the art two years ago. Just don't expect it to be anything like most of the current releases. If you just want to drill holes in the sky, it is fine. If you want a fully workable VC, you will be disappointed.

January 11th, 2010, 04:06
Okay john, thanks for that.

January 11th, 2010, 04:12
Okay john, thanks for that.

You know after posting I looked at an email from Capt Sim that I received. There was the F-104. It looks like it is a FS9 model?

I am pretty sure the Alpha F-104 is FSX. It may be a port over, however.

January 11th, 2010, 04:17
The AS F104 is a true FSX model. :ernae:

January 11th, 2010, 07:30
OK, since the topic is the Alphasim F-104, can someone explain to me the problem I am having with the afterburner? When I go full throttle and engage the afterburner, all seems normal with spool up and the afterburner effects look OK. As I retard the throttle back to idle, the burner effects go away as they are supposed to but the exhaust nozzle does some wierd rapid open and closing, then as the throttle is pulled all the way back, the afterburner come on again and the engine goes full throttle. Any ideas what may be causing this and how to fix?

January 11th, 2010, 07:41
That sounds like the Accel pack issue- there used to be a fix available at AS, but you would obviously have to contact them for support.

January 11th, 2010, 07:58
Thanks d0Mokun for the info!

January 11th, 2010, 08:00
Wasn't there a thread on here about converting the CS version? I want to say I saw the thread but never went through with it because it was either too complicated or it still left issues or I just didn't want to pay to redownload it from CS

January 11th, 2010, 08:34
Wasn't there a thread on here about converting the CS version? I want to say I saw the thread but never went through with it because it was either too complicated or it still left issues or I just didn't want to pay to redownload it from CS

Oh I would soooooooo love to port over my Captain Sim version to FSX. I've tried many times - always with completely useless results.

If anyone find that thread, please report. I can't see it.

January 11th, 2010, 08:38
I'm posting from my phone so it's not all that easy for me to search on here but I'll try.

January 11th, 2010, 09:04
Still there: FSX General Discussion -> old CS F-104 in FSX :


cheers, Henk Schuitemaker

January 11th, 2010, 09:21
I've successfully ported the CS F0104 into FSX. I can't remember exactly what I did, but a big part was assigning the afterburner effect from X-load to the 104. I can look it up later tonight if you'd like. The only part I couldn't get to work are the Fuel quantity gauges..which can be kind of a problem.

January 11th, 2010, 10:49
I've successfully ported the CS F0104 into FSX. I can't remember exactly what I did, but a big part was assigning the afterburner effect from X-load to the 104. I can look it up later tonight if you'd like. The only part I couldn't get to work are the Fuel quantity gauges..which can be kind of a problem.

If you could John, that'd be great! :ernae:

Love to fly that bird in FSX

January 12th, 2010, 04:23
Any news on this please?:bump:

I want it!, I want it! I WANT IT!!! :wavey::wiggle:........ I want it NOW! With a please of course:mixedsmi:

January 12th, 2010, 05:06
I tried it last night but the tce doesn't work. A fix was posted but it requires an install of fs9 and if I'm going to do that I might as well just fly it in there again.

January 12th, 2010, 06:49
I tried it last night but the tce doesn't work. A fix was posted but it requires an install of fs9 and if I'm going to do that I might as well just fly it in there again.

If you look on the SOH thread mentioned above it says that the TCE doesn't work in FSX. You have to alter the model entry in the aircraft.cfg file manually. The thread lists the loadouts for each model.

For me this is way better than the AS version, even though it's not FSX native. The exception is the Italian Air Force's F-104S which is not modelled in the CS version. But you have lots more loadouts and a 2-seater all in one pack. And the paint kit is much easier to use.



January 12th, 2010, 07:31
Any news on this please?:bump:

I want it!, I want it! I WANT IT!!! :wavey::wiggle:........ I want it NOW! With a please of course:mixedsmi:

My apologies Dougal, I'm rebuilding my computer after an OS crash. I did get a chance to look at what I did, and it appears it was rather complicated. Unfortunately, I can't post a "How to" because I simply don't remember everything I did. The best I can do is email you my set up aircraft.cfg and .air files.

As a preview, I divided every model into its own aircraft folder to give appropriate fuel quantities/load-out weights, etc. So you'll have to distribute your textures and the corresponding models where where you'd like them. If you're up for it, shoot me a pm with your email address, and I'll see if I can send them out to you at lunch or after work.

January 12th, 2010, 18:16
well i got her going, im pretty impressed that on my first landing attempt i managed to only snap the front strut

January 13th, 2010, 09:09
well i got her going, im pretty impressed that on my first landing attempt i managed to only snap the front strut
Could give instructions for the rest of us?

January 13th, 2010, 11:20
Hi Guys

John, very many thanks for the email support. I haven't been able to get it going with those files though.

