View Full Version : AS Twin Otter on Sale!

May 15th, 2009, 07:27
I received a email today stating that theAerosoft DHC Twin Otter is on sale for twentyfour hours at 40% off. I am interested in this plane and would some feed back on how well you like this aircraft. The email came from pc aviator.

May 15th, 2009, 07:28
20 bucks through PC Aviator

Good deal


I just bought it, I will let you know how it is

update: purchase process easy and quick, serial sent to my email, in order to install the product you need to "register" through AS, very easy no issues there.

May 15th, 2009, 07:48
I bought the AS Twotter X back when they first released it for FSX. I paid full price for it and absolutely love it. It was my favorite plane from the day I bought it until the day I bought Lionheart's Kodiak for FSX, which has moved into my number 1 favorite spot. AS's Twotter is a great plane at full retail price, is loads of fun, and I've spent countless hours in it. Well worth the full retail price (in my opinion), so any sale on it sounds like a good deal, but $20 for it sounds like a steal to me.


May 15th, 2009, 07:59
I got it as a review copy and it very quickly rose to number one spot in my "most flown" list by hours (I love that little utility that tells you all this stuff...) - for twenty bucks, I'd say grab it if you haven't already.

Obligatory plug here or Nick'll kill me: http://www.screenshotartist.co.uk/aerosoft_twotter_review.htm ;)

May 15th, 2009, 08:02
Ok, I like it, it's a good deal for 20 bucks. Not sure if its worth the 35 or not...

Very FPS friendly, good exterior model, VC is decent, somewhat basic but you can expect a lot for the price. The radios also come in a more modern outfit, I cant figure out how to work the GPS yet, need to read the manual i spose.

The VC night lighting is average the instruments come on automatically at night and it looks alright, then you can put the dome light on and it is way too bright.

Sounds are average. Handling is good the thing is a little touch around the X axis, but overall cruises well around 140-160 kts.

Here's some pics








May 15th, 2009, 08:02
I love the Twotter. It's my second favorite aircraft, right behind Lionheart's Kodiak. The twotter has excellent interior and exterior models, is pretty easy on the framerate, has great flight modelling (this is my opinion, of course, as I've never ridden in a Twotter in real life, and am not a RW pilot, so my statement on it's flight model is based on how I think that aircraft like would handle, and not based on any real-world experience). It also includes several paints and model variations, including floats and skis (note that there is not an amphibian in the package, which is a disappointment to me, but not a deal breaker by any means.) The biggest complaint I've seen that some people have with it is that the nose of the aircraft is not visible from the VC. From what I've read since that topic has come up, it seems that it's very difficult to see the nose from within the cockpit of a real Twotter, so this as well, is not a big deal and may actually be more accurate.

If you like STOL aircraft with a lot of versatility, it's hard to go wrong with this plane at $20 (which is what I believe the price is based on the other thread on this topic here at SOH.) I personally love it and have no regrets buying it at full price. I feel like at $20, this is a really great deal.

Hope this information is helpful to you, and good luck in whatever you decide. :)


May 15th, 2009, 08:16
I like it allot, but for me, it has somewhat a narrow use, albeit I have 36 hours in it in FSX.

The last time I used it quite a bit was a tour through-out Europe including Norway/Sweden. Then used it to come back 'across the pond' as far as Iceland.

-Frame rate friendly and simply enough not to to get bogged down in procedures....no A2A B377, as example. -Instrumentation (more radios than gauges) is a bit too 'FSX stockish' for my liking, but I found out I could use Friendly Panels 'Nav Pack' units within this aircraft to be much more to my liking.-Great performer and nice to have it's STOL capabilities.-Nice third party 'paints' available

My biggest gripe is getting comfortable within the VC using Track-IR in terms of default positioning. I could fuss with that, but just have not done so.


At 40% off, I would say it is a 'no brainer' if you have a use for it. My problem is trying not to have too many aircraft....and I just bought the Icarus Gloster Gladiator...which I didn't need...but boy it looks like it will be fun to fly....:icon_lol:

May 15th, 2009, 08:22
That GPS unit is actually very well done Ryan, pretty simple to use, has a bunch of info available, and just fits the 'Twotter'. It is one aircraft I did not feel a need or desire to swap-out with an RXP Garmin unit (it has 3D knobs anyway).

May 15th, 2009, 08:24
My only issue with the GPS remains that it cannot be programmed with a path - it takes one from the FSX flight planner. I probably would replace it with a RealityXP GNS unit, but haven't got around to getting them yet for FSX.

May 15th, 2009, 08:32
The 3D knobs make it troublesome Ian. After using the Aerosoft unit, I became fond of it actually, but....do prefer the realism of the RXP units.

May 15th, 2009, 08:59
I'd have just put it in as a pop-up, but yes, that would be an issue. It's one of the reasons I haven't got the RXP set - the fact that most of the aircraft I'd like to put it in have modelled controls for their usual avionics that would cause issues with replacements.

May 15th, 2009, 09:51
I would buy it for sure. I use it all the time and I personally don't have any fps hit with it. Plus it just flies great. :ernae:





May 15th, 2009, 11:04
Has anyone been able to register it on the Aerosoft site to get the paint kit?

May 15th, 2009, 11:07
Now if I could just find a Maldivian Air Taxi paint (old colors) I'd be a happy camper



sweet vids

May 15th, 2009, 12:30
To be perfectly honest, I'm not talented enough to make a paint for the sim so I don't even bother looking to see if it has a paint kit... lol

If I were to try and make a skin for an fsx plane it would come out looking like something from a nightmareish hello kitty or something. :kilroy:

May 15th, 2009, 14:24
I find it a little light on the controls.. Maybe a tiny bit jerky.. otherise, it's a wonderful little plane.. My VA uses them tofly in and out of Lukla all the time.. Outside of the PBY it's about the only plane that can do it.. heh.. Go Fig, aerosoft makes the Lukla scenery as well :lol..

May 15th, 2009, 14:41
40% off where? I'd definately want a look at that =D

May 15th, 2009, 15:08
40% off where? I'd definately want a look at that =D

Here ya go

I'm tempted at this price, but the lack of no nose modeled in the VC really turns me off of it.

May 15th, 2009, 17:40
Thank you everyone for your reviews. I definitely will buy the aircraft.:ernae:

May 15th, 2009, 23:21
Yup, it's a great deal for this price. The only thing I 'regret' about it, is the lack of a -400 series variant (and subsequently, an amphibious Twotter!).

May 16th, 2009, 06:31
When I was planning to install FSX, I took a look at this a/c and it went on the "buy" list. Got FSX installed but didn't pick it up.

At this price, it's kind of a "have to have" aircraft now! Got it and will install it shortly.