View Full Version : Eagles are not going away!

November 29th, 2009, 00:15
Darn! That Eagle sticky thread has passed out of our lives...

I was exchanging mails with a real world Eagle owner yesterday and he asked what his idea would look like.

Take some of this:

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_1.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_1.jpg) http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_2.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_2.jpg) http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_3.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_3.jpg) http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_4.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_4.jpg)

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_5.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_5.jpg) http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_6.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_6.jpg) http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/th_n29kh_7.jpg (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y276/CBris/Eagles%20Galore/n29kh_7.jpg)

It is a fictional registration and a (still) fictional paint, but I think it could catch on. Although he did like the idea of a chromalusion black/blue base coat - which at $ 40 per OUNCE would make the plane a tad pricey...

November 29th, 2009, 02:40
Chris, that's awesome... I wannit... that's my new ride!

November 29th, 2009, 02:44
It is a fictional registration and a (still) fictional paint, but I think it could catch on. Although he did like the idea of a chromalusion black/blue base coat - which at $ 40 per OUNCE would make the plane a tad pricey...
Sheesh... now even FS aircraft repaints are getting more more costly too ! :icon_lol:

Fascinating design work, Chris ! :applause:


November 29th, 2009, 02:55
No fascination please :icon_lol: Kurt did all the work, I just coloured in the outlines :icon_lol::kilroy::engel016:

November 29th, 2009, 06:56
that's pretty cool :applause:

it made me wonder about something. remember when the color morph paints were popular on cars and bikes? i wonder what that would do for plane?

November 29th, 2009, 07:59
I remember when I first saw chromalusion paint and it was at Charlotte Motor Speedway on the # 24 Superman car. Man under the lights that paint job was trippy.One corner the car was gold. The back stretch it was green. Turn three it was Maroon. lol if a plane was really painted like this that would be awesome to see at an airshow. Good job on the repaint.

November 29th, 2009, 09:21
I LOVE that paint scheme, great job ! :applause:

If I were ever fortunate enough to own a real Eagle it'd be hard to choose between that one or something like this:


Check the nice shiny red one out on the link above, 10th photo down. Chris, that one would look excellent in fsx :bump: *hint :icon_lol:*


November 29th, 2009, 09:48
Oh yes, the David Wolf paint. I have been looking for good photos for a while, but I can't seem to find a contact address. But astronauts are, of course, "sheltered".

I have a feeling that the pattern would actually look better in a two-tone metallic silver style. Maybe it even is?

November 29th, 2009, 10:14
No fascination please :icon_lol: Kurt did all the work, I just coloured in the outlines :icon_lol::kilroy::engel016:
At last... a "Paint By The Numbers" kit for the masses by Eagleskinner ! :icon_lol:

OK then, if Chromalusion is out of one's budget, can we at least get a Day-Glo version for that cool color combo ? :isadizzy:

< Ahem > Yep, I've already got a Black Light in my hanger for my collection of posters (and my Elvis painting) on the walls ! :d

Regardless, a fun and very striking alternative to the default "rainbow of feathers" Texture.N75CE livery seen in the original LIC Eagle for FS2004 available here:


NOTE: The AVSIM download of that original aircraft was still unavailable today:


PS: Do you know of a better FSX port of the LIC Eagle for FS2004 freeware aircraft which can be downloaded somewhere ?

FYI: The only other one I've found so far is here:


Thanks for your many great contributions to the FS Community, Chris ! :ernae:


November 29th, 2009, 10:48
The LIC Christen Eagle is still available on Flightsim.com (http://www.flightsim.com/file.php?cm=SEARCH1&fsec=0&fname=LICEAGII.ZIP) There is a transparency fix there too

I see that some / most of my files are still unavailable on Avsim. I still have the originals somewhere - I really must try and find the time, but if you want the "asymmetric" model so that you can paint both wings different, then you only need to download one of my asymmetric paints. They all contained the modified mdl file that Kev Lechmanski kindly did for us and gave me the permission to distribute.

There is the "Carolls" Disco skin on flightsim.com - look for textcaro.zip

November 29th, 2009, 10:52
Thanks for that lead, Chris... I'm off to flightsim.com do some "Eagle Hunting" ! :p:

Found the file(s) !

So IIUIC, to make this baby work in FSX Acceleration one needs the...

original Long Island Classics "LIC Christen Eagle II" package:


and the Chris Brisland "FSX Acceleration Christen Eagle Fix" package



December 4th, 2009, 00:36
Yeah, Eagles aren't dead yet!

December 4th, 2009, 09:53

That paint is up on my site. Follow the link in my sig and go to the repaints pages / Christen Eagles.

Scroll down.

Help yourselves.

Have Fun!

December 4th, 2009, 17:04
Looks Great Chris ! :p:

Since I didn't see this in a "Read Me" file accompanying your texture set, I need more advice... :redface:

Should the would-be user edit this line in their active FSX.CFG each time before starting up FSX with intent to fly your new livery ? :iidea:


...Or should they instead use:


Also, should they copy:



[FSX install path]\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Christen Eagle II\Texture.VH-KAZ\

...to your installed folder:

[FSX install path]\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Christen Eagle II\Texture.N29KH\

...for a "proper prop" ? ;)

Thanks again; I can easily see why there's so much to like about this fabulous bird ! :d


December 4th, 2009, 19:25
A fair question Gary and one I keep forgetting to answer. IRIS actually put the prop textures into the paintkit so that users can repaint them. I long ago put a generic copy into the "Common" folder and keep forgetting to place a set in a new paint. So unfortunately I also forget to add the prop tectures into the new paint zip folders.

So yes - if you have a paint of mine that throws up black props, simply copy a set of the four prop textures over from an IRIS "delivered" paint.

As for texture sizes - well, this does seem to be debatable. I always check my fsx.cfg before every session and set the texture_max_load to 4096 because I have mostly that size on my PC. The debate is "do we need this?" Some say yes, some say no, some say only if you have mip maps...

Again "Mea Culpa" Gary and all readers. Most graphics cards and computers these days can handle 4096 pixel textures, so yes, set 4096 in your "TML" - but then you'll have to make a habit of it, because FSX resets to 1024 if there are any strange faults during a session.

If your TML is at 1024, then FSX will automatically re-size any texture sheet to that width (the fuselage sheets, for instance, will resize to 1024 by 512).

In that way, you always have a fall back to standard sized textures adnd will not see any FPS issues. When you set TML to 4096, you might notice a slightly longer load time and a very slight drop in FPS. Well, unless it is something like the Catalina, which has thirteen texture sheets - so if you make textures and bumps in 4096 pixel sheets, you end up with 26 x 15 MB extra to load (almost 400 MB)

So to sum up - I will put a short dissertation to this effect in my downloads notes.

[added later]

OK, I have added some "wise words" on my site in the Eagle paints download page and also in the "Workshop" section to cover things like props, image sizes and cube maps,

December 29th, 2009, 00:41
Sorry for the :bump:

but can somebody do this for CEII


December 29th, 2009, 01:08
I will if Chris is not working on it? :ernae:

December 29th, 2009, 01:46
Go for it Gajit - I am doing a HD set for the Colibri right now and "could be busy a while"

December 29th, 2009, 02:23
Very cool colors Chris. Nice work man!



December 29th, 2009, 04:12
Seriously eye-popping, great work!

December 29th, 2009, 04:22
Go for it Gajit - I am doing a HD set for the Colibri right now and "could be busy a while"

TX - oh no - in that case I might have to buy the Colibri if your painting it!!

December 29th, 2009, 10:09
Now if only IRIS would fix that friggin' beating durm noise in the cockpit due to inferior looping....

December 29th, 2009, 10:26
Now if only IRIS would fix that friggin' beating durm noise in the cockpit due to inferior looping....

I'll give him a hint... and about the other things too

Oh... going totally off topic - 4096 texture set plus new bumps - also 4096. Here's a couple of w-i-p shots with some of my own crits...

My biggest single crit is that Nemeth have not used the same scale for the wireframes between the tailboom and the main fuselage, so objects that align on a single side view of the whole heli will need a stretch/skew to line up. The left side view is after a first correcion correction, the close-up view on the right hand side is as created in vectors - notice the amount od stretch needed. PITA! One of my biggest moans about paintkits is this kind of sloppiness - just to fit the objects onto a texture sheet.

Oh well...

December 29th, 2009, 10:49
Interesting Chris - your work is always incredible - meanwhile i am here with this... Still bits to do.


December 29th, 2009, 11:07
Finished - any last comments or suggestions before i upload here?


December 29th, 2009, 11:18
I know the photos show black red and white-ish, but the bottom colour of the flag is gold. And your rib tapes are a bit too "dramatic", if I may be so bold ;) they should be shades of red, not white.

But otherwise... my Eagle hangar now has around 150 paints (with all you other chaps' work as well) OK, so there's a load of LIC paints there too, but hey - we love ourt eagles...

December 29th, 2009, 14:10
I know the photos show black red and white-ish, but the bottom colour of the flag is gold. And your rib tapes are a bit too "dramatic", if I may be so bold ;) they should be shades of red, not white.

But otherwise... my Eagle hangar now has around 150 paints (with all you other chaps' work as well) OK, so there's a load of LIC paints there too, but hey - we love ourt eagles...

Hi Chris

I always welcome your critique - apprechiated :salute:

December 29th, 2009, 23:50
I cant find an photo of the aircraft from below so I am guessing it would have a reg?? Can anyone confirm?


December 29th, 2009, 23:58
Well, I don't know, but I found same repaint for LIC Eagle II.


December 30th, 2009, 00:32
I have found a poor qualty video that shows that there is prob ably a reg on the wing

December 31st, 2009, 01:08
This should be available from SOH soon!


December 31st, 2009, 09:21
Nice one gajit. Can you update your OH-XEA paint also? It's good but some layers from paintkit are too visible.

Happy New Year all