View Full Version : A thread of appreciation...

July 31st, 2009, 14:47
To all library object designers,

I just wanted to take a moment and offer a special thanks for object designers such as Lindsay Watt, Xavierb, MaskRider, Sitz, and Wolfi. I've really appreciated these during the BoB rework, as well as other projects, because they allow you to do so much more than you can with the stock stuff. I love using Wolfi's piers and library objects, combined with Xavierb's warehouses, to create period-appropriate ports for CFS2. The German vehicles and other buildings are another added bonus, and valued asset.

These just give it that "something extra." :guinness:

July 31st, 2009, 15:14
Here, here Rami. It wouldn't be nearly as much fun to make airfields if it were not for all of the wonderful object libraries available. I would add Pen32Win, Gary20 to the list for sure.

I must make it clear right up front though that I couldn't design a library object if my life depended on it- at least not unless I was given a chance to learn how!

All of those object packs with the MaskRider name attached were designed exclusively by Lindsay Watt when he and I were more or less partners operating under the "MaskRider" name. The man wrote the book and discovered the "secret" of making dynamic objects.

Lindsay also guided me thru the process of making "blended" airfields.

Lindsay is one of the behind the scenes giants.

Here is what the MR website looked like back in the day, many moons ago, when Lindsay and I were teamed up.http://www.mask-rider.com/maskrideroldtimescreenie.jpg


July 31st, 2009, 21:25
Let me join in with an applause!

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Very thoughtful Rami, here's to all of the dedicated object designers! :icon29:

If anyone doesn't understand this thread, just do another CFS2 install and leave it strictly stock. You'll understand.

KH :ernae:

August 1st, 2009, 04:11
A big thank you to all of them, and also to those guys who give us the new planes, ordnance, missions, skins, airfields and even user interfaces, so we can all improve and enjoy our CFS2 installations.



August 1st, 2009, 04:38
I have said before many times in different Forum. Without the kindness of this individuals show in donatating their time and skill in donating so much of themself for the love of hobby to rest of the community is amazing.This Hobby would have died off a long time ago without their contribution.

All I want to say is:Thank you to all of you!:ernae::applause::medals::icon29:

August 1st, 2009, 16:53
Yes, without our scenery designers we would be flying around without a context. Every time I use cfs2 I can't help but marvel at the creative skills of our scenery/ object makers. Now, if any of you is interested in French armoured vehicles for 1940.....:wavey:


August 2nd, 2009, 03:55
...If anyone doesn't understand this thread, just do another CFS2 install and leave it strictly stock. You'll understand...

I don't think there is anyone more appreciative of your quote Kelticheart; for as many times as I have screwed up an install by messing with this or tinkering with that.

And what a memory your page pic brings back Chris! Between your site and CFS2 Online I wouldn't have had anything but a stock plain Jane sim! In fact none of us would. What year was that Chris? Was that '90ish? I know when I started "collecting" scenery and add ons the Zone was wide open. Any time of day or night there were always groups flying and you could so easily choose what arena to die in! Unless of course it was the weekend and you'd have to wait and wait and wait! But then the lobby was entertaining too!

IMHO I have never met a more friendly and helpful group who have donated not only their friendship and a helping hand anytime, but the countless thousands of hours designing, tinkering and fixing everthing only to turn around and share freely like so many of you have.

What more can I say but a heartfelt thank you to the old heads and the newer guys for making my hobby great! :guinness:


August 2nd, 2009, 04:43
I would like to thank everyone who's name is in that "choose author" box. Also the guys who help us new fellas out. SOH staff, thanks for all your efforts. You all give up precious time to make our lives much better.

August 2nd, 2009, 10:12
True giants that changed CFS2! Thanks to all the object designers!:ernae:

August 3rd, 2009, 03:15
Hear! Hear!

As a postscript, if anyone is willing to attempt some texture mapping of my FSDS RAF vehicles let me know. Seems a shame that my inadequacy in the this particular area is preventing my models from be used.

August 4th, 2009, 20:57
Hi All,

Thanks for the kind words, but I know for sure I wouldn't have been able to design anything if it wasn't for the likes of Martin Wright, Bill Potvin and Manfred Moldenhauer et al.

Back in the early days it was trail blazers like those guy's who really did do all the hard yards. By the time I came on the scene much of what I did had already been documented by our forefathers.

Cheers :ernae: