View Full Version : HU Messerschmitts

December 17th, 2009, 11:58
New Messerschmitt 109 F and Gs at Avsimru.

Includes two F-4s and a G-6,clickable VCs(no 2D),and sounds.I took them out for a test run and I like them A LOT!
I don't no if these are new(they are to me)or who made them but highly recommended.


MOD: I edited this post to remove the link. OBIO

December 17th, 2009, 13:10
If it were not AvSim.Ru, I think I might ne suspect. But it still does not list the developer's name, only any author name with a hotmail email addy.

Those Ruskies like Torrents too, usually beware of them.

But I bit the bullet.

Friends, if this is not pirated payware, it is one of the best FS2004 payware packages you could get. The VC's are stunning, the exteriors just right, not smudged and under pixeled. Just dream boats.

Prop looks surprisingly like a Flight Unlimited prop, i.e. only a solid disk, Mike Cyul and the others at FU might want to look into this.

It's a great package and I appreciate the HU if it is legitimate. But if it turns out a pirated product, it leaves my system.


December 17th, 2009, 13:15

I too think that there is more than a little room for caution with this package. A plane that is done as nicely as this one, with some of the finest texture mapping I have ever seen...surely the author would have included some documentation. To find a package of this quality with not a shred of documentation raises alarms in my mind. I have the package downloaded, installed....but ready to be completely erased from my system if it turns out to be pirated payware.


December 17th, 2009, 13:22
I hit the download button and nothing happens. Whats the deal here? Do you have to register to download?

December 17th, 2009, 13:32
This is piracy indeed.

Flight Replica's if I'm not mistaking. Maybe Mike should be informed?

December 17th, 2009, 13:37
I just checked and upon comparing these to the screenshots of the payware series that is out there, these appear to be pirated models, unless someone has the EXACT same modeling style and interactive features.
Normally Avsim.ru is reliable, but I am 99% sure these are payware. I'm sure this will degrade reputation of the Russian FS community even more, but please know that this is the exception, and that most Russian contributors produce great, original works.

Can someone inform Avsim.su and Flight Replicas/Sky Unlimited about this illegal file?

December 17th, 2009, 13:41
I just sent a PM to Mike Cyul of Flight Replicas asking him to take a look at the package to see if it is infact their birds.

I ask, but have no way to enforce, that we as a body hold off on downloading this package until it is proven to be legit stuff....which I think is highly unlikely..I fired the plane up in the sim and it screams TOP QUALITY payware on all levels. We as a body should not be part of piracy in any degree and should refrain from even downloading suspect files....please do not download these files until this matter is cleared up.

I have the Sky Unlimited 109 package...now freeware....and the package on the AVsimRu site is NOT the SU bird....but it is definitely payware I am sure. So sure am I that it is indeed pirated material, I am going to erase the files from my system now.


Cees Donker
December 17th, 2009, 13:41
This is definitely pirated payware! I know a Mike Cyul 109 when I see one!



December 17th, 2009, 13:43
I'm glad I brought it to someones attention.Being there is no readme file or docs with it I wasn't sure.
Hope to hear some more soon.


December 17th, 2009, 13:51

Like them all ...


This is the replica of a "Flight Replica" !!!




I have some paywares Me and also freewares .. not sure if those ones are pirated so far .. but indeed some ressemblences appears ... but will not trow the first stone anyways .. :)

December 17th, 2009, 13:55
This is also not the first time that there have been questionable aircraft hosted at avsim.ru and promoted accidentally at the Outhouse.

Live and learn.

December 17th, 2009, 13:57
Yes it's the exact model I have from Flight Replicas/Sky Unlimited.
I haven't seen an announcement releasing it as freeware.

December 17th, 2009, 13:58
Piracy confirmed in my mind. I downloaded a repaint for a Flight Replica 109G-6 and it fit perfectly. <DELETE>

December 17th, 2009, 14:04
So sorry guys.Thought I had found a new freeware treasure.
File deleted:pop4:


December 17th, 2009, 14:08

I compared the aircraft.cfg
The avsinru :) "freeware" is pratically exactly the same of a payware called Messerschmitt Bf-109G-4 Rote 7
I have no more readme in my install (I delete all unecessary files) but this what I read in the manual provided (and also in the PDF's)

Flight Replicas Donationware

A big thank you to Warwick Carter (aka. Wozza and Au-Mav) for his help with the xml.

