View Full Version : Plane Design Spitfires

May 16th, 2009, 23:16
What has happened with the MK VIII PD Spitfires?

Have they officially been canned. I have the MKIV/XVI Spits but have heard nothing about the new ones for a long time now and was wondering what has happened.


May 16th, 2009, 23:44
They haven't been canned, but real life has gotten in the way. We're working on "stuff", albeit at a slow pace. I'm hoping things pick up as the year goes on, as I've been moving, but I had to build an addition first. Plus my PC died and I have the new one I'm building.

Also, Ed has had his new full time job to deal with and he has a family now, so getting some spare time tends to be difficult. However, I can say Ed has made some progress on some new stuff. But that's all I can really say atm.

We're still here and kicking, just slowed down by real life, that's all.

May 19th, 2009, 09:19
She flies very nicely in FSX. A little fiddling with alpha channels has fixed the canopy & prop, but there MUST be someone cleverer than me out there who could sort out the gauges.....