View Full Version : Ice Pilots

November 17th, 2009, 14:51
This Wednesday night on the History Channel, who's watching.


November 17th, 2009, 15:47
Don't think we'll get it down here in sunny FL....rats....

November 17th, 2009, 15:49
NEXT Wed. nite ??

November 17th, 2009, 16:18

My bad........ I've been walking around all day thinking today was Wednesday :isadizzy:. Jeez, I hate retirement.........the days just seem to run together !!

November 17th, 2009, 16:32
Count me in.... this looks to be a good one.

BTW... was that a C-46 they're flying?

LD, retirement sucks doesn't it? Been 14 years for me of forced retirement, and I hate it.

November 17th, 2009, 20:21
Guys, this show is on History Television, not the History Channel. History TV is a CANADA ONLY network.

I don't know why it's being touted as a US show all over the aviation and FS forums, but it has not yet been picked up on any other network.

November 17th, 2009, 22:21
Is this the one about buffalo airways?

November 17th, 2009, 22:26
nevermind....I shoulda just watched the video.

November 18th, 2009, 01:44
Check out the Buffalo Airways Website to see the birds these guys get to fly everyday.:kilroy:


This show is gonna be awesome.

November 18th, 2009, 15:01
Hubby will be glued to the TV with this one...

November 18th, 2009, 15:07
Hubby will be glued to the TV with this one...

You mean you couldn't LURE him away in an ever so slightly suggestive way. :icon_lol:

November 18th, 2009, 15:17
You mean you couldn't LURE him away in an ever so slightly suggestive way. :icon_lol:

Maybe....just maybe......
http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/Angels-and-Demons/demon-and-angel.gif (http://freesmileyface.net)

November 18th, 2009, 15:32
Cloud9Gal, we seem to be in the same boat. My wife is glued waiting to watch and i just got done with work at YZF for the night. Me want Dinner and a beer:icon_lol:.

November 18th, 2009, 16:33
You mean you couldn't LURE him away in an ever so slightly suggestive way. :icon_lol:

Now why would you suggest she ruin his perfectly planned evening? :173go1: :wiggle:

November 19th, 2009, 19:09
Cloud9Gal, we seem to be in the same boat. My wife is glued waiting to watch and i just got done with work at YZF for the night. Me want Dinner and a beer:icon_lol:.

Shoulda stopped at Dominos pal.. she's thinking right.. it was worth watching!

Couple of nice touches.. they mounted a camera at the top of the C-46's tail and one under the belly. Pretty decent shots of what happens when a mag goes bad, and you can't feather the prop 180 miles from home.

Not a lot of TV over-hype, maybe a bit too "cute" a couple of times but still some great aviation shots (maybe some of the best propliner footage ever taken) and enough pace that even my wife didn't get bored - but we both know some of the Buffalo guys.

Best sequence for me was watching Arnie Schreder coach a new-hire on his first trip through his first landing of a DC-4 (at night, no less). That's how to teach and encourage!

For those who are geographically disadvantaged, pray it gets picked up by your local network, or start looking for the DVD purchase plan when it comes out.