However, I downloaded a newer installer file from Captain Sim. This installed to FSX without hickup. All the textures seem to show. Trouble is, things like wheels and flaps wont work:-(

January 13th, 2010, 11:53
Hi Guys

John, very many thanks for the email support. I haven't been able to get it going with those files though.

However, I downloaded a newer installer file from Captain Sim. This installed to FSX without hickup. All the textures seem to show. Trouble is, things like wheels and flaps wont work:-(

You need to turn on the generators using the electrical panel. Then all will work and a fully functional FSX Zipper you will have!!:gameon:


January 13th, 2010, 12:01
Looks like Dave & CS has you covered. I should have said that I run a cold & dark default flight.

Hi Guys

John, very many thanks for the email support. I haven't been able to get it going with those files though.

However, I downloaded a newer installer file from Captain Sim. This installed to FSX without hickup. All the textures seem to show. Trouble is, things like wheels and flaps wont work:-(

January 13th, 2010, 13:54
Duh! Thanks guys. (****?)

January 13th, 2010, 14:02
Could give instructions for the rest of us?

yea use a flat and fast approach, i lower flaps at 300 gear at 250, this beast has something called a boundary layer system or something like that which, from what i can tell, diverts exhaust downward to compensate for lack of lift, so when flaps are down you still need about 90% rpm, touchdown at about 200 maybe slightly less with a VERY low descent rate, i snapped the front gear touching down at about 400fpm. Im actually surprised at my landing success since i remember crashing all the time in fs9

January 13th, 2010, 14:19
yea use a flat and fast approach, i lower flaps at 300 gear at 250, this beast has something called a boundary layer system or something like that which, from what i can tell, diverts exhaust downward to compensate for lack of lift, so when flaps are down you still need about 90% rpm, touchdown at about 200 maybe slightly less with a VERY low descent rate, i snapped the front gear touching down at about 400fpm. Im actually surprised at my landing success since i remember crashing all the time in fs9

The boundary layer system works when the gear is down. Exhaust is diverted over the wings to help keep the laminar flow of air over the wings at high the AOA during landing. It lowers the stall speed of the wing during landing. More modern fighters use leading edge flaps.

When landing a fighter, never let the nose wheel touch until your speed is below 100 kts. Just keep backstick and use aero braking. As you lose speed the nose will eventually fall to the runway at a safe speed.

October 26th, 2010, 18:15
Does anyone have the FSX Acceleration fix for Alphasim's F-104 Starfighter? Just got FSX Acceleration and I'm now experiencing the afterburner bug (can't close throttle once the afterburner kicks on).

Since Alphasim was bought out by Virtavia, I've been in contact with them but they seem to be unable to get me the patch. Can't find it anywhere else online either.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


October 26th, 2010, 18:54
... When landing a fighter, never let the nose wheel touch until your speed is below 100 kts. Just keep backstick and use aero braking. As you lose speed the nose will eventually fall to the runway at a safe speed.

That would be when landing an Air Force fighter... :icon_lol: Those navy guys just drive the ship into the runway, ka-blam! landed!

October 27th, 2010, 03:31
Does anyone have the FSX Acceleration fix for Alphasim's F-104 Starfighter? Just got FSX Acceleration and I'm now experiencing the afterburner bug (can't close throttle once the afterburner kicks on).

Since Alphasim was bought out by Virtavia, I've been in contact with them but they seem to be unable to get me the patch. Can't find it anywhere else online either.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


I think this might be it. Add the line indicated to the aircraft.cfg file

afterburner_throttle_threshold = 0.00 <<-- added this line
ThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 1.0
AfterBurnThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 1.0

Hope it works


October 27th, 2010, 11:54
Another advantage of the FSX AS F-104 is the abundance of fantastic repaints by a number of authors. William Henry did a bunch, as I'm sure others have as well.


October 27th, 2010, 13:36
Whoa! Right when I was feeling bad for being on the line with necro-posting.

DaveQ - Thank you very much! This largely resolved the issue, as there is still some oddness with the throttle (50%+ throttle kicks on the burners, and throttling down throws it straight to idle - no big deal though, probably needs a tinker with the values). Most importantly, the throttle no longer sticks and I have control over the engine again!

Not only that, this seems to have fixed about a dozen other aircraft with the same issue!

Again, thanks for the quick and effective response! Greatly appreciated!


October 27th, 2010, 14:18
So where can someone get their hands on this plane these days, now that alphasim is history and their freeware server has been hacked by a hijacker??

October 27th, 2010, 14:30
absolutely the best 3D model and flight model is this...



<object height="385" width="480">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qOWFL6zUQUc?fs=1&hl=it_IT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>

<object height="385" width="640">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GXcbEzvOGVo?fs=1&hl=it_IT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="640"></object>

believe me

October 27th, 2010, 15:03
Good video, Merida72. Can you see the wings from inside the VC with this model?

Also, I liked the photoreal scenery, do you know where to find it?

October 27th, 2010, 15:11
So where can someone get their hands on this plane these days, now that alphasim is history and their freeware server has been hacked by a hijacker??


that should get your 1000+ kts ias itch sorted out .... :)


now about that beta '104 ... I have since ditched my CS copy, and I never bought the C9 ... but something looks familiar ... just can't put my finger on it .... looks nice, though

October 27th, 2010, 15:34
now about that beta '104 ...... but something looks familiar ... just can't put my finger on it .... looks nice, though

I thought the same thing!

October 27th, 2010, 17:38

that should get your 1000+ kts ias itch sorted out .... :)


Thnks Delta.. perhaps for christmas.. I simply cant justify that amount on my income...
Merida.. The video looked good although i couldnt tell if it was CFS or flight sim.. But either way, i would need to create an account on 102 and i'm simply stretched to my limit as is.. Thank you :) :)

October 27th, 2010, 18:19
I have been looking at the AS 104 . If anyone has it maybe you could answer a couple of questions .

1> Will it work in acceleration .
2> It says for FSX and fs9. Is this a different package for each or a one plane for both .
3>It also says
includes four seperate flight models, unique handling and range to each
What dose this mean .

As always thanks .

October 27th, 2010, 18:44
Thnks Delta.. perhaps for christmas.. I simply cant justify that amount on my income...
Merida.. The video looked good although i couldnt tell if it was CFS or flight sim.. But either way, i would need to create an account on 102 and i'm simply stretched to my limit as is.. Thank you :) :)

Understood on getting the AS model - I'm saving for a few payware packages out there ...

On the 102 model - I actually downloaded it a few hours ago - went back to the site, and now I can't find where it was. I prefer the AS model, so I'll wait until this one is further along. But the beta was out there a few hours ago on their site ... regrettably knowing Spanish wasn't as helpful enough to fully navigate an Italian site ... :(

good luck either way!


October 27th, 2010, 19:00
I have been looking at the AS 104 . If anyone has it maybe you could answer a couple of questions .

1> Will it work in acceleration .
2> It says for FSX and fs9. Is this a different package for each or a one plane for both .
3>It also says
includes four seperate flight models, unique handling and range to each
What dose this mean .

As always thanks .

1. Yes, works fine in Acceleration.

2. There are two separate downloads when you buy it. One for FS9, and another for FSX.

3. There are four separate folders in your Sim Objects/Airplanes folder, as in four separate airplanes, labeled "ALPHA F-104 Starfighter 0", "... 1", "...2", and "...3". They each contain at least one and sometimes two different models. .clean, .Italian, .bullpups, .tanks, .tanks2. Never did pay attention to how different they each fly.

October 27th, 2010, 22:22
I also had the throttle problem with the AS F104, and a few other hickups.

Thanks to DaveQ and this thread, now it works like a charm.

SHO rules!

Ahh, and a small note, the boundary layer system for the flaps uses pressure bleed air from the turbine compressor stage, not the exhaust gases. At least as far as I know.


October 28th, 2010, 03:42
Wish Captain Sim have released F-104 for FSX, their model was superb!

October 28th, 2010, 04:43
Well, Merida72, in fact the Maniago Range video is with an old FS9 model, not with the FSX native plane.

Today is much more advanced in external/internal 3D, gauges, systems and flight dynamics. The simulation of all systems is really amazing, and for sure you can not compare any other zipper model in FSX with this one. Done and tested by real zipper drivers.

Not only S version in development, also G and ASA

Bone, I think that you can see the wings . I will confirm you this evening at home.

The scenery is dated too. New native for FSX version of Rimini AB with incredible detail, and for Maniago range too. Ask to 102 VSQN for them both in www.102virtual.org (http://www.102virtual.org)


kilo delta
October 28th, 2010, 07:13
Well, Merida72, in fact the Maniago Range video is with an old FS9 model, not with the FSX native plane.

Today is much more advanced in external/internal 3D, gauges, systems and flight dynamics. The simulation of all systems is really amazing, and for sure you can not compare any other zipper model in FSX with this one. Done and tested by real zipper drivers.

Not only S version in development, also G and ASA

Bone, I think that you can see the wings . I will confirm you this evening at home.

The scenery is dated too. New native for FSX version of Rimini AB with incredible detail, and for Maniago range too. Ask to 102 VSQN for them both in www.102virtual.org (http://www.102virtual.org)


Is this a closed group? I can't see a registration form.

October 28th, 2010, 07:44
Is this a closed group? I can't see a registration form.

yes, it is.
But you can download the same F-104 they use (the clean configuration only, not the armed) at

There you need to register and fill an order form, then you'll receive an e-mail containing the direct link for the download.

The aircraft it's absolutely close to the real one, and it has been developed mainly by Cdr. Mario Motta, a real F-104 pilot during '80 years.
Everything has been done in this aircraft using the original flight manual, also downloadable from the site above said.
So, no story for others...


kilo delta
October 28th, 2010, 10:13
yes, it is.
But you can download the same F-104 they use (the clean configuration only, not the armed) at

There you need to register and fill an order form, then you'll receive an e-mail containing the direct link for the download.

The aircraft it's absolutely close to the real one, and it has been developed mainly by Cdr. Mario Motta, a real F-104 pilot during '80 years.
Everything has been done in this aircraft using the original flight manual, also downloadable from the site above said.
So, no story for others...


Thanks! One final question....is the aircraft compiled with the FSX SDK...ie is it a native FSX version that'll run in FSX SP2/Acceleration without any portover issues? :)

October 28th, 2010, 10:38
FSX native 100%. No portover. DDS files. 100% DX10 compatible. We fly it in MP sessions in FSX/ACC and the outcomes are outstanding. Enjoy it!

kilo delta
October 28th, 2010, 11:00
FSX native 100%. No portover. DDS files. 100% DX10 compatible. We fly it in MP sessions in FSX/ACC and the outcomes are outstanding. Enjoy it!


October 28th, 2010, 11:41
Well, Merida72, in fact the Maniago Range video is with an old FS9 model, not with the FSX native plane.

Today is much more advanced in external/internal 3D, gauges, systems and flight dynamics. The simulation of all systems is really amazing, and for sure you can not compare any other zipper model in FSX with this one. Done and tested by real zipper drivers.

Not only S version in development, also G and ASA

Bone, I think that you can see the wings . I will confirm you this evening at home.

The scenery is dated too. New native for FSX version of Rimini AB with incredible detail, and for Maniago range too. Ask to 102 VSQN for them both in www.102virtual.org (http://www.102virtual.org)


is true, of course, the video is with FS9 ...

but it was just an example to explain that the 102 boys have done a great job on the 3D model and flight model.

The flight model of CS and AS are not treated as the C9.

My intent was to explain this.

also there is a link in my post at 102 :ernae:

October 28th, 2010, 12:43
FSX native 100%. No portover. DDS files. 100% DX10 compatible. We fly it in MP sessions in FSX/ACC and the outcomes are outstanding. Enjoy it!

Thanks daisan! I Just downloaded the installer and yes it includes 3 100% native models. They come in separate exterior and interior MDL's, the file headers read "MDLXMDLH". I will post a few screens over the next days.

October 28th, 2010, 12:50
I hope you'll enjoy it. It is not only 102 VSQN implied on it. It is the entire virtual organization named VAAFSE working on it. And improving other planes, creating needed scenery for the operations, and much more.


kilo delta
October 28th, 2010, 14:14
Purchased...just awaiting the d/l link.:)

October 29th, 2010, 23:56
Finally got some time to install and fly the Progetto F104.



And some VC screens:

BTW: Looking back over your shoulder, you cannot see the wings from inside the VC.

Earlier on this thread, delta_lima said "now about that beta '104 ... I have since ditched my CS copy, and I never bought the C9 ... but something looks familiar ... just can't put my finger on it .... looks nice, though " He was right, the model is a continued development from the old Cloud9 zipper. The guys from 102° Gruppo Virtuale have done a very good job, I really like the flight handling. Some other areas may still need improving, e.g. the exterior lacks a bit of shine (maybe it is a problem with my graphics card, don't know).


kilo delta
October 30th, 2010, 02:11
Thanks for the pics...still haven't installed my copy yet (haven't run fsx in months :(, maybe this weekend! ). If this is an upgrade of the old C9 model, will it take the old C9 paints?

October 30th, 2010, 02:46
Thanks for the pics...still haven't installed my copy yet (haven't run fsx in months :(, maybe this weekend! ). If this is an upgrade of the old C9 model, will it take the old C9 paints?

I downloaded one of Andrea Arlotti's C9 repaints from FlightSim.com). First I had to rename the 3 unique exterior bitmaps:

F_104_001.bmp -> F104_T_01.bmp (fuselage pt 1)
F_104_002.bmp -> F104_T_02.bmp (wings)
F_104_003.bmp -> F104_T_03.bmp (fuselage pt 2)

Unfortunately they do not match 100%, some area's e.g. on top of the fuselage are mis-aligned.:gameoff:

PS, I just received this mail from 102 VSQN staff:
We are pleased to announce that we have released the stable version 2.6 of the airplane Aeritalia F104S, among the most important changes from earlier version 2.4:
- Includes armed versions in configurations with various external loads, the flight model is different and close to the real model for each configuration. The armed versions drop/launch weapons are as in the real using ground/air effects, no drop animation.
- New NATO texturing
- Corrected several small errors
- We suggest you read the changelog.txt file in the folder of the aircraft AERIT-F104S-V2-CLEAN
The upgrade from previous versions is free for those who have made donations before, simply enter the words "UPGRADE FROM 2.X" in order note

