View Full Version : What's RealFlight's/FSD's problem anyway?

August 15th, 2009, 22:50
So I try to install my REALFLIGHT Hellcat, and it tells me it's installed on another system, and won't let me install, however it has only ever been installed on my one and only system. Since I purchased this from REALFLIGHT's own website I contacted their support, and I'm given a run-around where I'm told this is an "FSD" matter. I contact this elusive and mysterious "FSD" not once, but twice, and they ignore me, despite making it very clear that DEAN of REALFLIGHT directly refered me. Seems this was in fact EXPECTED by Dean becuase he told me ahead of time that if FSD won't respond to my request then I need to post on their forum, however when I create an account and attempt to log in with the assigned password I'm told "Your account in[sic] deactivated".

So here I am, denied support by both REALFLIGHT and FSD on an issue that is most clearly their problem, with no way to contact the party Dean is pointing his finger at. I must say I have never delt with such horrible finger pointing service in my life. All I wanted was to install my plane and add some cool new IRIS sounds to it, but no, they have to pull this. I'm left with no options but to expose this garbage for what it is. These guys should be ashamed of how they do business, but they obviously don't care.

August 15th, 2009, 23:47
i had the same problem, i bought it on the laptop and i tried to transfer it to my tower

oh the heartache trying to get my serial to re active about several emails later and a heap of smacks from them they finally allowed me to install on a second pc

August 15th, 2009, 23:50
I hate to hear that. Personally, I had no trouble with the Hellcat but I did with the YF-23 which was a minor headache until I discovered and fixed the issue just before I heard back from them. A couple of friends of mine who are both retired Military who lurk here and on other forums have done business with FSD in the past and frankly got tired of jumping through hoops to have access to the product they paid for and thus they stopped doing business with them. Their experiences made me wary and my own experiences are less than perfect. Without turning this into a bash thread like ones before, there is obviously a need for such things you've mentioned to be addressed out in the open and hopefully get corrected in a timely manner. If not, ask for your money back and/or file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau:


August 16th, 2009, 02:33
Oh dear this sounds like the old days when the forums were full of problems with the extraordinarily complex systems required for updates and reactivations. I hope FSD get their act together as they will be releasing several aircrft I will be wanting.

August 16th, 2009, 02:55
I have their Porter and activating it has never been a problem. I have once reseted the licence and it took about two hours to get new licence.

But I once did a repaint for it using DDS textures (it uses BMP by default) and the plane started showing a huge red flag on my windshield that read something like "you are using unlicenced copy blahblah...". That I didn't like at allhttp://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon13.gif.

August 16th, 2009, 05:28
I had same problem with FSD :isadizzy:
After many attempts (and ugly answers to my mails .....) I managed to be reimbursed for the amount of purchase.
In the mean time RealFlight changed the distributor and I got the Hellcat from Flightsim Shop with no problem :applause:
For me this was the end (happy ending) of the story.

August 16th, 2009, 05:42
So I try to install my REALFLIGHT Hellcat, and it tells me it's installed on another system, and won't let me install, however it has only ever been installed on my one and only system. Since I purchased this from REALFLIGHT's own website I contacted their support, and I'm given a run-around where I'm told this is an "FSD" matter. I contact this elusive and mysterious "FSD" not once, but twice, and they ignore me, despite making it very clear that DEAN of REALFLIGHT directly refered me. .


We have not received any support requests of this nature. Where are you sending these support messages? If you send your message to td@fsd-international.com I guarantee I will give it my personal attention. Under no cases do we leave someone without support.

As far as your forum login, without knowing who you are and what login handle you used to create the account. We do not have one under the handle yo are using here. And of course, you do have to wait until the new forum account is confirmed, as specified in our forum instructions.

Just get in touch with me at the above email address and I will resolve whatever problems you are encountering.

August 16th, 2009, 06:32
I have 4 aircrafts from FSD and never had problems with
or other things.
I would allways buy aircrafts again there.
Every question from me was answered in a very short time.
My 2 cents.

August 16th, 2009, 07:01
I worked with Dean on the design of the F6-F and also on an abortive attempt at a L-19.

August 16th, 2009, 07:05
Ok, since Tim has stepped in and offered to help resolve this, no need to keep on.