View Full Version : What does this mean?

September 14th, 2009, 06:29
Can anyone explain what this means:

"Runtime error R6025: pure virtual function call"

and better yet, what can be done about it?

I googled it and got page after page of technical information that might as well have been written in ancient Sumerian hieroglyphics for all the sense I could make of them.

I see this error message just before FS crashes. Not before every crash, but before lot of them. And FS is crashing pretty much every time I try to make any changes through any menu. I can start and get to my default flight, and I can change the weather or the aircraft, but if I try to go to another airport or change the time of day, FS crashes, often (but not always) with the above error message.

This problem has just about shut down my Golden Wings installation. I've seen it in the past in my other FS9 installation, but not chronically, and at present that installation is working fine.

I haven't added anything new to GW between the last time the sim worked properly and when it stopped working, so it's not just some recently-added item causing the problem.

Any help sure would be appreciated!

September 14th, 2009, 07:29
Not sure if that was the exact message that I got, but I tried all kinds of stuff and ended up buying RegCure. Cost about $30.
Don't have that problem anymore! :jump:

September 14th, 2009, 07:36
I Googled it and found someone with similar problems on a Dutch Forum. The cause of his problem was a corrupt traffic.bgl.

September 14th, 2009, 13:59
Thanks guys.

Some of that unintelligible techno babble I found when I googled seemed to imply that it might be a registry issue. Other indications were that it might be a programming issue, but I doubt that there's a major programming problem with FS9 or GW3; if there was, I don't think I'd be the only one to notice. A registry problem sounds plausible.

If someone confirmed that, my next question was going to be whether anyone could recommend a good registry repair tool. I have a couple registry cleaners, but they just get rid of old, obsolete registry keys; they don't repair real problems. So thanks for the recommendation for RegCure. I'll probably give it a try if the traffic file suggestion doesn't work.

Wow, that sure would be easy if it was a bad traffic file! So that's the first thing I'll check. I'll just remove my traffic files in the reverse order that they were last modified, and see what happens.

Thanks again.

Milton Shupe
September 14th, 2009, 15:28

Crap Cleaner ... great freeware registry cleaner.

September 14th, 2009, 17:06
Thanks Milton,

This sounds more like a registry cleaner than a repair tool, but it sounds like a better - or at least faster - cleaner than what I've got. I just downloaded it, and I'll definitely give it a try.