View Full Version : Gorram hackers....

December 24th, 2009, 16:42
As evidenced in the recent Browncoat thread, Firefly/Serenity is very near and dear to my heart.

Today, on Christmas Eve of all days, the defacto web headquarters for the Browncoats was hacked.

Fireflyfans.net was hit with some type of spam bot/hack and the damage so far looks devastating. While the site is functional, thousands of chapters worth of fan fiction has been damaged.

Every entry I looked at had it's content erased at the halfway point. My posted entries over there included.

That's over 300,000 words I've written cut in half.

The real loss is to the older and superbly written story lines belonging to authors who are no longer active and posting. Some going back to 2002.

I dearly hope the site owner has backup data for the site. I'm sure he is now quite busy working on the problem.

I do hope Haken can get it fixed.


December 24th, 2009, 18:12
As evidenced in the recent Browncoat thread, Firefly/Serenity is very near and dear to my heart.

Today, on Christmas Eve of all days, the defacto web headquarters for the Browncoats was hacked.

Fireflyfans.net was hit with some type of spam bot/hack and the damage so far looks devastating. While the site is functional, thousands of chapters worth of fan fiction has been damaged.

Every entry I looked at had it's content erased at the halfway point. My posted entries over there included.

That's over 300,000 words I've written cut in half.

The real loss is to the older and superbly written story lines belonging to authors who are no longer active and posting. Some going back to 2002.

I dearly hope the site owner has backup data for the site. I'm sure he is now quite busy working on the problem.

I do hope Haken can get it fixed.



I hope they find the person that did it and put them in a Chinese prison.. bums...

My own site was hacked a few days ago and linked by all websites as a danger site.

Sorry about the loss of all the info and stories and data. All the more reason for us to back up everything... alot... daily..


December 24th, 2009, 18:22
Sounds like Athiests to me. No God, no reason to have morals.

December 24th, 2009, 19:05
Sounds like Athiests to me. No God, no reason to have morals.

That applies to more than just Athiests I'm afraid. Many church going folks are running around with no morals too. Just sit back and observe, and you'll see what I mean. ;)

December 24th, 2009, 19:57
That applies to more than just Athiests I'm afraid. Many church going folks are running around with no morals too. Just sit back and observe, and you'll see what I mean. ;)

Yes, Church folk aren't immune - when they act like athiests, instead of heeding the advice and morals given.

December 25th, 2009, 11:17
Sounds like Athiests to me. No God, no reason to have morals.

Yay, I don't have morals!

Onwards folks, let's kill people! Wooohooo!

December 26th, 2009, 13:56
I hope they find the person that did it and put them in a Chinese prison..

A few years ago, two Chinese brothers hacked into a state bank; they got what would have equaled about 87,000 USD. All of the money was recovered, they were found guilty, taken outside, and shot by a firing squad. Then the family was charged for the bullets, the Chinese do not put hackers in prison.

December 26th, 2009, 16:04
A few years ago, two Chinese brothers hacked into a state bank; they got what would have equaled about 87,000 USD. All of the money was recovered, they were found guilty, taken outside, and shot by a firing squad. Then the family was charged for the bullets, the Chinese do not put hackers in prison.

No wonder they are doing well, think of the money saved on court costs and tax money to feed and house prisoners.:ernae:!

December 27th, 2009, 03:01
I agree, prisons are just a waste of money!

The quote about atheists, I'm afraid to say, is incorrect :salute:

I feel for you Brian, this is one of the curses of modern Internet and a bad one at that.