View Full Version : Dutch Harbor

October 14th, 2009, 14:29
Hi all.

Is available a scenary for Dutch Harbor and the Aleutian Islands?

Many thanks.


October 14th, 2009, 18:03

The CFS 2 RCAF 440 Squadron used to have a site dedicated to the Aleutians and several ferry bases accross Canada.

I don't know if their site is still up as I no longer have a link for them. I did a quick Google, and the site didn't come up.

October 14th, 2009, 19:29

Yes, their site is gone, but I've still got the files . They are from 1992-94 so compared with the extremely high quality scenery and airbases we've become accustomed to in the last few years, they really show their age. Anyway, better than nothing, and still workable. If your interested, PM me with an e-mail address.

Looks like 5 files - 3.45 MB, runways and mesh. I'm not sure of possible conflicts with Rhumbaflappy's world mesh.

* If anyone else would like to give them a try, same thing, PM me, don't post your e-mail address in the forums.


October 15th, 2009, 01:09
Boatz, PM sent, many thanks.


October 15th, 2009, 03:25
Hi Trasno,

There's also a couple of sets of missions (9 in total) by Yoshi covering the Dutch Harbour attacks and the the occupation of Kiska.



October 15th, 2009, 08:37
For those wanting to make their own Aleutian Islands missions, an abridged order of battle for the attack force is:

Carrier Divison 4 (Rear Admiral Kakuta)

12 A6M2 fighters
18 B5N1 and 2 Kates

18 A6M2 fighters
15 D3A1 Vals

Cruiser Div 4

Destroyer Div 7
Teiyo Maru (Oiler)

Main Body:
2 Oilers
3 Cargo ships

This does not include the invasion forces for Attu and Kiska. Those were pretty large formations composed of transports and escort ships.

You can get the Junyo from Mas at:

http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.geocities.jp%2Fmtyjr101%2Forigi nal.html&sl=ja&tl=en

And the Ryujo from Usio here:


October 15th, 2009, 10:19
kdriver do you have his Aleutians English campaign? the button on the site wont download, Defend Kiska does but not the Aleutians one.

October 15th, 2009, 10:49
CrisGer (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/member.php?u=75732)

I'll send you the Yoshi missions with the other files, it includes its own scenery but its pretty basic and is different locationwise than RCAF 440 Squadrons, so you'll have to do some messing around with the mission files and see what works best for you.


October 15th, 2009, 12:11
Thanks Boatz, i will see about enhancing the scenery too, I am very interested in upgrading sceneries to match what we have now, with the author's permissoin of course first. Thanks very much.

October 15th, 2009, 13:08
Any idea how many american fighters were at the Aleutians at the japanese attack? The info I found is not clear.


October 15th, 2009, 13:46
Maybe this can help.


October 15th, 2009, 14:05
Sorry, that link doesn´t work, at least for me.


October 15th, 2009, 18:12
the best source for the Aleutians Campaign is a great paperback history of the war in great detail, called the Thousand Mile War by Brian Garfield. I am getting a new copy as i wore out my old one so i can look up details when it gets here. But as i recall there was a sizable air force of US planes up there but many more were sent. The conditions were terrible and more far more planes were lost to weather and crashes and lost planes than combat. It was a fascianting theatre of the war and not well enough known or recgonized. Many examples of heorism on both sides. Including a very interesting naval action that i hope to make a campaign for.

October 15th, 2009, 20:10
Sorry, that link doesn´t work, at least for me.


Just tried it and it works. Try again. Or maybe just can't be accessed from where you are. I have the info but thought it was easier to give the link as the info is over 10 megs.

October 15th, 2009, 20:14
Have you tried this Alaskan sceneries from Simviation http://www.simviation.com/cfs2scenery6.htm !

October 15th, 2009, 21:08

Eleventh AF

June 3

Japanese carrierbased bmrs and ftrs bomb and strafe Ft Mears and Dutch Harbor in several waves inflicting little damage and killing 52 US personnel. P-40's from Cold Bay trying to intercept them arrive 10 min after the last attack wave departs. Other P-40's at Umnak are notified too late due to communication failure. 9 P-40's and 6 B-26's fly patrol but cannot find the fleet--180 mi S of Dutch Harbor--but 2 of the P-40's engage 4 carrier-based aircraft, shoot down one and damage another.