Also new sceneries has been released:
- Rimini-Miramare scenery, FSX native, both civilian and military airports
- Pula (LDPL) scenery, FSX native, both civilian and military airports
- Rimini and Romagna region photoreal scenery
- Istria central and southern part photoreal scenery, it correct errors and lacks of FSX default scenery.
102 VSQN staff

kilo delta
October 30th, 2010, 02:57
I downloaded one of Andrea Arlotti's C9 repaints from FlightSim.com). First I had to rename the 3 unique exterior bitmaps:

F_104_001.bmp -> F104_T_01.bmp (fuselage pt 1)
F_104_002.bmp -> F104_T_02.bmp (wings)
F_104_003.bmp -> F104_T_03.bmp (fuselage pt 2)

Unfortunately they do not match 100%, some area's e.g. on top of the fuselage are mis-aligned.:gameoff:

PS, I just received this mail from 102 VSQN staff:
We are pleased to announce that we have released the stable version 2.6 of the airplane Aeritalia F104S, among the most important changes from earlier version 2.4:
- Includes armed versions in configurations with various external loads, the flight model is different and close to the real model for each configuration. The armed versions drop/launch weapons are as in the real using ground/air effects, no drop animation.
- New NATO texturing
- Corrected several small errors
- We suggest you read the changelog.txt file in the folder of the aircraft AERIT-F104S-V2-CLEAN
The upgrade from previous versions is free for those who have made donations before, simply enter the words "UPGRADE FROM 2.X" in order note

Also new sceneries has been released:
- Rimini-Miramare scenery, FSX native, both civilian and military airports
- Pula (LDPL) scenery, FSX native, both civilian and military airports
- Rimini and Romagna region photoreal scenery
- Istria central and southern part photoreal scenery, it correct errors and lacks of FSX default scenery.
102 VSQN staff

Thanks for the HU...off to download the update right now! :)

October 30th, 2010, 03:52
Some screens of Andrea Arlotti's Cloud9 repaint on the Progetto 104:
It almost fits, only some white area's on top and bottom fuselage and the newly added "S" model ventral fins do not line up. I am not a paint expert but maybe some of the artists out there can fix it.

October 31st, 2010, 11:55
Andrea Arlotti's Cloud9 repaint on the Progetto F-104S: Fixed now :wiggle:


kilo delta
October 31st, 2010, 13:06
Shweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! Makes me wanna load up my sim now!

November 2nd, 2010, 08:55
cancelled due to a clash with the next post

November 2nd, 2010, 09:05
As a new member of this forum i would like introduce myself, my name is Mario Motta, a former F104 pilot in Italian Airforce, i flew more than 2500 hours on the zipper, retired many years ago but still with the live memory of that wonderful airplane.
Years ago I bumped into the world of flight simulation and was somehow fascinated also because I had to do with computers as programmer for a long time.
2 years ago togheter with some friends experts on programming, modeling, aerodynamics and graphics, we initiated the project F104, which was reflected in a model of the aircraft Aeritalia Lockheed F-104-S made before for FS9 and then for FSX.
We started with the Cloud9 model having obtained the copyright authorization from Cloud 9, but we remade the model from scratch, developing it with GMax not FSDS as it was.
The main target we had on mind was "as close as real" and we are really convinced to have achieved such target.
The model had hundreds of test flights made by real zipper pilots, both italian and german,
all agreed to say that the flying model is so close to real that the differences are negligible.
The model performances and flight envelope are comparable closely with test flight data tables and both technical and flight manuals.
More over the model itself is lightweight, no frame rate impact even in multiplayer, almost all systems has been implemented.
Since the model has also attracted interest in the foreign forum outside Italy we thought to founding a no-profit agency to distribute our works, mainly but not only the F104.
The agency name is "SIM SKUNK WORKS" and his url is:
Since it is a no-profit organisation and all our work work comes from voluntary we can keep donation share so low, proceeds from donations will go to support mainly the activities of VAAFSE
so that the "SIM SKUNK WORKS" is under his patronage.
We intend not to waste the knowledge gained in theses years and then distribute in the near future:
- AERITALIA-LOCKEED F104S version 3 (actually we distribute version 2)
- AERITALIA-LOCKEED F104S-ASA version 2 (actually we distribute version 1)
- LOCKEED F104 G (MAP model, Spanish version, CONSORTIUM model, German and Italian version)
- Mikoyan Gurevich Mig21 Bis (Croatian version)
- Hawker Siddeley Harrier B Plus
- Aermacchi MB 326
- Agusta Bell HH-3F
all models will have truly 3D cockpit fully animated and will came with originals flight manuals.
Also many airports and photoreal sceneries will be distributed.

best regards
/Mario Motta

November 2nd, 2010, 09:22
Welcome, Mario!

Your F-104 project looks very interesting indeed!

kilo delta
November 2nd, 2010, 09:28
Welcome to the SOH,Mario! It's always an honour to have forum members with real world experience of fast jets.
As an owner of your fantastic F104 I'm really looking forward to "flying" the rest of your virtual fleet! :)

November 2nd, 2010, 09:51
Mario, thank you for making the 22°/102° Gruppo Virtuale Zipper more accessible for people like myself who do not speak Italian :jump:

cheers, Henk.

November 2nd, 2010, 09:54
Ciao Mario,
glad to read you here ;)
I think many users here, will appreciate your great works! :salute:


November 2nd, 2010, 11:42
Ciao Mario...

I'm Glad To Have Your whole team landed here! :ernae: :ernae:

@ Cortomaltese

You know that I did not realize you were LUPO2? :salute:

November 2nd, 2010, 12:20
@ Cortomaltese

You know that I did not realize you were LUPO2? :salute:

FS world is small, Luigi ;)

Cheers, friend! :wavey:

November 2nd, 2010, 14:06
Really small...welcome Mario


November 3rd, 2010, 06:43
Hi guys, I get this thread to introduce myself in this community. Why here? It is simple..I discoverede posts from many friend of mine:cool:
I am Emanuele Luisi, from Italy a proud member of VAAFSE, and specially of the 22 Italian Virtual Squadron....yes...it is true, I am Zipper-sick with many of you, I hope.
I have not so many thing to say as Mario, he has already said everything...I can only add that in the project list there will be also probably a Tornado.
About the actual F104S or ASA, I would only say something about the texture from Arlotti. It is true that they could be compatible, but I can say that, as you discovered, there are some unalignment, due to the new mapping of the model and the texture modification we have done.
I can assure that with the v3 release, ther will be a totally new Paintkit for the zipper, because I will remap the entire model to simplify the creation of new texture, and to avoid the straching as it is now :cool:.

Thank you guys....see you


November 3rd, 2010, 07:02
How do you download that 104? can't read Italian!

November 3rd, 2010, 07:09
How do you download that 104? can't read Italian!

Hi...if you can wait some days (I think no more than 2 or 3 days), you will find completely operative the site of the "Sim Skunk Works", which will be entirely in English :)

kilo delta
November 3rd, 2010, 07:25
Peter, if you are using the Google Chrome browser you can translate internet pages with the click of a button.

November 3rd, 2010, 07:53

Site to download F104S (English)

November 3rd, 2010, 07:54
(...) About the actual F104S or ASA, I would only say something about the texture from Arlotti. It is true that they could be compatible, but I can say that, as you discovered, there are some unalignment, due to the new mapping of the model and the texture modification we have done.
I can assure that with the v3 release, ther will be a totally new Paintkit for the zipper, because I will remap the entire model to simplify the creation of new texture, and to avoid the straching as it is now :cool:.

Thank you guys....see you


Emanuele, looking forward to V3 and new repaints:wiggle: In the meantime I have been able to fix another one which you have created:

November 3rd, 2010, 08:40
Emanuele, looking forward to V3 and new repaints:wiggle: In the meantime I have been able to fix another one which you have created:

Wonderful repaint, Hschuit! I have done a mimetic texture of 37th Sqn too, starting from 22 VSqn livery that Pluto12 created for its fantastic F-104 ASA!

here a fast screenshot:
http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7078/2010730221026505.png (http://img217.imageshack.us/i/2010730221026505.png/)

November 3rd, 2010, 09:34
On the english site it says the plane is 8 euros so how much in dollars? I remember the 104 in the game Strike Fighters and how hard it was to fly so looking forward to this one.

November 3rd, 2010, 09:54
On the english site it says the plane is 8 euros so how much in dollars? I remember the 104 in the game Strike Fighters and how hard it was to fly so looking forward to this one.

It could be about 11$, if I don't mistake...

November 3rd, 2010, 09:58
Emanuele, looking forward to V3 and new repaints:wiggle: In the meantime I have been able to fix another one which you have created:

Yeah....I remeber that livery :), it was one I made as "Zoldan" for the cloud9 for a Service Pack, even if their model was the G. There were three grey livery if I remember...Trapani, Grosseto and Cervia....Now with the ASA version the liveries are more "Storical" :)



November 3rd, 2010, 10:13
You're about spot on there pluto. In downtown Manhatten, that will buy you a lunch time special half sandwich, cup of soup and cookie. delicious, but less than ten minutes pleasure. The F104S will give endless pleasure for the same price.

November 3rd, 2010, 12:16
Just to correct and apologyze for an idiot error i made in a previous post..
were are going to do McDonnel Douglas Harrier AV8B not Hawker Siddeley Harrier B Plus as i wrote stupidly.

November 3rd, 2010, 12:24
where did you get that photoreal Italy scenery?

November 3rd, 2010, 12:34
where did you get that photoreal Italy scenery?

search with google "mazzokan fsx" and you'll get the link to the creator of a ton of free photoreal sceneries for Italy!
good flights!

November 3rd, 2010, 12:53
As rightly said cortomalteseit...








:ernae: :ernae: :ernae:

November 4th, 2010, 06:46
Thanks Luigi!

November 4th, 2010, 06:59
Wheres the download link I've just payed for this but still I can't even see a link to download it??

So I take it I have to wait for a download link to be emailed to me?

November 4th, 2010, 07:53
A mail should be sent with the link for the download.....it possible a little delay, if you don't receive anything, let me know and we solve it......

November 4th, 2010, 08:18
Link recieved and I'm downloading now thank you for your fast reponse mate!

November 4th, 2010, 09:02
if you can look forward my purchase too ... thanks!!
Can PM you the details if itīs necessary. :salute:

kilo delta
November 4th, 2010, 10:14
€8 for an fsx native F104 is a bargain in my book! :)

November 4th, 2010, 11:45
I ordered one for me! :jump::jump::jump:

Eagerly waiting for the link now...

BTW we should probably create a new thread for these 104's as they have nothing to do with the Alphasim one.

November 4th, 2010, 11:54
I agree kiwi, is there an English manual available? Had a few flights with all ended in a crash with some very unusual fluttering on the aileronsĢ

November 4th, 2010, 12:08
I really love the C9 F-104 VC, and since this is the new and improved C9 F-104, I'm sure it's awesome. But, all of the external features which are visible from the real plane's cockpit are invisible from this one. I've gotten to where I need to see a plane when I look over my shoulders.

I'm hoping the real Starfighter pilot working on the project can get it done!

November 4th, 2010, 12:51
Iīm getting this error when trying to download the files:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 119799773 bytes) in /var/www/simskunkworks/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/connectionTools.class.php on line 231

Anybody else?

November 4th, 2010, 13:04
mmh...strange error.....try to redownload....probably some server problems.....Now should be fixed.....if not, let me know...

November 4th, 2010, 13:15
I agree kiwi, is there an English manual available? Had a few flights with all ended in a crash with some very unusual fluttering on the aileronsĢ

Sure there is a manual, it should be togheter with the plane...it is the original English manual with the corrections to match the sim-models features, but as you will see, the features not implemented are very, very few.
For example..the unusual fluttering of the ailerons you noticed, is the Aileron/Rudder limiter. The F104 had that limiter with Landing Gear up. This means that you cannot use all the stick on the aileron when you are in flight.....
Last thing...I can say...that you cannot fly "our" zipper without studying the manual....luckily or unluckily..our zipper is not as the Cloud9...it "requires" the manual :)....


November 4th, 2010, 14:45
Yeah I noticed, some very nice touches, I'm very much enjoying your "Zipper" but Let me say this is the best handling starfighter for fsx to date but also the hardest, flick one switch or pull to hard on the stick and your dead, very frustrating but also brilliant! If your a novice at aviation or detailed fsx systems stay away, but if you love a challenge then this is for you!!!! :salute: :ernae:

8/10 marks! Ģ7 too bargain!

Just wish I had a granize I think it's called scenery! I have a magazine with a chapeter called last of the starfighters and it was the pilots flying at Granize, I know that spelling is wrong maybe you can correct me, when the article was written you were still using the F3 Tornado!

November 4th, 2010, 15:17
Yeah I noticed, some very nice touches, I'm very much enjoying your "Zipper" but Let me say this is the best handling starfighter for fsx to date but also the hardest, flick one switch or pull to hard on the stick and your dead, very frustrating but also brilliant! If your a novice at aviation or detailed fsx systems stay away, but if you love a challenge then this is for you!!!! :salute: :ernae:

8/10 marks! Ģ7 too bargain!

Just wish I had a granize I think it's called scenery! I have a magazine with a chapeter called last of the starfighters and it was the pilots flying at Granize, I know that spelling is wrong maybe you can correct me, when the article was written you were still using the F3 Tornado!

As you say...."our" Zipper is not : "I get On...throttle foward....full AB...and fly".......We know that FSX is a game...but it is also a SIM.....and we love to fly as close as possible to the real...and also our planes must be as close as possible to the real one....It could be difficult at the beginning, but more and more interesting after few practice and study...
Luckily for us, Mario after a Zipper Pilot is a perfect sistem programmer, for this reason our Zipper is so :)

The Last Italian Starfighter was the Red 999......it flew the last time in Grazzanise, with Col.Miniscalco.......Now Grazzanise has no more airplanes....and th Tornade F3 is story :)....now we Have only Eurofighter and F16 :)

November 4th, 2010, 15:19
Thanks for your answer! I know that here is not the correct place to ask for help, but iīm getting the error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 119799773 bytes) in /var/www/simskunkworks/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/connectionTools.class.php on line 231

When iīm trying to download this file: FlightManual-F-RF-TF-104G.pdf
The .zip files with the planes worked perfectly. Itīs only the manual that i canīt download. Is there a proper place to look for help in this or you can help me?

