View Full Version : AIRBOSS version 3 full package uploaded

May 6th, 2009, 17:36
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I didn't realize the server crash had wiped out my original AIRBOSS package.

Anyhow, version 3 includes the latest version of the program, configuration files, QBasic 1.1 to run te program, and 2 readme files.

This version includes a much improved system for the creation of AI escort flights, which DCG does not do, and which my previously uploaded version of AIRBOSS was not doing optimally.

I'll probably do another version after I get all the details worked out. I'm pretty sure this version doesn't have any actual bugs, but improvements are always possible. In fact, given my limited programming skills, I'm sure a lot of improvements are possible. But the important thing is to get done what needs to be done, even if the code isn't the greatest in the world.

May 6th, 2009, 18:58
If you already have active configuration files, don't overwrite them with the ones I've included in this latest upload. That would mess up your current configuration. The configuration files haven't changed. The ones I've included here are just for startup purposes.

The configuration files are "CAPCFG", "DCGNAME", and "DIRECTOR".

May 27th, 2009, 08:22
Hi Ettico, I just tried your Airboss program, but can't make it work.

DCG runs perfect, I create a mission, close DCG and then run Airboss. It asks me to enter the campaign folder (in my case, it's london40) and then:

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5281/airbosserror.th.png (http://img14.imageshack.us/my.php?image=airbosserror.png)


Since my knowledge of Basic (or any other form of computer language) is close or equal to zero, I'm stuck here, and I'd love to get it to work, as I've read all the things that this program improves in DCG-created missions.

Any suggestions?. Thanks in advance.

May 27th, 2009, 16:08
Hi Japlance,

My first thought is that you may not have QBasic, AIRBOSS, and the associated configuration files in your CFS2/CAMPAIGNS folder. You should copy all the files from the folder they came in, and paste them directly into your CFS2/CAMPAIGNS folder. The files should not be residing in a seperate folder, just inside the CFS2/CAMPAIGNS folder. You should then make a shortcut to QBASIC.EXE put that on your desktop, and use the shortcut to start QBasic.

Just before the error occurred, the program lopped off the right 8 characters of the directory path to the folder QBasic is residing in. It was in the process of building the directory path to the DCG campaign you're running. The last 8 characters the program lopped off should be CAMPAI~1, which is an abbreviated version of CAMPAIGNS. If that part is not in your directory path, it's not going to work. So make sure all your AIRBOSS stuff is inside your CFS2/CAMPAIGNS folder, and not in a folder of it's own.

The program also assumes your DCG campaigns are in a folder named "dcg_campaigns". I don't think DCG will work if the campaigns are not in that specific folder, so I'm guessing that's not the problem.

When an error occurs and you think you've fixed it, always close QBasic, restart it, and reload AIRBOSS. The QBasic interpreter will get lost when it halts program execution while it's out of it's home folder, so you have to close and restart it to get it back to square 1.

Coincidentally, I was just about to upload the next version of AIRBOSS when I saw your post. I've just been testing the program, and my version of the program says exactly the same thing your version says at the point where the error occurred, and my version is working, so the problem has to be something about your directory path.

May 27th, 2009, 23:37
You can see in the pic that files are in the CAMPAIGNS folder.

I've tried with a shortcut in the desktop, a shortcut in the CFS2 folder, clicking the qbasic.exe inside the CAMPAIGNS folder... Nothing works, always the same error: as soon as I enter the campaign name--> Illegal function call.

The only difference I can spot is that my main CFS2 directory is called different (CFS2BOB40 in this case), since I run multiple versions for different theaters. Could this be a point?

May 28th, 2009, 09:44
You can see in the pic that files are in the CAMPAIGNS folder.

I've tried with a shortcut in the desktop, a shortcut in the CFS2 folder, clicking the qbasic.exe inside the CAMPAIGNS folder... Nothing works, always the same error: as soon as I enter the campaign name--> Illegal function call.

The only difference I can spot is that my main CFS2 directory is called different (CFS2BOB40 in this case), since I run multiple versions for different theaters. Could this be a point?

The CFS2BOB40 folder name could be the problem, although offhand I don't know why it would be a problem. QBasic can only read the first 8 characters of a filename or folder name, but it can recognize an abbreviation. The program uses a DOS directory command to find out what directory path it's in. The DOS command creates a directory path in abbreviated form, which in my case, QBasic understands. My installs have longer folder names than yours. However, the abbreviated form of a folder name has only 6 characters followed by "~1". So if you have any other folders with the same first 6 characters, that could be the problem.

The DOS command creates a file named DIRECTOR. Inside the file, there is a line that starts with DIRECTORY OF ...... The program uses that line to find out where it is. You can open DIRECTOR with Notepad

There is a quick way to find out if your install folder name is the problem. Rename it to something 8 characters or less, different than any other folder name you have.

I don't see QBASIC.INI in your CAMPAIGNS directory. That file may need to be present. It's the Qbasic interpreter initialization file.

May 28th, 2009, 12:27
I've just tried your last suggestions, but nothing seems to work. It must probably be something on my computer, but I just can't make it up.

Thanks anyway, Ettico. I'll just fly the standard DCG campaigns, which are a nice way of having plenty of different missions to choose from.

May 28th, 2009, 12:52
I've just tried your last suggestions, but nothing seems to work. It must probably be something on my computer, but I just can't make it up.

Thanks anyway, Ettico. I'll just fly the standard DCG campaigns, which are a nice way of having plenty of different missions to choose from.

Can't imagine what it might be. I just generated a mission in my ETO install and ran AIRBOSS without a hitch. I'm running Windows XP.

Oh well. It's not the end of the world if you have to stick with standard DCG. AIRBOSS might not have much effect on london40 anyway. It's a defensive campaign if you're on the British side. I don't recall how many targets are in the campaign. If there are lots of targets, DCG tends to assign fighters to strike missions to try to hit all the targets, and AIRBOSS doesn't reassign strikes. The German fighters will be around, they just won't be escorts.

Before giving up, why not open DIRECTOR with notepad, copy the line that starts with "DIRECTORY OF...", and post it here. AIRBOSS was working on that when the error happened. I'm curious about what's stopping it.

May 29th, 2009, 09:12
Before giving up, why not open DIRECTOR with notepad, copy the line that starts with "DIRECTORY OF...", and post it here. AIRBOSS was working on that when the error happened. I'm curious about what's stopping it.

This is it, seems OK to me:

Directorio de C:\JUEGOS\BOB40\CAMPAI~1

(This was the folder when I tried again shortening the name)

May 29th, 2009, 11:49
This is it, seems OK to me:

Directorio de C:\JUEGOS\BOB40\CAMPAI~1

(This was the folder when I tried again shortening the name)

OK, I see the problem. It's not in English.

AIRBOSS is looking for the specific string, "Directory of...", which is not there. So it's not finding the directory path string. Then it's being told to do an operation on something it doesn't have. It does part of the operation, resulting in who knows what. Then it freaks out when it's told to to the rest of the operation. :d

I'm afraid I did not foresee multilingual DOS. Actually, it's kind of difficult to figure out how to chop a string up correctly if you don't know what's in the string.

Let me see if I can attach the Spanish version of AIRBOSS.

May 30th, 2009, 06:43
I apreciate your efforts, Ettico, but I still get the same error.

I think it's better you don't waste any longer in my particular problem, which seems to be strange and unique and is probably not related to the program itself. Keep updating AIRBOSS so the rest can enjoy it.

Thanks again :ernae:.