June 4


Eleventh AF

A carrier-borne force strikes again as 11 bmrs, 10 ftrs, and 8 torpedo bmrs attack Dutch Harbor in several waves. 2 P-40's intercept 4 bmrs just before noon over Umnak Pass and shoot down 3. During the afternoon P-40's intercept 9 ftrs. A dogfight claims one enemy aircraft and one P-40, the Eleventh's first combat casualty. AA fire claims another Japanese bmr. During the afternoon 2 B-17's and 5 B-26's attack the carrier force, and 3 more B-26's strike the cruiser Takao. No hits are scored. 1 B-24 and 1 B-25 fail to return.

this was the offical US Airforce report from their history. There appears to be some disagreement from other sources, other sources say:

After the first raid, During the search, the four Type-95 two-seat recon planes launched from the cruisers Takao and Maya, encountered U.S. fighters searching for the departing Japanese squadron and shot two of them down, while damaging the other two, which managed to return to their ships, only to crash-land in the water, but the crews of both were rescued. So this report credits two downed planes.

after the second raid, the Japanese forces were returning to their ships, when....

On the way back, the Japanese planes encountered an air patrol of P-40 fighters over Otter Point and an aerial combat ensued in which one fighter and two level bombers were lost, but four out of the six U.S. fighters were lost as well.

As for the Raids themselves, the details were:

June 3, 1942

At dawn, which at 2:58 AM given the geographic latitude and longitude, Kakuta ordered his carriers to launch their strike which was made up of 12 fighters, 10 high-level bombers, and 12 dive bombers that took off from the two small carriers in the freezing weather to strike at Dutch Harbor. The planes arrived over Dutch Harbor at 4:07 AM, and attacked the town's radio station and oil storage tanks causing some damage.

June 4, 1942

On the second day, the Japanese carriers sailed to less than 100 miles south of Dutch Harbor to launch a second attack. At 4:00 PM on June 4 a second airstrike of nine fighters, 11 dive bombers, and six level bombers took off and less than an hour later attacked the U.S. facilities at Dutch Harbor again. More targets were damaged including some grounded aircraft, army barracks, oil storage tanks, aircraft hangers, and a few merchant ships in the port. Again no Japanese aircraft were lost at Dutch Harbor, but two dive bombers and one fighter, damaged by anti-aircraft fire, failed to return to their carriers.

A Official US Army brochure on the Aleutians and WWII says:

Because U.S. intelligence had broken the Japanese naval code, Admiral Nimitz had learned by 21 May of Yamamoto's plans, including the Aleutian diversion, the strength of both Yamamoto's and Hosogaya's fleets, and that Hosogaya would open the fight on 1 June or shortly thereafter. Nimitz decided to confront both enemy fleets, retaining his three aircraft carriers for the Midway battle while sending a third of his surface fleet (Task Force 8) under Rear Adm. Robert A. Theobald to defend Alaska. Theobald was ordered to hold Dutch Harbor, a small naval facility in the eastern Aleutians, at all costs and to prevent the Japanese from gaining a foothold in Alaska.

Theobald's task force of 5 cruisers, 14 destroyers, and 6 submarines quietly left Pearl Harbor on 25 May to take a position in the Alaskan Sea 400 miles off Kodiak Island, there to wait for the arrival of Hosogaya's fleet. In the meantime Theobald established his headquarters on Kodiak and met with Maj. Gen. (later Lt. Gen.) Simon B. Buckner, Jr., the commander of the Army's Alaska Defense Command.

Command authority in the North Pacific Area was divided and cumbersome. Upon reaching Alaska, Theobald became commander of all Allied naval and air forces, authority over the ground forces, which remained under Buckner, with whom he was to work in a spirit of "mutual cooperation." While Theobald reported directly to Admiral Nimitz as his agent in the North Pacific Area, Buckner answered to the commander of the San Francisco-based Western Defense Command, Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt, who was responsible for the defense of Alaska and western Canada. Any differences between Nimitz and DeWitt in the North Pacific Area would be referred to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in Washington for resolution.

As of 1 June 1942, American military strength in Alaska stood at 45,000 men, with about 13,000 at Cold Bay (Fort Randall) on the tip of the Alaskan Peninsula and at two Aleutian bases: the naval facility at Dutch Harbor on Unalaska Island, 200 miles west of Cold Bay, and a recently built Army air base (Fort Glenn) 70 miles west of the naval station on Umnak Island. Army strength, less air force personnel, at those three bases totaled no more than 2,300, composed mainly of infantry, field and antiaircraft artillery troops, and a large construction engineer contingent, which had been rushed to the construction of bases.
On Theobald's arrival at Kodiak, he assumed control of the U.S. Army Air Corps' Eleventh Air Force, commanded by Brig. Gen. (later Maj. Gen.) William C. Butler. This force consisted of 10 heavy and 34 medium bombers and 95 fighters, divided between its main base, Elmendorf Airfield, in Anchorage, and at airfields at Cold Bay and on Umnak. Theobald charged Butler to locate the Japanese fleet reported heading toward Dutch Harbor and attack it with his bombers, concentrating on sinking Hosogaya's 2 aircraft carriers. Once the enemy planes were removed, Task Force 8 would engage the enemy fleet and destroy it.

On the afternoon of 2 June a naval patrol plane spotted the approaching enemy fleet, reporting its location as 800 miles southwest of Dutch Harbor. Theobald placed his entire command on full alert. Shortly thereafter bad weather set in, and no further sightings of the fleet were made that day.

Early the next morning, despite dense fog and rough seas, Hosogaya launched some of his aircraft to attack Dutch Harbor. Only half reached their objective. The rest either became lost in the fog and darkness and crashed into the sea or returned to their carriers. In all, seventeen planes found the naval base, the first arriving at 0545. As the Japanese pilots looked for targets to engage, they came under intense antiaircraft fire and soon found themselves confronted by U.S.
6 http://www.history.army.mil/brochures/aleut/aleu2.JPGBuildings burning after the first enemy attack on Dutch Harbor, 3 June 1942. (DA photograph)

fighter planes sent from Fort Glenn on Umnak Island. Startled by the American response, they quickly released their bombs, made a cursory strafing run, and left to return to their carriers. As a result of their haste they did little damage to the base. But Hosogaya's fleet remained unlocated, and the U.S. planes based at Cold Harbor had received no word of the attack because of a communications failure.
The next day the Japanese returned to Dutch Harbor. This time the enemy pilots were better organized and better prepared. When the attack finally ended that afternoon, the base's oil storage tanks were ablaze, part of the hospital was demolished, and a beached barracks ship was damaged. Although American pilots had finally located the Japanese carriers, attempts to destroy them proved fruitless. As bad weather again set in, all contact with the enemy fleet was lost. In all, the Japanese raid claimed 43 U.S. lives, of which 33 were soldiers. Another 64 Americans were wounded. Eleven U.S. planes were downed, while the Japanese lost ten aircraft.



October 15th, 2009, 23:45
After the initial battle of Dutch Harbour the RCAF was also stationed in Alaska to help protect the area.

Interesting reading


October 16th, 2009, 02:03
Hi Crisger

The problem with the sources... yes, all I found in the web are two or three reports or aticles based on reports, and all are different. I found a web too that says that 20 japanese planes were shot down in the Dutch Harbor battle!!


October 16th, 2009, 07:01
the fog of war and the curtain of history :) often a challenge to reseachers..... and that was a remote area and Midway was happening at the same time...lots of challenges. I suspect that the 1000 mile War will be one of the best sources as the author researched very carefuly and was able to see unclassified doccuments.

February 14th, 2017, 05:19
Good morning,

Now that I've essentially cleared the Battle of Britain off my desk for the time being, I can continue working on several other projects that have been collecting dust.

A dual-sided Aleutians campaign (Dutch Harbor and the Invasion of the Aleutians) is probably my first priority at the moment, followed by the Mediterranean while some beta testing for BoB and loose ends are tied up there.

I also collaborated with Kdriver to completely revamp the GSL scenery at Dutch harbor.

February 14th, 2017, 05:34
Hello again,

This is what I have done so far...

"title_string"=Aleutians (IJN) - First raid on Dutch Harbor
"summary_string"=To your planes! We're going to try to strike Dutch Harbor at first light. Get airborne quickly and fly over the mountains on Unalaska Island so that you can dive undetected and get the drop on American forces! Be sure to destroy ships, port facilities, & fuel stores. Once finished, return to the carriers to rearm and reload.
"objective_string"=On 3 June 1942, Adm. Boshiro Hosogaya launched a strike force of twelve A6M2 fighters, ten B5N2 high-level bombers, & ten Aichi D3A dive-bombers to raid the facilities at Dutch Harbor, as part of a diversion from their imminent attack on Midway. This was despite being spotted on 2 June by PBY Catalinas. On the way there, most of the Junyo's force became disoriented from fog & turned back. Over Dutch Harbor, the Japanese were greeted by heavy fire, & waters void of most transport ships. Faced with this, they made a hasty assault on the shore facilities and withdrew to the Ryujo before they could be intercepted by any P-40s from Fort Glenn.
"intelligence_string"=Flying weather in this part of the Pacific can be notoriously unpredictable and change rapidly, so watch out for low clouds and fog. Over the target area, try to avoid anti-aircraft gun positions, and keep your eyes open for any aircraft nearby. We do not believe they have fighters nearby, but not all these islands are mapped. Once finished, break off and head back to the carriers. Our carriers to the south will be launching strikes against Midway tomorrow, and we may be needed further south!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Mitsubishi A6M2b 'Zero'
"airfield_string"="IJN Junyo CV"

"title_string"=Aleutians (IJN) - Zero misfortune at Akutan
"summary_string"=Our recce has determined that yesterday's attack was insufficient. Today the base at Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians must be finished off, because our two aircraft carriers & pilots are urgently needed for operations around Midway Island.
"objective_string"=The second Dutch Harbor raid was a major turning point for the Americans. While the Vals were able to bomb without incident, hitting several oil tanks and destroying two hangars, the Zeroes were not so fortunate. Zero pilots who shot down a Catalina returning from a patrol then strafed & killed the airmen who had bailed into a raft on another pass, enraged American gunners. As the Zeroes turned, one of the Zeroes suffered a bad hit and the Zero pilot turned & fled, attempting to land on Akutan. Unfortunately, the island was covered in muskeg, & the pilot's wheels snagged on landing, flipping the plane and breaking the neck of the pilot. This plane, known as the Akutan Zero, was discovered a month later by the Americans and was evaluated rigorously. This discovery proved invaluable for determining the Zero's strengths and weaknesses.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly north-northeast to reach the Aleutians & rendezvous with the other flights that already departed. You will approach Dutch Harbor from the north and destroy the Naval Air Station, leveling fuel tanks, hangars, and other targets of your choice. When finished, head to the southwest and return to the Ryujo. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Aichi D3A1 'Val'
"airfield_string"="IJN Ryujo CVL"

"title_string"=Aleutians (IJN) - The Kates take their turn
"summary_string"=Our recce has determined that yesterday's attack was insufficient. Today the base at Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians must be finished off, because our two aircraft carriers & pilots are urgently needed for operations near Midway Island. Your targets are the piers & fuel facilities; the Vals will attack the ships & the Zeroes will strafe. Make sure that Dutch Harbor is put out of action!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon, the weather cleared enough to allow Admiral Hosogaya to launch a second raid against Dutch Harbor on 4 June 1942. The Zeroes and Vals went in first, and the Kate bombers came in at approximately 15,000ft after the first wave departed. Their bombs were largely ineffective, but one did strike a 20mm anti-aircraft position, destroying the gun and killing three men. (For the two missions on 4 June 1942, I split this force of ten Zeroes between the two raids.) In reality, the Zeroes strafed first while the Vals struck, & then the Kates followed at high altitude. It seems that all the Kates released & returned to the carriers unscathed.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll climb to 4,750m and skirt the western and northern coastlines of the island before turning south to strike Dutch Harbor from the north. Your targets are fuel stores, hangars, & buildings of Fort Mears. Make sure to drop your bombs on target; our carrier force at Midway has suffered terribly & we are needed to prevent the rest of our force from being annihilated!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Nakajima B5N2 'Kate'
"airfield_string"="IJN Ryujo CVL"

