View Full Version : FSD/Hellcat Windows 7 Problem

August 16th, 2009, 07:46
I recently switched to windows 7. I've attempted to load my realflight Hellcat but I'm getting an error message. It seems that some security setting is now blocking the server communication. Has anyone else had this problem? Seems from closed threads I'm not the only one having problems.

I did send in a error report to FSD but my responce was.......nothing we can do for you Mud. They don't seem to know much about W7 which is bad because shortly the market is going to be full of W7 users. And I'm guessing there's going to be a lot of unhappy customers who can't reload the product they paid good money for.

I hope this thread is handled constructively because I'm looking for a solution not a fight! But according to current treads I'd guess it'll be closed before too long.:engel016:

August 16th, 2009, 08:24
Did you re-download the installer, and re-install or did you just move files/ the installer? I switched the Hellcat from my old computer to my new one, and had an issue with it. I originally just copied my simobjects folder on a flash drive and moved it over. The hellcat didn't even show up, so I downloaded the installer again on the old computer and moved it to the new one(I hadn't set up my internet connection yet). Same deal, I eventually got my internet up on the new computer, so I just copied the address for the FTP off of the registration email and emailed myself a link, SUCCESS! Apparently the security in the installer requires it to be downloaded and installed on the same machine. I would suggest re-downloading and installing if you haven't already tried.

August 16th, 2009, 08:27
The problem is that Windows 7 has not even been released yet, and there is no SDK for how the firewall and security system works. It is still beta software. If you have any additional Internet security software installed it will likely not work as predicted, because there is nothing on the market at this point that can be considered compatible with Windows 7. That makes it impossible to guarantee that we can resolve any issues that arise. For example, many of the Internet security programs actually replace the Windows firewall with their own. If the Windows 7 firewall was replaced with a Vista or XP driver problems are almost guaranteed.

The best you can do is shut down all of the security running on your computer. This might require starting Windows 7 in safe mode or a limited startup mode. If you do not have any additional security software installed this should resolve the issue. If you are connected through a proxy server this is typically through addon software, and running Windows in limited startup mode might resolve this kind of issue.

We have a few Windows 7 users and they are not reporting any problems at all. I also have the Windows 7 beta installed on laptop here and have not seen this problem either. Once Windows 7 is actually released and Microsoft provides the technical information required you can be sure that we will be on top of it. But until then we cannot offer much in the way of specific advice, as we do not have access to your computer and this could make the situation even worse.

August 16th, 2009, 08:49
I've shut down all security and anti-virus software.......no luck. I also re-downloaded the installer, no luck. Sorry, I just miss my kitty A LOT!!

August 16th, 2009, 09:01
Do you have aftermarket security software installed, or is it just the standard Microsoft security?

Send me an email at td@fsd-international.com and I will try my best to help you the best I can.