View Full Version : Seeking P3 Orion Fire Tankers or Fire Helos

May 7th, 2009, 15:07
I am trying to find fire response paints or planes for FSX or possibly rotary paints for Fire Fighting Slurry Bombers, P-3 Orions, thought at first it was DC 10, but wrong.... in particular or choppers with bambi buckets. I am from Santa Barbara, currently in exile in Colorado and there is a terrible fire burning now, the Jesusita fire, and some of my best friends may have been burned out. Dont know yet. I want to try to honour the amazing work of those flight crews with modeling what they do in FSX, and maybe for the monthly screenshot contest in their honour. I have seen some paints and some scenery add ons that add fire scenery...can anyone who knows of these let me know either makers names or where to find any. I will do research too but wanted to ask the advice of the old hands here.
i found the FSX JMSDF Lockheed/Kawasaki P-3C, v2.9. The Team FS KBT P-3 Orion updated for FSX....but need a paint if there is one for the fire colors...
thanks for any help.


the fire is out of control currently

this was yesterday afternoon about two hours after the fire started, it is over 1000 acres now and 12,000 evaced...

the rotary assets are blue and white county and yellow and white Cal Fire i believe...if anyone knows of liveries or choppers




12 fixed wing and 10 rotary assigned so far

May 7th, 2009, 15:11
I'm pretty sure the same group did a Firefighting model, it might not be for FSX but the model for FS9 should work too....search FS9 files P3C @ avsim.com

May 7th, 2009, 15:15


May 7th, 2009, 15:16
thanks yes they did

here it is....was not sure it would work in FX i will try....

i am hoping it has the smoke drop system....for the slurry...

FS2004 Aero Union Lockheed P-3A Aero Star
Name: p3_au_as.zip (http://www.flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=90034) Size: 8,371,436 Date: 06-18-2005 Downloads: 4,184
FS2004 Aero Union Lockheed P-3A Aero Star. Aero Union has been the industry leader in designing and manufacturing constant-flow fire retardant delivery systems since its start in the 1960's. Its clients include operators of Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules and P-3 Orion and Convair 580 fixed-wing aircraft and Sikorsky Black Hawk rotary-wing aircraft. These aircraft operate in Canada, Greece, Morocco, Portugal, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United States. Model making and the photo editing of VC etc. By Daisuke Yamamoto. FDE creating and the texture editing by Hiroaki Kubota. AeroUnion color by Luis da Costa Pereira. 2D panel creating by Toshikazu Harada. By Team FS KBT.

May 7th, 2009, 15:33
Railrunner, thanks so much for their home site, i would love to see both the water drop file and the 2D Aero panel but the links take you to a blank page in japanese...do you know of live links for them?

May 7th, 2009, 16:50
I added a bambi bucket to Jordan Moores Bell 412, it's available at hovercontrol.com in the Fs9 downloads section, make sure to get the HC412_Bambi_Bucket_V2 model, it's the most current version. That model also comes with the best retardant drop effect I've ever used, it actually stays visible on the ground long after the drop is made. I'm not sure if this aircraft will actually work in FSX though?


May 7th, 2009, 19:24
thank you very much. was just watching the fires online >

ok i can try, either FSX or FS9 i have both installed and can run Santa Barbara in both. really appreciate that info, as the buckets are in full play right now they are flying a full compliment of 10 helos just about all they can handle. i am going to try to set up a scenery with some AI for the spotters and the various misisons. thanks again. now i just have to figure out how to get the smoke effect thick enough. that retardent effect will be a big help.

ah found it. and your 205 tanker looks great too, they are also using them. much appreciated. You have done some very interesting rotary craft :)

i see there is a HC 412...maybe your bucket will work with that.... will try that too.

May 8th, 2009, 14:25
today they actually brought in a DC 10 equpped as a tanker to do drops on the fire which has a 5-6 mile front now and 30,000 ppl evacuated.

they used two spotter planes, one in front and one behind....drop covers 3/4 of a mile, 12,000 lbs of retardant


May 8th, 2009, 17:34
Is Evergreen on site with their 747 as well?

May 8th, 2009, 17:43
Is that LA??

May 9th, 2009, 03:25
Santa Barbara ??

Wow a DC-10 in Action,very cool, I have the P3, it flys just fine in FSX.....

Good luck.......

Cheer !!

May 9th, 2009, 04:08
Santa Barbara, google Jesusita Fire, 8,000 acres, 30,000 plus ppl evaced now, another 19,000 on warning, 1/3 of city now evaced...10 percent contained, huge air assets now... 14 air tankers, 15 helos, 3400 guys and gals on the line....the 747 not on yet :) the DC 10 is amazing in action..... low and slow and boy are those guys good .....calm and steady flying very impressive..... Tail Number is 911 lol





thanks EgoR64 good to know

i am helping with info dispatch for the fire so my virtual air is grounded and had to uninstall all my FS stuff to make room for data sharing ...but when i get back up will be good to see it in action....

cheers just need to figure out how to get virtual smoke as real as the real thing. wow, amaing particulates at the airbase now, the choppers raise clouds of ash...wonder what that is going to do for engine hours..

May 9th, 2009, 04:42
Evergreen's 747 was never approved for actual operations. This fire is being run by CAL-FIRE, Therefore the DC-10. The USFS hasn't approved the DC-10 for fires but CAL-FIRE has cleared the aircraft for use in CA.

I'm on another forum that is frequented by and run by a fire pilot. They say the politics in the fire fighting side of things are nearly as bad as the FAA itself.

As for firefighting aircraft for FS9, go grab my Air Tractor 802's... SEAT's (Single Engine Air Tankers) are used extensively.

Also go get FS Blaze. this program downloads info from the internet and then generates a scenery bgl that generates fires for FS9 from the data from the USFS database.

You can get FS Blaze at http://www.fs-freeflow.com/index.php

Look in the downloads section and then check the forums for any updates.


May 9th, 2009, 05:44
Thank you Brian, ys i hear about the air poltics. We are just glad to have this great asset on the line for us. it is expensive, 46,000 a day plus hourly but it can drop as much as 4 other tankers at the same time and the moral boost is amazing. thanks so much for that heads up about FS Blaze that sounds like what i need ..when i get off duty with the support stuff

new pic...of the heavy metal...


ps i love the Firefly.

May 9th, 2009, 06:00
Are you working the ground side of things?

as for FS Blaze, make sure after you download the main program, go to http://www.fs-freeflow.com/forum2/index.php?topic=2159.0 to get the latest version. If you get errors, just keep clicking OK and it should find the last data in the system and then generate the bgl files.


May 9th, 2009, 11:07
news dispatch for community services... yep... just had some positive shifts...but this is the largest logistics mutual aid effort i have ever seen, it is amazing and going very well. getting a lot of folks back to their homes today... and containment estimated currently by command at Wednesday. Got the big helos working now and they are great as well. thanks for the tips about Blaze.

here is vid of the Big Bird dropping just turn the sound down cause the newsies are ..... well, not worth listening to. :)

http://www.keyt.com/r?19=950&32=2582&7=93817&40=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.keyt.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2F4461 1287.html%3Fvideo%3DYHI%26t%3Da&41=Video+DC-10+Makes+Drop+In+Jesusita+Fire+Area&18=0.6123519893172665

May 9th, 2009, 16:05
I"d be stoked if this Orion worked in SP2. Does anybody have the fixes for it so it works? I don't even care if the glass is invisible.

May 10th, 2009, 08:04
CAL Fire is looking for a few good Men....... who have a VERY steady hand on the stick



We are at 55% containment and 37% humidity....it is a good Sunday....

i hope it will work on SP2, i am adding it myself but not until some work gets finished...

May 10th, 2009, 13:15
No bad - get the P3-2.9 from Simviation, toss the above Model and Paint Scheme in the Mix and Ya got a pretty good flyer with a descent VC ->> Already for your Fire Missions - Running FSX Accel sp2 -




May 11th, 2009, 10:30
Ego, is that Mike Stone's Orion? I checked simaviation and there was no P3-2.9 listed...

can you give any details on what plane model you meant? and was that panel included in the P3 Package we discussed above? thanks for any info, that is a nice looking set up and the panel looks right on from what i have seen of the units flying in this fire.

May 11th, 2009, 16:37

Hi Cris,

Try here -> for the P-3 v2.9 -> this has a Good aircraft.cfg and Panel -





The link provided by Railrunner is your paint scheme and Model Variant ->

Looks like I copied the Panel Dir from the P3 v2.9 into the download provided by Railrunner which is the P-3A Orion Aero Union by By Daisuke Yamamoto. This is FS2004 will load into FS9 Directory, copy this into you FSX Dir in Airplane. Copy Panel from P-3 V2.9 and sound over also I used thier aircraft.cfg file because it was setup for fsx and just added the texture AU and Model AU VC into the aircraft.cfg file.

The Panel Directory should be self contained, all is read from the this directory. launch FSX choose aircaft lockheed and kawasaki should see lockheed and kawasaki Civilian p3 aero Union, with no mini picture, clikc and answer any guage qeustion, should be good to go.

Cheers !! :guinness:

May 11th, 2009, 21:04
perfect thanks a million
