View Full Version : For those of you in the northeast US...

June 18th, 2009, 16:33
you should give this custom New York State landclass a look:


I installed it tonight and have been flying around my usual haunts of upstate NY and it looks fantastic. Many small villages are rendered much better than they were previously. So far, I'm impressed.


June 18th, 2009, 16:45
Does this landclass work well with the airports that you've done in NY?

June 18th, 2009, 16:53
Excellent piece of work, and highly recommended.

Hats off to Larry.

June 18th, 2009, 17:37
Does this landclass work well with the airports that you've done in NY?

It should. Most of the changes I made are confined to the airport proper, so there shouldn't be any conflict with the surrounding landclass.

There's a minor issue at Fulton County, because I placed a water tower and beacon off the airport property. With FSGenesis they are in open field as they should be. With the Low 'n Slow landclass they are in woods, but that's minor, they're still visible from the ground.

Albany (KALB) looks better, the tall buildings around it and in the approach to Runway 1 aren't there anymore.


June 18th, 2009, 19:09
As a Phillies/Eagles/Flyers fan, I take exception to the idea that I should care about New York-related evils just because I'm in the Northeast...

It is very impressive, though. Well done!

Now, if only there were some Delaware Valley scenery around...

June 18th, 2009, 19:42
As a Phillies/Eagles/Flyers fan, I take exception to the idea that I should care about New York-related evils just because I'm in the Northeast...

as an eagles fan your tear ducts must work alot of o/t :icon_lol:

June 18th, 2009, 20:41
Thank God finally some attention given to Central/Western NY!

June 19th, 2009, 11:20
as an eagles fan your tear ducts must work alot of o/t :icon_lol:

No, we stick with the usual refrain: There's always next year. Been saying that for a while, now...

In any case, until October at worst, we're still the "World Champions, World Ph(reak)ing Champions"! :p: