View Full Version : I cannot access a forum thread

July 28th, 2009, 13:21
Hey all,

I cannot seem to access the sticky 'Tailwind Released'. I tried Opera, IE, and Safari and none will open the last page. I can access all pages but the last one.

Anyone else having this issue? Maybe I need Firefox.

July 28th, 2009, 13:22
Doesn't work with Firefox either

Correction, working now with Firefox

July 28th, 2009, 13:27
No problems in Ie8

July 28th, 2009, 13:27
I can see all pages except the last (page 19).

July 28th, 2009, 13:28
IE8 and working fine here, your not missing much, just Nick showing off :icon_lol: :ernae:

July 28th, 2009, 13:29
I can see all pages except the last (page 19).

Last page for me is 10 and I can access it without any problem..

July 28th, 2009, 13:33
I cant access page 19 either ..I get this:

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/function.mysql-query)]: Unable to save result set in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 408
<META content=NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW,NOARCHIVE name=ROBOTS><STYLE type=text/css> <!-- body { background-color: white; color: black; } #container { width: 400px; } #message { width: 400px; color: black; background-color: #FFFFCC; } #bodytitle { font: 13pt/15pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; height: 35px; vertical-align: top; } .bodytext { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; } a:link { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: red; } a:visited { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: #4e4e4e; } --> </STYLE><TABLE id=container cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=3><TBODY><TR><TD>http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/image.php?type=dberror</TD><TD id=bodytitle width="100%">Database error</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>The SOH - Combat Flight Center Forums database has encountered a problem.</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>Please try the following:

Load the page again by clicking the Refresh (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=18837&page=19#) button in your web browser.
Open the www.sim-outhouse.com (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/) home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back (javascript:history.back(1)) button to try another link.
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>The www.sim-outhouse.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them (canelo_kid@sim-outhouse.com) if the problem persists.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>
We apologise for any inconvenience.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

July 28th, 2009, 13:35
I cant access page 19 either ..I get this:

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/function.mysql-query)]: Unable to save result set in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 408
<META content=NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW,NOARCHIVE name=ROBOTS><STYLE type=text/css> <!-- body { background-color: white; color: black; } #container { width: 400px; } #message { width: 400px; color: black; background-color: #FFFFCC; } #bodytitle { font: 13pt/15pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; height: 35px; vertical-align: top; } .bodytext { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; } a:link { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: red; } a:visited { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: #4e4e4e; } --> </STYLE><TABLE id=container cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=3><TBODY><TR><TD>http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/image.php?type=dberror</TD><TD id=bodytitle width="100%">Database error</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>The SOH - Combat Flight Center Forums database has encountered a problem.</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>Please try the following:

Load the page again by clicking the Refresh (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=18837&page=19#) button in your web browser.
Open the www.sim-outhouse.com (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/) home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back (javascript:history.back(1)) button to try another link.
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>The www.sim-outhouse.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them (canelo_kid@sim-outhouse.com) if the problem persists.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=2>
We apologise for any inconvenience.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Thats what I get with all 3 of my browsers.

Ok, well.. its not just me then. No worries.

I hope all is going well in the Tailwind Forum. If there is a problem with anything, just IM me.


July 28th, 2009, 13:36
I cannot see page 19 either
there are still a few problems with the site
ie no downloads no attachments
working on it
or worse comes to worse wait for Ickie
just have patience

July 28th, 2009, 14:01
Same problem with me

And that happens while I'm waiting for news on bushpilot's black/white W10 :confused:


Nick C
July 28th, 2009, 14:43
Aye stiz is right, page 19 contains a post I gave up on and posted in the Cessnock thread instead. I didn't think it had posted, but it seems it's there in the SOH void. It might be worth starting a new Tailwind thread Bill?

July 28th, 2009, 14:49
Well the page 10 I can see has posts on it from July 23rd (when the server was down to 2 more posts; one yesterday and one today. The business with what page one sees may be down to you preferences; how many threads per page you opt for.

July 28th, 2009, 16:05
The database error is a server error, and not browser-dependent. If you're able to see the last page, you probably need to clear your browser cache. Ickie warned that there would be some details to clean up with the forums; this must be one of 'em.

July 28th, 2009, 16:25
Well what we did was try out a new blocking system...I guess it must be working cus y'all can't get in...lol If you really wanna see page nineteen please donate 100.00 to get a free pass. :monkies:

July 28th, 2009, 16:58
Well what we did was try out a new blocking system...I guess it must be working cus y'all can't get in...lol If you really wanna see page nineteen please donate 100.00 to get a free pass. :monkies:
and what do we get?
even the sun has nekid babes on page3
so what do we get for $100.00
on page 19
guys an gals i think this is a scam
i dont trust this at all

July 28th, 2009, 17:04
I cannot access either. I tried 'bumping' the thread yesterday, but that did not work either.

July 28th, 2009, 18:54
and what do we get?
even the sun has nekid babes on page3
so what do we get for $100.00
on page 19
guys an gals i think this is a scam
i dont trust this at all


Marvin Carter
July 28th, 2009, 21:22
I cant access Add-ons?

July 28th, 2009, 23:30
guys an gals i think this is a scam
AVG reports a virus :a1310:

July 28th, 2009, 23:51
I wouldn't trust on anything that AVG reports. That antivirus has a false positive written all over it.

even the sun has nekid babes on page3
so what do we get for $100.00

If someone donates me 100€ I can guarantee there will be nekkid babes on the page1 of every thread I start.

July 29th, 2009, 00:31
OK to show you guys how nice I can be. I decided to give y'all a one time discount of 50.00.....so just send me 50 bucks....forget dat Henry dude....I don't claim him :bump:

July 29th, 2009, 01:05
OK to show you guys how nice I can be. I decided to give y'all a one time discount of 50.00.....so just send me 50 bucks....forget dat Henry dude....I don't claim him :bump:

LOL To think that H dude is trying to cut your action...Geese..Man..Whats a guy to do to earn a living these days? :173go1: