View Full Version : Ain't it Cute #2

October 29th, 2009, 21:32
About the same time Caz snapped his "greenie", I caught this Racer catchin' some rays.......



As much as I love snakes, the Racer family I have on the property wiped out several nests of young Cardinals I've tried to photograph........



It tics me off, but................

that's Life.

October 30th, 2009, 05:56
i used to fish a small private pond in maryland. to get to it, you had to walk through a small patch of woods, then through a field full of grass and wildflowers that was about chest high by the time summer was ending.
one evening, on the way out, i encountered the biggest snake i had ever seen. snakes don't usually scare me but this one made me real nervous.

because the rose up about 18" from my face and looked me right in the eye.
his neck, just below his head was as big as my wrist. i think it mighta been a black snake, but i'm not sure. i saw one of those that was 6 or 7 ft long once. the snake i encountered that day, i am guessing was probably double that. i couldn't see it because his body was down in the grass, and after i was done being froze i ran like hell. i figure whatever was periscoped up for me to see was probably half of what was in the grass.

October 30th, 2009, 06:03
Is that a 'blue' racer?

They are an endangered species here in Ontario and the only place you can find them is on a small inhabited island just south of my location in the middle of Lake Erie.

October 30th, 2009, 12:06
Is that a 'blue' racer?

They are an endangered species here in Ontario and the only place you can find them is on a small inhabited island just south of my location in the middle of Lake Erie.

No, this is your very common northern black variety. This fellow was about 3 1/2 feet long ( I've seen lots of 6 footers ), active by day and hard to photograph because of their speed. I was very lucky to get what I did !!