View Full Version : What do you guys think of this ( Ickie's gift )

August 1st, 2009, 16:02
We have enough money to buy the laptop, a nice fruit basket...and we are 3/4 way on the monitor....yeah buddy....pat yourselves on the back...we are finally moving forward. Henry is getting the address of the hospital...I know we have some members that live near that hospital.I have a suggestion but only want to go this way if y'all want to go this way. Best Buys has laptops at the same price we are looking at.Farm Fresh and most florist can do a nice fruit basket....we can also pick up a few flight and computer magazines for him to read. I would also like to print up the get well thread and put that with a nice get well card. A good fruit basket with all the goodies usually runs about 50 bucks and up...it depends on what ya ask for. One of our members said they live close to BB and the hospital he is at but I can't remember who it was...to be honest with ya I can't remember what I did 10 minutes ago anyway...lol. If this member tells me how much he needs to do all of this I can transfer the funds to him or cut him a check.His operation is Monday...this type of operation they usually do first thing in the morning....he won't be to responsive the rest of the day...lol. It would be nice if we could pull this off by Monday evening....the monitor can wait till he gets home. If we are short a few hundred on the monitor by the time he gets home I'll go ahead pick up the rest....what do you guys think...Mike....BTW...after seeing the picture of his mug in the bed...we need to do something with his face...chet...we can fix that part later:bump:...mooooo!:monkies:

August 1st, 2009, 16:12
It would be nice if we could get the computer to him tomorrow. That way he sees that the site is running fine. I guess its too late today. Its only 5PM here in the land of dust and cactii.

I was thinking... This laptop will not have FS on it. Does he still fly? Virtually speaking of course.


August 1st, 2009, 16:31
Jeez, you guys are really doing great! Mike all you said sounds perfect! Please, if you need help with monitor, I am willing to give you a hand. This better put a smile on his face!

August 1st, 2009, 16:36
I like it!!!
IMHO, the sooner we can get it to him, the better.
If a Member can hand deliver, Great!
I maybe mistaken, but I don't think he flies much anymore, so I wouldn't worry about FS.
Thanks, Moe, as far as I'm concerned,
you're tops.

...and regarding the monitor,
there is no sense in you carying the balance.
let us know what you need and I have no doubt that we can help cover it.

August 1st, 2009, 16:40
Great choices Mike! I hope we get enough $$ to buy him his monitor as well! He certainly deserves it! http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/happy/thumbsup.gif (http://www.thesmilies.com)

You guys are all so great!! http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/romantic/grouphug.gif (http://www.thesmilies.com)

August 1st, 2009, 18:24
Sounds good Mike ... from what you said sounds like I hit 2/3rds of the fruit basket ... :jump:

August 1st, 2009, 19:02
Hey Mike what you say is fine by me. Unfortunately at this point in time my situation does not allow me to make any contrbution. Mid winter here and heating bills take up more of my pension than I like it to.

My thoughts are with Ickie anyway.


August 1st, 2009, 20:40
I live four hours away from Miami, My daughter and I can visit him on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. We are flying to Arizona on early Thursday flight. I can bring him something, just give me the address of the VA hospital he is in.... Let me know if that can help....

Eli :running:

August 2nd, 2009, 01:40
Yepeee...this would be great....do ya have enough time to go to BB and get the laptop,order the fruit, get the magizes and a card...I know it sounds like a lot...but you can call in the fruit basket...the laptop will tie ya up a bit...if decide to do this let me know ASAP and I can get the money to ya.
I live four hours away from Miami, My daughter and I can visit him on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. We are flying to Arizona on early Thursday flight. I can bring him something, just give me the address of the VA hospital he is in.... Let me know if that can help....

Eli :running:

August 2nd, 2009, 04:17
Let's keep our fingers crossed, and hope everthing works out! I can sense a feeling of excitement and happiness on the site today. Maybe, when everything is in place we will be able to wish Ickie well "in person" through the site? That would be the greatest thing we could do. Well done, to all.

August 2nd, 2009, 08:21
OK...here is the update you guys have been emailing me about. Eli ( Chacha ) is going to Best Buys and pick up the computer, also ordering a nice fruit basket and maybe she we can con her into picking up a few pooter magazines and flight magazines. She also said she will pick up a nice card from us. I transferred a thousand dollars out of my account and said if she needs any more just let me know and I will transfer more money. This should cover it. We both went on line and found a few laptops at the BB she is near...some were in the 4 to 5 hundred range...the on line ones are cheaper but by the time you pay shipping it rounds out a little bit cheaper...no biggie...I think we can still pull this off tomorrow as you guys requested....we all owe a big thank you to Chacha, because she is the one who is going well out of her way to make this happen, please join me is saying a big thank you to her from our members:wavey:...Mike

August 2nd, 2009, 09:29
Thank you Chacha! This means a lot to us!

August 2nd, 2009, 09:31
this sounds great Mike and many thanks to Eli for doing the leg work for us.

I am a tad bit concerned, though...
are you absolutely sure that Eli is a female?
I know a few by that name that definitely are not.

jeez, I hope I'm wrong.

August 2nd, 2009, 10:03
Well I have had two phone calls from her and she sure sounds female to me..lol.
this sounds great Mike and many thanks to Eli for doing the leg work for us.

I am a tad bit concerned, though...
are you absolutely sure that Eli is a female?
I know a few by that name that definitely are not.

jeez, I hope I'm wrong.

August 2nd, 2009, 10:08
Well done Eli, I'm sure Ickie will be thrilled to see you.


August 2nd, 2009, 11:16
Bill ( Lionheart ) said that Chacha sent him a couple of pictures of the laptop and magazines you guy brought...will post them as soon as he sends them to me...Mike