Thanks too, to Mike Wagner (aka Moparmike) for allowing me to use his C++ wep gauge, which allow the MW system to function.

And thanks as well to everyone else, for their offers of help and to those who I've pestered with questions along the way!

So seem's to be more clues about a pirated version .... ???

So I can delete this "freeware" as I have the same but payware :)

December 17th, 2009, 14:14
Thought so. I have the freeware Sky Unlimited Bf-109F and it's nice, but not as nice as this.

Out they go, they would be excellent additions, but if they go back, I'll contact Mike and Flight Replicas and coin up for the real deal.


December 17th, 2009, 14:17
In my mind, there is no doubt that this is the Flight Replica payware package....and thus I acted to remove the link to the package.

I have erased the files that I downloaded and hope that those who downloaded the package will do the honorable thing by deleting/erasing those files as well.


December 17th, 2009, 14:20

Warning !! (not a event .. confused .. lol)

Please read ...


Dunno for the G version

December 17th, 2009, 14:24

I compared the aircraft.cfg
The avsinru :) "freeware" is pratically exactly the same of a payware called Messerschmitt Bf-109G-4 Rote 7
I have no more readme in my install (I delete all unecessary files) but this what I read in the manual provided (and also in the PDF's)

So seem's to be more clues about a pirated version .... ???

So I can delete this "freeware" as I have the same but payware :)

Yes, it appears to be stolen goods.

All the money for that model goes directly to sponsor an organization, the Dutch Airwar Research and Excavation (DARE) foundation,that researches wartime air crashes in the Netherlands, documents the site, and recovers the remains of missing wartime crewmen if found and returns them to their families.

So this person or persons is stealing from the not just me and you, but is stealing from those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms, stealing from their families of these veterans, and stealing from a volunteer organization that does nothing but good work.

What do you call people who do that?


December 17th, 2009, 14:26

Warning !!

Please read ...


Dunno for the G version

This is not a Flight Replicas aircraft, and is SkyUnlimited's to give away.


December 17th, 2009, 14:31
Hmmmmmm, before I deleted the files, I did a file compare between the models in the above and the one from the russian site and the Russian model was 4 times the size of the above..... Still believe it to be piracy however, so in the pooper with 'em.

EDIT: Ooops, should have read the above post better!

December 17th, 2009, 14:41
I found it a suspicious package when the screenshots on Avsim.rus were all real photos or a shot of the Wings of Power version!!!:icon_lol:

Just my 2 cents there.:kilroy:

December 17th, 2009, 15:28
Yes, it appears to be stolen goods.

All the money for that model goes directly to sponsor an organization, the Dutch Airwar Research and Excavation (DARE) foundation,that researches wartime air crashes in the Netherlands, documents the site, and recovers the remains of missing wartime crewmen if found and returns them to their families.

So this person or persons is stealing from the not just me and you, but is stealing from those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms, stealing from their families of these veterans, and stealing from a volunteer organization that does nothing but good work.

What do you call people who do that?


Russian sorry, but 99% of the time, tis so.


nigel allen
December 17th, 2009, 15:29
hi guy i look as well for aircraft that crashed over here normandy i am at this time tracking down 2 p51 that went down not far from asking all the farmers around found one 3 yrs ago with pilot still in the guy's folk were real happy to at last bury him back in the usa :engel016:

December 17th, 2009, 16:02
In my mind, there is no doubt that this is the Flight Replica payware package....and thus I acted to remove the link to the package.

I have erased the files that I downloaded and hope that those who downloaded the package will do the honorable thing by deleting/erasing those files as well.


Well handled, Obio, exactly right. :salute:

December 17th, 2009, 17:10
Done the same OBIO, before you. I don't like Torrent downloads to begin with, so I ran a full spybot too. Anything out of Russia is suspect unless it has a Russian developer's name on it and I wouldn't trust that lest I was sure. Ickie listed all of China on his list, maybe he should add Russia too.


December 18th, 2009, 03:42
Heard back from Avsim.ru today:


>Thank you for reporting. The file was deleted. We apologize for inconvenience.

