View Full Version : And this is just the start of my weekend!

November 20th, 2009, 12:51
I thought I'd give you all a laugh for the weekend.
Awhile back at the end of October, I injured myself at work lifting a heavy box of parts. Felt something give and a strange twitch where you don't want one.
After consulting with my Doctor, he said I had a hernia and sent me to see a surgeon. Well, this guy didn't think I had one or if I do it's not that bad. So he says lets do nothing for two weeks to see if it'll heal itself.
Well, two weeks go by and it's no better. He says "let's do the surgery, but I don't know if it'll help".
After surgery my wife tells me the doctor told her that I had a double hernia that was quite obvious once he went in.
Haven't really had surgery (other than nasal before) or felt this kind of pain before, so that's been fun.
But wait, there's more.
Through last night and this morning, I was not able to pee. Not good.
Back to the hospital for my very first catheter which of course was put in by the female nurse.
You know, years ago you would have spent days in the hospital for either of these things. But no, I'm home feeling things I wish I wasn't.
And worst of all, I had tickets to see the Packers take on the 49ers Sunday!
Oh well, at least I won't have to get up from my recliner to go to the bathroom!

November 20th, 2009, 13:40
Not had either of them Tom but I feel for ya. Hope you're feeling better soon.

BTW...was she cute?

November 20th, 2009, 14:38
Of course. You knew she had to be. Couldn't have been some old bitty!

November 20th, 2009, 16:40
worst pain i ever felt was when they removed the catheter.

on top of it, when i told the nurse the doc said it could come out, she laughed and said "this is gonna hurt"
she was understating things:173go1:

November 20th, 2009, 17:26
Sorry to hear that Tom.. Hope you get to feeling better Sir.

Cant imagine a catheter. eeks...

Time to catch up on some flights in FS...!
