View Full Version : Best aircraft I never fly. . . .anymore

July 21st, 2009, 05:38
I know, somewhere, there's a thread that answered this, or at least gave some options, but I don't see it now. The Wilco Publishing "Tilt Rotor" with Rob Barendregt's superb new VTOL system is a beauty but also a severe frame hog in FSX, due in large part, if I remember right, to the glass cockpit. I just spent a few days going over tweaks posted some time back by Nick Needham to get my system and FSX running better and they improved the way FSX runs significantly, but I reinstalled the TR last evening to enjoy some flight time and immediately dropped from around 22fps to 6fps. The only time it went any higher after that was if I was in Tower View, lol.

Anyone still fly that bird and if so are you seeing the same problems?

July 21st, 2009, 06:18
I still fly it from time to time. The VTOL is perfect from a non-pilot point-of-view.

I had the same frame-rate problem of 6 FPS when I was still running limited FPS, but now that I'm running it unlimited, it's usually in the teens, which is OK for me.

July 21st, 2009, 14:36
If frames are a problem, you can swap out the gauge sets for stocks. Rob did this himself when testing for us. Yes glass cockpits are a nightmare but the client's market demanded them. Do try unlimited on the frame rates setting anyway, it does improve things quite a bit.:engel016:

July 21st, 2009, 14:58
I've been butting my head against my rig for a months trying to get Robs VTOL to work with no success. nada on the wilco, Alpha V-22, IRIS F-35, or any of the freeware tilts or VTOLS. FSX on VISTA. No soap. I see about 9.5 tp 22 fps for the wilco 609, depending on terrain, though even at 8-9 FPS its relativly smooth and very flyable.

July 21st, 2009, 17:17
I've been butting my head against my rig for a months trying to get Robs VTOL to work with no success. nada on the wilco, Alpha V-22, IRIS F-35, or any of the freeware tilts or VTOLS. FSX on VISTA. No soap. I see about 9.5 tp 22 fps for the wilco 609, depending on terrain, though even at 8-9 FPS its relativly smooth and very flyable.
My rig uses a CHPro Throttle and a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick. I setup the throttle slider on the joystick to handle the Prop Pitch Axis. . .in this way, sitting on the rwy or ramp, I can throttle up with the CH Throttle, then using only the throttle slider on the joystick, go to hover effortlessly. I can set a hover at any altitude and hold it using that setup. . .it's beautiful.

As the for the suggestion to set the FPS at unlimited. . .that's where I always have it set, so that drop from 20 to 6 in the TR is with it set to unlimited.

July 21st, 2009, 21:01
I've been butting my head against my rig for a months trying to get Robs VTOL to work with no success. nada on the wilco, Alpha V-22, IRIS F-35, or any of the freeware tilts or VTOLS. FSX on VISTA. No soap. I see about 9.5 tp 22 fps for the wilco 609, depending on terrain, though even at 8-9 FPS its relativly smooth and very flyable.

Hate stating the obvious but you do have FSUIPC installed OK?:engel016:

July 21st, 2009, 21:25
Hum, my USCG tilt rotor is getting 25fps fliud all sliders right with Ultimate traffic, UTX, ASA,REX. FSX is a weird critter.

July 21st, 2009, 23:24
I bet its FSUIPC because I had that same problem a while back. I was trying to install the gauge for the Alpha V-22 and had forgotten to install FSUIPC. It took me a while to figure out but eventuelly I did.

July 22nd, 2009, 00:36
As the for the suggestion to set the FPS at unlimited. . .that's where I always have it set, so that drop from 20 to 6 in the TR is with it set to unlimited.

Since it is already unlimited, maybe you need to check what other reasons contribute to the frame rate drop. Try flying with the glass panel off. You can turn off everything by turning off the battery. Another FPS eater is your scenery. Try to fly it in Antarctica and see how much FPS your scenery takes.

Nick C (try to search for it) has a good guide on optimizing your FSX settings. It helped me a lot, too. Of course, there is no running away from having a reasonably powerful CPU. I'm using a 2.5GHz (overclocked) Athlon 64 X2 running WinXP.

July 22nd, 2009, 04:24
Since it is already unlimited, maybe you need to check what other reasons contribute to the frame rate drop. Try flying with the glass panel off. You can turn off everything by turning off the battery. Another FPS eater is your scenery. Try to fly it in Antarctica and see how much FPS your scenery takes.

Nick C (try to search for it) has a good guide on optimizing your FSX settings. It helped me a lot, too. Of course, there is no running away from having a reasonably powerful CPU. I'm using a 2.5GHz (overclocked) Athlon 64 X2 running WinXP.
Yep, done all that and actually, after having flown this airplane when it first came out I was already aware that the glass cockpit was the culprit, I was just hoping maybe someone had found a way to tame it. Looks like I'll be doing some major panel changes to get this thing flyable.

I already went through Nick's FSX Tweaks a few weeks ago and it actually made a big difference, that's how I was able to go from the low teens and single digits to the low 20's in FPS.

Thanks for all the suggestion on this. I'm just going to have to find some simple gauges to replace the complex stuff in the TR so I can fly it normally.

July 22nd, 2009, 04:30
Falcon409, what happens if you disable the "high definition virtual cockpit" option in the graphic options of the game ?
For example, with the freeware Super Hornet, this manipulation doesn't reduce the quatliy so much, but increases the FPS dramatically. Could be worth a try with that tilt-rotor ?