View Full Version : The Beauty of Decay (some photos)

September 18th, 2009, 04:17
This was my own artsy photo project that contained some extensive location scouting and exhaustive shooting period over two months to find and photograph abandoned houses, burned cars and all kinds of urban stuff left to decay in the nature. The shooting process was combination of long exposure times and use of two Elinchrome studio flashes, to get the surrealistic effect. Shooting was done at twilight hours or at complete darkness.

Gallery of ten selected pictures here (there's an option to view each image separately at higher resolution):


One of my own favorites of the set:

September 18th, 2009, 05:23
Very interesting and very nice style ! thanks -


Milton Shupe
September 18th, 2009, 06:36
Love the contrasts and effects ... great shots! Thank youi for sharing them. :applause:

September 18th, 2009, 15:59
Wow! Awesome shot!!

I love the background with the trees and the bushes. Nicely done! :applause:
Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

PS-I also like the 07.jpg one from your collection.http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/happy/thumbsup.gif (http://www.thesmilies.com)

September 18th, 2009, 16:04
That's a fantastic series there BP! :applause:

September 19th, 2009, 00:21
Thanks you all for the comments!:ernae:

On a side note; photographing can sometimes be physically challenging. The shooting gear included camera, tripod, three studio flashes with their own tripods, a lots of wire and flashfeeder battery system (weights almost a ton:kilroy:). I carried them myself to every shooting location, and some of the places required many kilometers of walking in the woods. I almost strained my back doing these:bump:. But the result was rewarding, although I'm never doing anything like this again.

September 19th, 2009, 01:17
That is just beautiful. I love stuff like this.

September 19th, 2009, 05:02
Wonderful work Pekka, lighting is surreal!

Are you taking a course in photography, doing a commission, or just freelancing? I am sure Panther and I would look to know more about the camera settings, lighting and, such. :ernae:

For some reason, I like this one, all the earth tones and that splash of color on the poster or whatever is in the center right. It just caught my eye.



September 19th, 2009, 05:44
Are you taking a course in photography, doing a commission, or just freelancing? I am sure Panther and I would look to know more about the camera settings, lighting and, such. :ernae:

Thanks Caz. I'm a freelance photographer, although this project was just out of my own interest for this kind of stuff. I usually photograph for newspapers and magazines, in other words do photojournalism. But once in a while I also manage to take photos just for my own pleasure.

These photos were done by shooting at darkness. With long exposures (5-15 secs mostly) I got the sky color and background tree/bush-silhouettes, and then lit the objects (cars, couches etc) with one or two studio flashes. Flashes were usually positioned on the side of the objects so the light better gave them shape. On some photos I used one flash to lit the background and other flash to lit the object. All photos were taken with 10mm wideangle lens to give them even more "twisted" feel.

September 19th, 2009, 05:48
Forgive my response. Generally, if I don't have something positive to say, I bite my lip.

I fail to see anything nice about any of the pictures. All I see are signs from people who deface and/or destroy others property with their ways. The scum bags of the world.

September 19th, 2009, 05:59
Forgive my response. Generally, if I don't have something positive to say, I bite my lip.

I fail to see anything nice about any of the pictures. All I see are signs from people who deface and/or destroy others property with their ways. The scum bags of the world.

Sometimes photos are more about the skill required to take them and the careful processing done afterward, rather than the subject itself. These are excellent examples of the art and process that is photography. :medals:

September 19th, 2009, 06:13
I also enjoy taking pictures. Finding the correct settings to get the final results to jump out at you, is half the battle. Contrast, shading, back drop, shadows. All come to play.

Art......I disagree. No matter who represents it.

Not meaning to offend BushPilot

September 19th, 2009, 08:08
Not meaning to offend BushPilot

No offense taken. I myself find all that degeneration fascinating, hence the subject.

These are excellent examples of the art and process that is photography. :medals:

Thanks :ernae::ernae:

brad kaste
September 19th, 2009, 09:24
bushpilot,...the richness of your pictures are truly stunning. Especially how the rich browns, grays,...and other monotone colors work together. Striking tonality throughout. In a way,....it's a bit sculpture-like in their compositional structure.
I was a bit surprised to see graffiti showing up in Finland. Also, to see trashed out abandoned buildings. Inside and out. I thought only that happened in the good ol' USA. :kilroy:

September 19th, 2009, 09:39
Wow, Bushpilot... beautifully done... impressive work of art.... :applause: :applause:

I was into photography in my younger years, the prize of the laboratory work (back then... I use films and dark room and chemicals) deprive me from pursuing...

We have a client who specializes in taking crime scene photos, and the specification, with regards to angle and measurements, and time, amazes me, I did not know you can capture all that in a click of a camera!

September 19th, 2009, 10:00
Yep we do have graffitis and abandoned houses, although it was tough job finding those houses. But graffitis are everywhere some are even "good", but most of them are just smudges made by teens.

I was into photography in my younger years, the prize of the laboratory work (back then... I use films and dark room and chemicals) deprive me from pursuing...

I used to do that also, but as you said it was way too expensive and darkrooms were almost always occupied and I haven't done it in years. But it was fun as long as you could stand those chemical fumes:isadizzy::icon_lol:.

September 19th, 2009, 13:07
Interesting subject matter ... some of it looks almost forensic ... :)

Thanks for sharing!

September 19th, 2009, 14:39
...Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
PS-I also like the 07.jpg one from your collection.
As C9G said...
I also though 07 was special because it has more elements of what it was and so the feeling of devastation is so much stronger.
Very well done series.