"title_string"=Aleutians (USAAF) - Dutch Harbor under attack!
"summary_string"=The Japanese carriers that we have been tracking have launched fighters and bombers and they are now approaching Dutch Harbor! You must scramble immediately and try to get to the harbor in time to break up their raid, or intercept them during their withdrawal. See if you can find them, & then hack them out of the sky!
"objective_string"=The Japanese raiders on 3 June already departed by the time these scrambled P-40s reached Dutch Harbor from their aerodrome at Fort Glenn, some sixty-five miles away. This initial Japanese attack consisted of twelve Aichi D3A Vals, ten Nakajima B5N2 Kates, and an escort of ten Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighters. However, American soldiers there were alerted well in advance due to Rochefort's code-breaking teams, and were at battle stations when the Japs appeared. Their fire was effective enough that it forced the Japanese to release and flee, minimizing the damage from the first raid.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, fly northeast & climb hard to 12,000ft as you head for Dutch Harbor. If you spot Japanese planes, engage them and try to take them down. If the enemy has departed, drop down to 6,000 feet as you near the harbor & report on what you see. Be sure to note damage to buildings or storage tanks. Then climb out & return to Fort Glenn. We will be ready for the Japs if they come back!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Curtiss P-40e Warhawk (RAAF)
"airfield_string"=Aleutians - Fort Glenn (NE-SW)

"title_string"=Aleutians (USAAF) - Exact revenge on the Vals!
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! Army observers have spotted a second Japanese raid heading for Dutch Harbor! You must scramble as quickly as possible & reach the island before the Japanese can clear the area completely & make it back to the aircraft carriers. Let's show the Japanese that we will hit them just as hard here as our Naval brethren did at Midway this morning!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon, the weather cleared enough to allow Admiral Hosogaya to launch a second raid against Dutch Harbor on June 4th, 1942. At 1800 hours, ten Zeroes strafed the Naval Air Station, followed by eleven Val dive-bombers. (Nine Kates would also bomb the harbor from high altitude at 1820 hours) During their raid, the Vals destroyed several oil tanks, an empty aircraft hangar, and an old beached transport ship. However, as the Vals withdrew, they ran right into six P-40 Warhawks, who were able to shoot down four of them before the Zeroes could intervene.
"intelligence_string"=The Army observers saw the planes heading north; this means they'll likely egress from Dutch Harbor heading south. You'll attempt to catch them to the southwest of Dutch Harbor. When you catch these Japanese planes, tear into them and hack down as many of them as possible, but make sure to watch out for any Zeroes that may try to get the drop on you. Once finished, disengage & head back to Fort Glenn. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Curtiss P-40e Warhawk (RAAF)
"airfield_string"=Aleutians - Fort Glenn (NE-SW)

"title_string"=Aleutians (USN) - Catalina reconnaissance
"summary_string"=Today, we see if Captain Rochefort's intelligence is correct. In addition to the attack on Midway, a second force is expected to be headed your way, with Dutch Harbor & an invasion as its objective. You will fly a sweep out into the Pacific to see if you can find them. Let's hope that Lady Luck is on your side, you will need it to find these Japanese ships!
"objective_string"=On June 2nd 1942, a USN PBY Catalina identified the smaller Japanese Task Force about 400 miles south of Kiska Island. The plane was able to radio in the Task Force's composition, speed, & heading, and then returned to base safely. It is not known where the Catalinas flew from, but Adak or Dutch Harbor were the likely points of departure.
"intelligence_string"=We think this force is coordinated with the larger element that's closing in on Midway. The expected date for the Midway raid is June 4th or 5th. They may try to attack before Midway to draw elements of Fletcher's Task Force north, far from the main battle. If the Japanese can be located, we believe they will be somewhere southwest of Adak, on an east-northeasterly course. If you see 'em, report on the number and type, but keep enough distance to avoid either being hit by flak or intercepted by fighters. Once finished, radio in & then return to Adak. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Consolidated Catalina PBY-5a
"airfield_string"=Aleutians - Adak NAS (Seaplane)

