View Full Version : Scenery Placement

July 4th, 2009, 20:46
This is Ocean Island, and the runway is not in the right place.

Is there a way to move this stock airport to the correct landmass?

July 5th, 2009, 00:08

Which mesh are you using? I know that using Rhumbafloppy's new world mesh can cause issues with the stock scenery because his mesh is far more accurate than the stock stuff MS through together. The stock air fields are quite often not even close to being where they should be, and when Rhumbafloppy's mesh is used and the land is put into the proper place, you end up with some runways out in the middle of the ocean.

Not sure if the stock scenery can be relocated or if it will have to be recreated to fit the new mesh. I am not a scenery person...I have managed to produce some so so airports using FSSC, but they are just basic GA airports that I used to do my GA flying before I got FS2004.


July 5th, 2009, 05:45
I'm using Rhumbafloppy's mesh of course. I figured this is why the runway is in the wrong place. I guess I was hoping I could change the coordinates in a xml or something similar and relocate by changing a few numbers. Otherwise how would I erase the original and can I use FSSC and AFCAD or is there a better program for airports creation?
Also are there any programs where I could place scenery objects in game?

July 5th, 2009, 07:47
Hi Tobob,

You can do it by disassembling the following two files using BGLAnalyze.exe:

cfsafd.bgl found here: \Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2\SCENEDB\afdfiles\scenery;

allrunways.bgl found here: \Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2\SCENEDB\runways\scenery.

You can then edit the .sca files using notepad, changing the co-ordinates.

Use SCASM to reassemble the BGLs in Command Prompt.

Good luck,

July 5th, 2009, 08:32
Use FSSC to create an A16 Exclude- that will get rid of the runway. Use GSL tools to dump all of the stock Ocean Island scenery objects. Use G2K and FSSC to create a new Ocean Island.

Either that or only use Rhumba's mesh/masks whe you are flying in those parts of the CFS2 PTO that MS left unfinished and without any stock airfields in the first place.