View Full Version : repainting for fun, or for $$$??

November 26th, 2009, 05:10
Maybe I should consider starting something like this (http://www.arianedesign.com/Store.do?state=ViewProduct&product=56&category=87) too....

November 26th, 2009, 05:14
For You, the answer is YES!!!

You do soooo many and they are all of extremely good quality. I have many of your P-47 repaints and I'm completely happy with them. Why shouldn't you earn a little something for your hard work; at least in the form of donations for packages, etc. But, do continue to provide FREEWARE's as well because there are many 14 years old's in the FS world (mainly FS9'ers) who cannot afford too many "FS toys."

But, I would buy your stuff for a reasonable $??.?? amount! :ernae:

November 26th, 2009, 05:28
USD1,253.00 for a custom repaint, boxed edition plus some not needed stuff??..somebody is either crazy or knows something we donīt....


November 26th, 2009, 05:34
Ariane.... :monkies:

November 26th, 2009, 07:40
Ariane.... :monkies:

Their head of marketing is a graduate of the "PT Barnum* College," obviously.

* "There's a sucker born every minute." Often attributed to PT Barnum, the famous circus promoter.

November 26th, 2009, 08:00
well, if you catch 3 or 4 customers a month, you got a pretty good income base :173go1:...

November 26th, 2009, 08:14
But, I would buy your stuff for a reasonable $??.?? amount! :ernae:
Does this mean you find my current prices unreasonable then......???

November 26th, 2009, 08:30
this (http://www.arianedesign.com/Store.do?state=ViewProduct&product=56&category=87)

Holy f***!

I dearly hope there ain't anyone out there stupid enough to fall for that...but then again, we're humans and we come in all flavors.

November 26th, 2009, 12:17
All I can tell you Jan is that we have a country & western song that best befits that:

God is great
Beer is good
People are crazy.


November 26th, 2009, 12:30
Not worth the effort. You spend a week on a grand paint and you only sell it once... 15 bucks if you are lucky. Maybe a few more.

Do them for free and be happy or get a dev to ask you to do his planes and go for a percentage.

No simmer could pay the real worth for a good paint job, even if you took a slave labour hourly rate. If you want to make money as a freelance, you need upwards of 50$ per hour, every hour for a 40 hour week with no holidays. Half of that and more goes on expenses and taxes. If you want holidays and medicals and time to do the books, then you need to charge at least 150 to 200 $ an hour if you don't want to be working 24/7

Even a car mechanic hour in a "brand name" garage costs that. OK, the mechanic only gets 20, but...

This is a hobby. Do it for love. Or get hired by McPhat Studios - now they earn their money. :kilroy:

huub vink
November 26th, 2009, 12:39
For You, the answer is YES!!!

I think I know Jan Kees better...... the answer is definitely no ;)

Two things;

There are only a few repainters who can make a basic paintkit which is real payware quality. Making a repaint based on a already perfect paintkit isn't that difficult.

When you make repaints for money you have to make what your customer likes. This is not automatically something you like as well.


November 26th, 2009, 12:44
Well with a price like that, you only need a few customers hay?

Honestly, this guy may not have a bad idea. People spend millions on a custom BBJ. He may not get that many customers, but he does not need a lot. Just maybe someone who ownes a BBJ, but also wants a virtual version of it. Also, if someone is interested in a BBJ, they can spend a small ammount of money to see what it would look like before production. I think the airlines should do this for owners anyways, since they are dropping 50 mil. Whats a few thousand $$ when your looking at that price tag?

November 26th, 2009, 15:41
Whoaaaaa Nelly,

I hope that comes with a full cockpit. :bump:


November 26th, 2009, 15:56
Bombardier, Airbus, Boeing and all the biggies have "Internal VIP Design Bureau's" that do exactly that. I know. I worked for Bombardier on one of the designs for some Arab princeling. Huge amounts of money go into these things.. absolutely HUGE.

if you can get the work and you aren't bored to tears by doing the same thing over again but with slightly less purple and more "swoosh"... go for it.


November 27th, 2009, 02:04
I've often thought of printing up screenshots and selling them for a couple of bucks or so as cards or pictures. Or how about a calender? Selling repaints though would seem not unreasonable but there are lots of talented artists doing these things for free so unless we all decide we'll charge there's no point. And if we do what impact will that have on our hobby?

One thought occurs to me though. Developers get a great deal of free publicity from repainters so maybe we should get a bit of discount...........!:kilroy:


November 27th, 2009, 02:41
I've often thought of printing up screenshots and selling them for a couple of bucks or so as cards or pictures. Or how about a calender? Selling repaints though would seem not unreasonable but there are lots of talented artists doing these things for free so unless we all decide we'll charge there's no point. And if we do what impact will that have on our hobby?

One thought occurs to me though. Developers get a great deal of free publicity from repainters so maybe we should get a bit of discount...........!:kilroy:


Copywrite Dave.

You don't have a right without Microsoft first and any developer second. We skinners are a lowly lot, not only could we not get gum, we couldn't even get the wrapper. :icon_lol:


November 27th, 2009, 08:01
I guess then the Developers of the paint kits would only release the said paintkit to a select few.. is a bad circle to be in.

November 27th, 2009, 08:39
Usually, but not always, we try and give people who've done lots of repaints on our stuff a freebie... except that Jankees doesn't like F-15's... oh well...



November 27th, 2009, 08:53
doH !

November 27th, 2009, 10:34
Maybe I should consider starting something like this (http://www.arianedesign.com/Store.do?state=ViewProduct&product=56&category=87)too....

Yes, why not ?

The REAL question is of course, as with so many of the weird things offered nowadays on on-line shops, HOW MANY does he really sell??? 1, 2... maybe even.. errrrmmm... GASP!..... 3 !!???? :icon_lol:

You'd be perplexed if I'd tell you some of the sales figures I see on the back office database of a certain major retailer.

Better get into Farming Simulator, I tell ya !

November 27th, 2009, 10:53
Jan i do need some Mossies!:applause:

November 27th, 2009, 11:39
Jan i do need some Mossies!:applause:

don't we all????

November 27th, 2009, 13:48
don't we all????