Shadow Wolf 07
February 14th, 2017, 08:25
Welcome to the PTO Herr Rami. :applause:

February 14th, 2017, 18:09
IJN first attack on Dutch Harbor June 3,1942.

=Ryujo launched 15 Kates 3 Zeros on this mission but because of the weather only 17 planes made ( 13 Kates,2 Zeros from Ryujo and 2 Zeros from Junyo) it to the target. The Junyo attack of Zeroes and Vals had to turn back before reaching the target area.The attack was not a great success and only minimal damage was done. Only thr Hospital and Barracks were hit.

Also the P-40's shot down a couple of Dave's on June 4

On some of the runways you may have to change the coordinates for the missions,I know Talon had to fix some of them

February 14th, 2017, 21:56
IJN first attack on Dutch Harbor June 3,1942.

=Ryujo launched 15 Kates 3 Zeros on this mission but because of the weather only 17 planes made (13 Kates, 2 Zeros from Ryujo and 2 Zeros from Junyo) it to the target. The Junyo attack of Zeroes and Vals had to turn back before reaching the target area.The attack was not a great success and only minimal damage was done. Only thr Hospital and Barracks were hit.

Also the P-40's shot down a couple of Dave's on June 4

On some of the runways you may have to change the coordinates for the missions,I know Talon had to fix some of them

The Bookie,

I've already done extensive work on the runways of the Aleutians set, Kdriver has been helping me.

I'll make the adjustments on the texts...and I plan on doing the Dave missions. Some of the information on what was sent is conflicting.

February 15th, 2017, 16:02
Also part of the June 3,1942 attack on Dutch Harbor.

This mission you will be flying from Junyo in a Zero fighter.Your target is the PBY in the Harbor.

February 17th, 2017, 22:36
The Bookie,

I've already done extensive work on the runways of the Aleutians set, Kdriver has been helping me.

I'll make the adjustments on the texts...and I plan on doing the Dave missions. Some of the information on what was sent is conflicting.

Bonne idée de vous intéresser à la campagne des Aléoutiennes ; pour ma part j'ai fait quelques essais : la base de Dutch Harbor donne d'excellents résultats et les nouveaux navires japonais et américains avec leur camouflage sont très réalistes


February 18th, 2017, 21:17
I was lucky enough to test the Aleutians campaign by Talon.He did the IJN attack on Dutch Harbor and the USAAF side from June 3,1942 to July 3, 1942.Shame he never finished it becausre it was fun taking off from the water in a PBY and trying to land again without hitting land. The weather was another big part of it,breaking thru clouds to do low level bombing runs was great fun.

So Rami I will say no more on the subject.

February 19th, 2017, 02:13
The Bookie,

I don't understand. :dizzy: Feel free to comment all you like.

February 24th, 2017, 06:39
Several Months ago, a other User of SOH talks about his planned Update for Coreal Sea and Midway Missions. Im Happy to see his work, but i have forget his Name.
The Coreal Sea Strike and Counterstrike Mission poack is on of the Best in CFS 2, but Very old and prepare for a complet Update.

February 26th, 2017, 09:06

I knew this thread was around somewhere...

February 26th, 2017, 17:53
,...I assume you guys have all seen this if you are re-doing the WW2 bases in the north;

Some aerial photos of the bases showing the remnants of the bases and the still seen remnants of the layouts and emplacements;

Just a POI and FYI

February 26th, 2017, 21:31

Yes, and I'm going to contact CrisGer the next time I see him on Skype and ask him to send me his book on the Aleutians. We've swapped books in the past, so it shouldn't be an issue. The more source material I have, the easier this will be.