View Full Version : OT: Do you use Facebook or other social network?

September 16th, 2009, 10:25

Read this at your own discrestion (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/sep/16/obama-wh-collects-web-users-data/?feat=home_cube_position1)

September 16th, 2009, 11:05
I dropped FACEBOOK like a hot potato I only use SKYPE now

September 16th, 2009, 11:36
The closest I come to a social network environment is right here on SOH/Combatfs. Facebook, MyPage, Twitter...all waste of internet usage as far as I am concerned.

Am I surprised that the WH is collection information off of those site...nope. Nothing that the WH has done for the last dozen years has made sense in my book...just another clear example of how big and out of control the federal government has become...nothing at all like the founding fathers and the US Constitution laid out.


September 16th, 2009, 11:43
if you put something for all the world to see, how can one be surprised at who sees it?

September 16th, 2009, 12:45
"10-4, on the way. Could you repeat suspect description?"

September 16th, 2009, 12:57
if you put something for all the world to see, how can one be surprised at who sees it?
makes sence to me
i use facebook tojust keep in contact with people
who i do not have much contact with
just so that i do not forget them
for my friends who we discuss making a Thermular Nuclear device
i use email:icon_lol:

September 16th, 2009, 13:31
I have no desire to make any part of my private life public....and it amazes me (especially with the youngsters) how readily some folks do.

SOH is about as public as I get these days.....

Navy Chief
September 16th, 2009, 14:09
Like Henry, I use Facebook just to stay in contact with a few relatives, and friends. Anything more than that, email is used. My ex, however, uses Facebook a LOT. But that's her problem now. No longer associated with my IP address.


September 16th, 2009, 14:20
I have a facebook account by mistake, my friend asked me to see her album online. I did not know anything about it. till people on my contacts started inviting me to be their friends, and I say what is this?

Same as you OBIO, SOH is my social network. :bump:

September 16th, 2009, 16:29
I use Facebook for keeping touch with family. Except my brother and my young cousin who are driving me nuts with inane postings on every possible idiotic subject -- like the size of their toenails or how much nosehair they pluck a week (I'm serious). I keep facebook locked down pretty tight.

I am on Linked In for professional stuff. It's actually pretty handy. Unless you're an IT professional or a DOD employee, you won't run into me.

I am on EAA's new facebook like tool for aviation stuff. Comes with EAA membership. Go check out the EAA for yourself. AOPA does not have a social networking site, yet.

September 16th, 2009, 18:23
OT: Do you use Facebook or other social network?


September 17th, 2009, 06:15
I'm as much a tech geek as anyone else here but I refuse to use facebook or any other "social networking" site.

I have never understood the need for people to post their most intimate thoughts and secrets for everyone to see. It's like they get a thrill at sharing their life with everyone. I was brought up that 'family business' stays in the family. You don't share it with any one.

I have no desire to read other peoples personal problems and tales of woe. We all have those issues. No one has an exclusive on things like that. Then there's the whole thing with people finding long lost loves via facebook or myspace where they re-connect with the flame of their youth and in the process destroy their current relationship. Some things are just best left in the past.

Perhaps it's a generational thing but IMO when you put anything and everything about your personal life up for all to see it WILL come back to bite you in the ass...guaranteed. It may take a while but those who are all giddy and enthusiatic about these social networking sites will see the same.


September 17th, 2009, 07:10
I'm as much a tech geek as anyone else here but I refuse to use facebook or any other "social networking" site.

I have never understood the need for people to post their most intimate thoughts and secrets for everyone to see. It's like they get a thrill at sharing their life with everyone. I was brought up that 'family business' stays in the family. You don't share it with any one.

I have no desire to read other peoples personal problems and tales of woe. We all have those issues. No one has an exclusive on things like that. Then there's the whole thing with people finding long lost loves via facebook or myspace where they re-connect with the flame of their youth and in the process destroy their current relationship. Some things are just best left in the past.

Perhaps it's a generational thing but IMO when you put anything and everything about your personal life up for all to see it WILL come back to bite you in the ass...guaranteed. It may take a while but those who are all giddy and enthusiatic about these social networking sites will see the same.


That pretty well sums up my thoughts too. :kilroy::medals:

Silver Fox
September 17th, 2009, 08:41
This doesn't even strike me as news!

You post to the White House Facebook or Twitter account and they archive it... So what? They use a spider to identify the author... Again, so what?

The White House has a legal obligation to document and archive communication it receives. This is merely an adaptation to the modern world. I'll bet there was a similar controversy when they started taping conversations rather than taking notes. :)

September 17th, 2009, 08:42
i use facebook and twitter everyday. The social "share your life" thing is just part of what these sites can do. But you can also use it professionally. My network of friends are all mostly professionals in the entertainment sector, and we use Facebook to announce up-coming events, gatherings, etc...and it makes it easy to showcase galleries, notes, etc without having to make a website. Twitter does the same thing.

Twitter can also be used very creatively. Did you know you can extract the code and upload the "blog" into your own site (without its banner, text, etc. showing up at all). Therefore, you can use twitter as a real-time way to update the news on your own websites, etc...without having to edit your HTML code. A lot of businesses are using Twitter this way.....including my school. This is an awesome service and it's all free!

And none of these has anything to do w/ social networking or share your life. We use it for productivity and communication. Don't forget, using Facebook or Twitter doesn't mean you HAVE to make an account under your name. SOH can have its own facebook for example..... a lot of people have a misunderstanding of these products...thinking somehow they HAVE to share their lives or something by using these sites.....that is completely wrong.

See an example of twitter being used at my school:

www.fzdschool.com (http://www.fzdschool.com)


September 17th, 2009, 09:17
Wow Feng,

That is a cool site! I did not know you could do something like that?

Thanks for the great idea.... :ernae:

September 17th, 2009, 09:49
StudiVZ and Last.fm.

The first is a german social networking site for university students (said to be much like Facebook), the latter is a kind-of social networking site working through one's taste in music.

My whole military service is documented in a now defunct blog somewhere on LiveJournal.

September 17th, 2009, 10:06
I use face book for babe looking...any of you guys find any:bump:

September 17th, 2009, 11:15
I use face book for babe looking...any of you guys find any:bump:

I found these:

September 17th, 2009, 11:21
I use face book for babe looking...any of you guys find any:bump:

If you know the right sites, you can find tons of pics of good looking chicks taken from MyHeylookatmeDon'tIlookgood and FaceCheckoutmynewthong. :d

Whether this is morally good or bad is debatable, but they knew the risks. *Shrugs*

September 17th, 2009, 11:24
LOL @ Chacha!

I've got a facebook account but gave up on it as it seems that some of my "friends" post on there very hour or so and my account was getting to be all about them so I've about quit messing with it other than to see what new drivel has been posted there.

My myspace account is still active and I use it to keep up with family as we're spread out from the NC Coast to East Texas. That and I use it much like a photobucket account for my horse pics.

Curtis P40
September 17th, 2009, 14:58
NO. Good one, Chacha.