Thanks in advance!! :salute:

November 4th, 2010, 15:28
Thanks for your answer! I know that here is not the correct place to ask for help, but iīm getting the error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 119799773 bytes) in /var/www/simskunkworks/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/connectionTools.class.php on line 231

When iīm trying to download this file: FlightManual-F-RF-TF-104G.pdf
The .zip files with the planes worked perfectly. Itīs only the manual that i canīt download. Is there a proper place to look for help in this or you can help me?

Thanks in advance!! :salute:

Hi...I verify the file....may be there is some problems, but it's strange....tomorrow I solve it...sorry for the delay.......
just for notice...it is better for us if you can post everything about our zipper on our forum on SIM SKUNK WORKS web site....it is easier that we are more present on that forum.......
We will give answer also on this forum for sure...but on the website forum, you will find easier some of us for a quick reply.....

November 4th, 2010, 15:28
The Last Italian Starfighter was the Red 999......it flew the last time in Grazzanise, with Col.Miniscalco.......Now Grazzanise has no more airplanes....and th Tornade F3 is story :)....now we Have only Eurofighter and F16 :)

Grazzanise, that is it my friend! Long time ago now lovely Base that was and I must say a great concert of airbourn interdiction, having the ground control radar pick up bogies, having the Panavia F.3 WSO track them, then having two "Zippers" zoom down firing radar guided missles at them, quite original and brilliant! :salute:

If I remember the Panavia Tornato was joint British German and Italian as well as the eurofighter which also includes Spain!

November 4th, 2010, 15:34
Thanks Emanuele!! Iīll wait ... if it helps i think the size of the pdf is overloading the capacity of sending data of the server. May i suggest zip the pdf file as the plane installers?
From now on iīll post in Skunk Works forum ... Itīs that i saw you here and asked for help... :)

November 4th, 2010, 15:40
Italy to Brazil is a long way lol, if it helps and we get the go ahead I maybe can send you it Flav, BTW what is your name mate?

And we need to start a new thread coz I'm sure people sill think this is cloud9/Alphasim F109 which it is very much not!

I shall start a new thread now!!

November 4th, 2010, 15:46
haha Thanks Pete!
My name is Flavio .... the ssa refers to my actual home that is an abreviation of Salvador. I know itīs a little dumb but iīm using it some time now.
Iīll wait for the official help. If itīs not possible iīll ask for your help!!!!!! :) :) :)

And i agree!!! An official topic is in need ASAP! Especially by the deep systems of this beautiful bird! :salute:

November 4th, 2010, 16:35
Not Dumb at all! really nice to know your name! Hopefully we can fly together soon Flavio! :salute:

November 5th, 2010, 01:09
- WE SUGGEST FOREIGN USERS TO USE http://www.vaafse.org/simskunkworks

/mario aka LUCE1

November 5th, 2010, 01:51
Does it have a VC

November 5th, 2010, 02:39
Of course....

November 5th, 2010, 03:28
Grazzi Mario!

A great big thank you for this wonderful bird. This is the best Zipper by a country mile as we say here!! I can actually fly this one properly without it wobbling all over the place with hopeless speed control, and I can land it (usually!!) without death! But, like the Mustang, it will kill you if you loose concentration for a second.

I can't wait for the -G and paint kit; I've done a load of textures for the CS F-104 that I want to repeat for this one. Meantime I've grafted much of your aircraft.cfg into the CS one and am using your .air file with it. Not as good but at least it's more controllable. BTW do you have plans for a two-seater?

Best regards


November 5th, 2010, 04:13
For an organisation running on a "donation" basis this is one of the most professional and courteous outfits around. Terrific attitude and terrific aircraft package!

November 5th, 2010, 04:25
Mario and Emanuele,
Thanks!! Managed the download now :salute::salute::salute:

November 5th, 2010, 04:26
For an organisation running on a "donation" basis this is one of the most professional and courteous outfits around. Terrific attitude and terrific aircraft package!

Sorry, but i can't understand what do you mean..."terrific" is not a kind word....do you mean something negative about us....if yes....why?....let us know, and we do better....



November 5th, 2010, 04:33
Emanuelle, believe me he is being very complimentary. In English "terrific" is one way of saying something is very very good.


November 5th, 2010, 04:40
Emanuelle, believe me he is being very complimentary. In English "terrific" is one way of saying something is very very good.


Hi Russell,
I suppose that, but I was not so sure and my English is not so good...I have learned something new....:)

SO...I would Apologized with Daniel, now I have understood :)......and thank you very much.....we try to make always our best... :)


November 5th, 2010, 05:10
By terrific I mean superb, awesome etc. Gee it is quite funny how this started.. I had difficulty in understanding the language on the the site to download this aircraft and I recieved very polite and prompt assistance. And now the language difference has come up again...... I mean my comments to be construed as the highest order of compliments!!!

November 5th, 2010, 13:41
Interesting how does one donate
your paypal does not except my english sign in