And many thanks Tim (OBIO), for calling attention to this in the first place.:applause::medals:


December 18th, 2009, 04:18
JMHO --- I would think that there would be a few more "controls" in place on a website that offers freeware downloads. AVSIM-RU is a good outfit, (I think) but this is not the first time that payware has shown up there, offered as freeware. I'm glad that I read far enough into this thread. I have the Flight Replicas BF-109's as well as the Me-262, both bought and paid for... and after seeing some of the screenies posted of the BF-109 here, there was something definately amiss.

Thanks OBIO, and others for quickly pointing this out.

PS -- I don't think that banning Russia from the rest of the Flight Sim Community is the answer. Alot of good freeware stuff comes from AVSIM-RU. Again -- just my thoughts.


Cees Donker
December 18th, 2009, 07:06
Russian sorry, but 99% of the time, tis so.


I can hardly imagine that this can be said of all Russians! This is no place for such a statement. It is generalizing and offending.


December 18th, 2009, 07:20
Cees, knowing Caz, I personally don't think he meant offence to Russians in general. It's just a matter that today, many, many of the "iffy" internet occurances seem to originate there.

Avsim.ru demonstrated their concern by immediately removing the offending files when notified. I use them often. My one and only concern with their site vis-a-vis piracy is that they seem to allow copies of various magazines and "profiles" to be posted which I consider a copyright violation.

Having said that, I have little or no experience with current Russian laws, so I don't know what applies or doesn't over there.

huub vink
December 18th, 2009, 12:27
Russian sorry, but 99% of the time, tis so.



I think you have thieves in every country, some of them are in prison.......


December 18th, 2009, 12:32

I think you have thieves in every country, some of them are in prison.......


No, I am being sarcastic as usual. I'm old and crusty, HD would know of what I am speaking.

But it is a pity that most times when one of these show up, they are on a Russian site with a Torrent download. Only the Lord knows what could be found on a crackwarz usernet site. Me, uh-uh, I don't go there; ever, never ever.

No offense Cees, it's me being sarcastic. I have Irish genes, you know and we are not prejudice, we hate everybody! :guinness:


December 18th, 2009, 12:52
Well, maybe one good thing has come from this act of piracy. On my part, after seeing the quality of this model, I'm making it a point to acquire the full G package! Oh Wifey, how's about I polish up your Credit Card so it's nice and shiny! (Hmmmm wouldn't order X3, maybe if I say it's a life or death thing, lolol)

huub vink
December 18th, 2009, 12:53
No, I am being sarcastic as usual. I'm old and crusty, HD would know of what I am speaking.

Most of us have a respectable age here ;) so most of us should be familiar with these emotions :d.

But who is the criminal, the owner of the site or the person who uploaded the payware?

There might be valid reasons this happens more on Russian sites, like language problems, or unfamiliarity with particular payware. However I can recall several occasions when the major "Western" flightsim sites had payware in their libraries as well.

The problem is you can't know and can't recognise everything. When somebody would give me somthing made by a company like FSD or Carenado, stating it was freeware, I would most probably not recognise it, as I'm just not familiar with their models.

A bit less grumpy and a less old Huub

PS Aeronca1, you won't regret the purchase.

December 19th, 2009, 04:54
Looking at it more positively: this community is so big and can be found all over the internet that a lot of these blatant acts of piracy can be found out and reported!

isn't that a nice thought for the holliday season??

Merry Xmas and happy new year everybody!!! :ernae:

December 19th, 2009, 05:37
The good part of this is, as aeronca1 says, after seeing how good the package is, I am coining up for the full deal.

And yes, I think places like SOH has been very good at finding pirated payware and reporting the stinkers. And AvSim.ru has the gumption to delete the file from their records. :applause:


December 19th, 2009, 09:22
Yes indeed, it's good work of the general sim community is that keeps many of us developers going! :)

Thanks everybody! :applause:


December 23rd, 2009, 12:05
Hope those pirates are stopped.

December 24th, 2009, 03:44
Yes indeed, it's good work of the general sim community is that keeps many of us developers going! :)

Thanks everybody! :applause:


It's good to see the system works...sometimes :applause: