View Full Version : DHC-6 Twin Otter 400

January 9th, 2010, 06:44
Is anyone aware of a Twin Otter 400 with Honeywell instruments in the pipeline?


January 9th, 2010, 07:14
Only one I know of is a port over from Premier Aircraft Development.

January 9th, 2010, 07:16
Aerosoft were talking to Viking during the development of their Twotter, but I don't think they were planning on doing a -400, the last time I heard/read anything.

January 9th, 2010, 07:35
It would be awesome if someone made it. There is a huge lack of modern aircraft for FS (for obvious reasons).

January 9th, 2010, 08:00
Same here, Ian. Last I heard from Aerosoft, Twotter was considered a finished project.

PAD version isn't a native FSX as far as I know. Or if it is, it doesn't have a separate interior MDL. I downloaded it the other day and deleted it after I checked the model folder.

January 9th, 2010, 09:17
PAD don't and won't do FSX native models, they prefer working for FS9 and making ported versions available that work in FSX. They have clearly stated that on a number of occasions, so there really shouldn't be much of a question about it now. ;)

That said, I do with Aerosoft would come out with a different pack, as the -400 is actually quite a different aircraft, for the newly resurrected Twotter. It seems that Viking are more than happy to work with FS developers, unlike certainly larger companies.

January 10th, 2010, 15:45
Only one I know of is a port over from Premier Aircraft Development.

Just for the record, our DHC-6-400 is a converted FS9 model, as are all our FSX models. It flies good and looks good in FSX/SP2 with no noticeable drop in frame rates. We had co-operation from Viking, they are helpful guys, but we could not get freeware Honeywell instruments so we had to use Garmins.


January 10th, 2010, 15:57
Just for the record, our DHC-6-400 is a converted FS9 model, as are all our FSX models. It flies good and looks good in FSX/SP2 with no noticeable drop in frame rates. We had co-operation from Viking, they are helpful guys, but we could not get freeware Honeywell instruments so we had to use Garmins.


Hi Bob, my comment wasnt ment to be negative in any way. I have the PAD D-6-400 on my install and fly her often when I tire of flying the Aerosoft CAF 440Sq birdy and never experianced any troubles with the PAD bird unlike the few issues of FPS with the Aerosoft model cc-138. Now if only the CA DND would just get us them D6-400's up here, CC-138 #802 is getting aged.

January 10th, 2010, 17:05
Now, if only someone takes up the challenge and do the Honeywell... Wait, the freeware Grob SPn G180 does have the Honeywell... if only I knew how to use it and have a PC that was not slowed down by it.