View Full Version : Terrain and coast lines

August 9th, 2009, 07:40
Hi gents.Does anyone have ,or can they direct me to some decent terrain mesh and coast line files for the China/Burma region.This seems to be an area seriously lacking in the original program.
I have decent looking scenery textures in the area but its all looking flat with squared off coast and lakes.
Any ideas???

August 9th, 2009, 14:17

You question is one that has plagued mankind since time out of memory. Unfortunately there is no one size fits all simple solution. There have been many mesh packs, many coastline packs and many flatten packs. Its a real patchwork. Add on airfield collections fit well with one combination of mesh, flattens and coast lines and not so well with other combinations.

My recommendation would be to install- perhaps on a new CFS2 install- Rhumbflappy's set of DEM8 mesh and water masks.

See this thread, Rhumbas Mesh Is Up! (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=18478&highlight=rhumba+mesh) from back in June.

In the thread Rami posts a link to his very excellent guide to installing Rhumba's very excellent mesh and water masks.

The only "problem" with Rhumba's mesh and masks is that there are no shorelines (sand and wave lines) along the coast- but even so, the improvement in appearance to the anemic terrain outside the default CFS2 boundaries is breathtaking and well worth it.

I say maybe two installs because many of the default CFS2 airfields and many of the add on CFS2 airfields that were built to the stock mesh and masks will no longer "fit" the terrain created by the more accurate coastlines and elevations in Rhumbas files.

I am using two installs myself. One for playing where stock CFS2 has provided "robustly' modeled terrain (mesh/masks)- Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and kinda-sortta in Micronesia. And another install for the rest of the world- modeled with Rhumbas mesh/masks.

Lots of guys have many separate installs for different areas depending upon which mesh, masks and add on scenery happen to cover the area.

PS Advance search the CFS2 forum for "rhumba mesh". There are quite a few recent threads on the subject.

Good luck.

August 9th, 2009, 22:54
Maskrider.Thats what I was worried about.I,ve heard many conflicting reports on Rhumbas mesh and hoped that someone had made a area mesh for Burma and surrounding areas.
I use 8 installs to cover a wide range but the AVG Im tinkering with at the moment is in my PTO install which unfortunatly also include your Milne bay and Australian air fields.The last thing I want to do is lose any of them.
Im using RHumbas LOD5 mesh whit no loss to stock or add on scenery so I guess I will stick to that for now.
Thanks for your help and concise explanation.:guinness:

August 10th, 2009, 03:50
I also recomend Xavierb eawwii_full_scenery_2006.zip (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/#download) for the South East Asia Airfilelds you will need in that area.You can get it here http://www.sim-outhouse.com/index.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=xavierb2

August 10th, 2009, 04:31
Thanks miami.They are the ones Im using for the AVG.I just dont want those airfields getting changed by LOD8 mesh.
I think I will stick to what I got.

August 10th, 2009, 10:45
.........excuse me RCC from hijackin thread for a mo:icon29:
....MASKRIDER and anyone, :ernae:
question.............how are "shorelines factored into the mix and can they be modded from the original

.......being able to know where to hang my wave tiles on would be a great bonus in the MED for me :ernae:

Jean Bomber
August 10th, 2009, 15:34
Hi all

The terrain and coastlines matched on the real world ,that the rhumba's masks are ,is the challenge and the big task that it's possible to realize for cfs2 ,but that will take some years to cover the interesting areas of the WWII, and the idea to make different cfs2 install for the divers sceneries seem a good idea ,in waiting ......
For Africa i've a scenery ready to upload Maroc Gibraltar Algéria but I wait September to quietly do it ,I've begined a work on Tunisia ,that have take some night in .....http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon10.gif,and I'm really tempted to push in the east and make a work with the desert landclass,for Lybia and Egypt ,if nobody have begin it ....
but that will be for the next year ,the rework of this cfs2 world is so huge ...but that is very exciting too... some new domains that can be explored it's a rare thing today...


August 10th, 2009, 17:33
..........:ernae:sounds gr8 JP:ernae:

.............well needed for the med, as SDC's excellent productions ran out of steam on NTH AFRIKA coastline

....found this thread which just about answers me though
.....XAVIER had the idea back in 007
