View Full Version : this makes me sick

August 13th, 2009, 07:07
they want to free the lockerbie bomber:

August 13th, 2009, 07:52
There has got to be a way to deal with these kind of people. Like, the rest of your natural life living in the worst possible conditions. It would have to be a kind of hell, where you just wished there was a way out, where even death would be MUCH better. Sorry, but, let the scumbag go home?

August 13th, 2009, 08:08
An interesting comment was brought out in the following link ...


Seems oil rules supreme once again ...

The tree huggers oughtta love that ... you know the AGW freaks ...

You want to be compassionate to a man dying from cancer in a prison? Cap him.


August 13th, 2009, 08:29
An interesting comment was brought out in the following link ...


Seems oil rules supreme once again ...

The tree huggers oughtta love that ... you know the AGW freaks ...

You want to be compassionate to a man dying from cancer in a prison? Cap him.


Of course, Fox News... The nec plus ultra of journalism... For people with an IQ of 70.

August 13th, 2009, 08:40
I vote cap him too. I know people that lost family on that flight and they'd agree.

August 13th, 2009, 09:47
On the way. . . de daw - de daw - de daw. . .

August 13th, 2009, 11:56
Just kill him. There's no place on earth for human waste like that....

August 13th, 2009, 12:05
Let him check out behind bars, his sentence is 'Life'.
And let us not overlook the two female members of 'The Manson Family' who want early release, one because she's 'A Changed Person' and the other who has cancer and 'Doesn't Want to Die in Jail'.
Tough............'Life' means just that.

August 13th, 2009, 12:25
i don't see how this thread is political at all.
crime is crime, wether it's international or local.
it's news, and this is "news hawks" after all.

if we were discussing how lousy the scottish government employee is who initiated this idea, then i would agree it's beginning to get political. so far it hasn't gone there :p::d

August 13th, 2009, 12:54
And let's hope it stays that way

August 13th, 2009, 13:25
Just kill him. There's no place on earth for human waste like that....

There is 6 feet under in a pine box!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards, Bob.

August 13th, 2009, 13:36
It was always suspected by the British media that Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi was offered up by Gadhafi as a sop to enable Libya to re-enter the world markets and was probably not the individual who should have stood trial. Of course the right man would have been Gadhafi himself. That may reflect the reasoning behind the consideration of release.

August 13th, 2009, 13:37
I agree that, for this man's crimes, he should have been executed a long time ago. He's nothing less than a mass murderer.

Nowadays, most mass murderers take care of the problem by pulling the cord and removing themselves from the world.

Then again, this guy was an operative for Khadaffi's secret service, not necessarily of the "Allah Oh Akhbar" kind...

I guess he will soon meet his maker.

August 13th, 2009, 13:37
Of course, Fox News... The nec plus ultra of journalism... For people with an IQ of 70.

that not true, i watch fox news all time and i have IQ of 75.


August 13th, 2009, 16:58
that not true, i watch fox news all time and i have IQ of 75.



August 13th, 2009, 22:00
This guy should have been greased a long time ago! Well, there's always hope... :gameoff::pop4:

August 13th, 2009, 23:22
yeah, makes me sick too. The law system is really weird sometimes.

Steal 10$ from a liquor store 3 times in the states = life time in prision

Steal millions or kill hundreds of people = say you're mentally unstable, say sorry, and be out in 6 month


August 14th, 2009, 00:17
One or two facts

(a) There were a lot of Scots killed in the Lockerbie disaster too. The Scottish government has that very much in mind.
(b) There has, as Roger said, always been doubt about the prosecution of the trial. Very dodgy evidence, a dubious conviction.
(c) There has always been a huge conspiracy theory surrounding the whole affair. Suggestions of, at the very least, CIA prior knowledge, etc etc.
(d) One of the most vocal of the bereaved relatives, Dr Jim Swire, who lost his daughter Flora on the plane, has campaigned for some time for the release of Megrahi, and not just on 'compassionate' grounds, but for the considerable doubt mentioned above.

My own feeling is that if Megrahi was involved at all, he was one worm out of a whole nasty can. There was so much political manoeuvring going on, we will never learn the whole truth. He was offered up by Gaddafi as a scapegoat.

Scots law says a man can only be released on compassionate grounds if he is known to be going to die within three months. They don't know that in Megrahi's case, so releasing him would be wrong. But you have to understand why.

And the hang 'em all brigade might remember that there is nothing the terrorist world likes so much as a martyr.........

August 14th, 2009, 00:23
It was always suspected by the British media that Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi was offered up by Gadhafi as a sop to enable Libya to re-enter the world markets and was probably not the individual who should have stood trial. Of course the right man would have been Gadhafi himself. That may reflect the reasoning behind the consideration of release.

Hi Roger

You are right, the case was absolutely polical, and the evidence against Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi were not exactly what you could call clear.

Actually it has never been proven beyond any reasonably doubt, that he was guilty. Chances, that he was merely a "fall-guy" are in fact much higher.

There is even doubt, that it was Gadhafi, who was behind the bombing.

I don`t think the good people in here would want to hang a man, who has actually never been proven guilty, just to get revenge. :engel016:

At least I hope not.


August 14th, 2009, 02:50
Let the douschbag die in prison without treatment of any kind, that's what he deserves, that's is true justice for the lives he took and the agony he put upon the families of the victims. God Almighty how quickly we forget about the victims.

If you cap him, you release him of all his agony, he needs to suffer and suffer greatly for the Hell on Earth he created with his own hands.


August 14th, 2009, 03:22
There are some very real causes for concern as to whether this man is guilty or not.

From what I heard there was a break in to Heathrow that day, when the bomb could have been planted - but not by him. This knowledge was suppressed from the trial at Camp Zeist.

If he is guilty then he should not be released except on deaths door - compassion is a virtue. If he is innocent then we need to ask questions about our court processes and political involvement.
