View Full Version : Capturing CFS2 Video

May 4th, 2009, 19:22
Hi All,
What is the best freeware proggy to capture video of a CFS2 mission?

Milton Shupe
May 4th, 2009, 19:52
I use Camstudio, freeware, works great with anything including doing video tutorials. Google it.

May 5th, 2009, 02:45
Yup, it's called: "Fraps"

Freeware - takes video & screenshots too.

Find it here: http://www.fraps.com/download.php


May 5th, 2009, 04:46
Thanks for the help guys!

May 5th, 2009, 07:01
Hi All,
What is the best freeware proggy to capture video of a CFS2 mission?

...in mind that CFS2 IS NOT a spectator sport. :d

May 5th, 2009, 09:19
...in mind that CFS2 IS NOT a spectator sport. :d

That's why we have FS9 & FSX ..... right Tango?

:d :d :d :d :eek:

Shadow Wolf 07
May 5th, 2009, 10:38
Freeware fraps won't work as well as the paid version for missions - you can only record 30 seconds at a time with the free version.

This page has some I shot with the paid version and edited with Windows Movie Maker: http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j220/Pechora07/?start=380

May 5th, 2009, 11:43
...30 seconds is acceptable.....but anything more than that and you got one of those Japanese Sim Movies...and you will become known as Cecil B. Ravenna.:bump:

Shadow Wolf 07
May 5th, 2009, 13:15
30 secs makes for a good gun camera though.

May 5th, 2009, 13:58
...you want to use the freeware version of FRAPS with only 30sec capability, when Camstudio's freeware and has not got time limitations? That would be a logical reason that Milton suggested it. :wavey:

I don't do video-recording, as I am happy to build stuff for you closet film directors to shoot.....I'm just curious because a lot of folks seem to be using FRAPS. :isadizzy:

Shadow Wolf 07
May 5th, 2009, 15:02
I had Fraps freeware version for years and then one day I decided to go ahead and buy the licensed version. It has a built in screenshot utility and records sound too. I had never heard of the other one - camstudio - before now.


May 5th, 2009, 20:23
This isn't for me TR. Its for my father, so that he can have some idea of what HMAS Sydney II looked like under sail. Since the Sydney was found last year he talks frequently about his brother, a stoker on Sydney during her final cruise.
BTW, Milton's suggestion works brilliantly.

May 6th, 2009, 05:47
I have found a way to take Screen Shots in CFS2. All you need is to install this program call FRAPS and basically you can strat taking pictures immediatley.

Here is how it works.

1.Down load FRAPS

2.I install it. It usually it install intself inside my Computer C. You can also pick the location where you it install. It will create its own Folder call FRAPS.

3. Go inside the Folder call FRAPS. CLICK on the Icon call FRAPS 99. Activate Start Fraps by Minimizing it or other option.

4. Start CFS2.

5.Start Free Flight or Quick combat.

6.Press F10 if you want a Screen Shot and or if you want a short 30 secound movie press F9.

7.Minimize CFS2.

8.Go back to FRAPS folder and click on either the Movie or Screen Shoots you have just made.
Its real easy.

The best thing about it that it will allow to take shots not only in CFS2 but also with most games you play in. Another thing is that there are no limitation to the number of Movies or Screen Shoots that you can make.

You can also use it as Gun camera or simply make a short movie of a mission you really like. Its your choice. You are the Movie Director.

Here is the Web where you can find FRAPS:http://www.fraps.com/ (http://www.fraps.com/)

I hope enjoy this information

PS I want to thank Bear for helping me figuring out this program.

Now I want to see your Screen Shots in this Forum

For your best camera shots, Go to virtual cockpit and press the right braket key on your key board. This will give you a close up view of the cockpit gun sight. Press F9 and that will activate Fraps or press what ever else your camera program needs to be activated with and this will give you a great camera shot view.

Do not be surprise to find out you need more practice on your shooting angles and on your aiming.

Its simply a lot of fun!


May 6th, 2009, 06:44
This isn't for me TR. Its for my father, so that he can have some idea of what HMAS Sydney II looked like under sail. Since the Sydney was found last year he talks frequently about his brother, a stoker on Sydney during her final cruise.
BTW, Milton's suggestion works brilliantly.

...is an entirely different matter. A worthy project, no a commendable one. :medals:

May 6th, 2009, 13:04
...you want to use the freeware version of FRAPS with only 30sec capability,

Actually 30 seconds is quite a long time when you're shooting video. First you shoot long clips then edit them down (removing what isn't wanted) then compile them into a series of clips in Windows Movie Maker (WMM), add a sound track & SHAZZAM .... instant movie. This is how I made my video in the link below.

Have you ever opened a regular 1h 45m movie in WMM? Then you'll see they are made up of aprx. 500 separate clips. Then do the math ... 105 minutes divided by 500 clips = an average length of 12.6 seconds per clip.
See? 30 seconds is a long time.

Thanks very much Mr Shupe; I didn't know about the Cam Studio software, but I'll be trying it out real soon. :applause: :applause: :applause:


Shadow Wolf 07
May 6th, 2009, 13:44
I saw it before, but again: Nice one Dirtman! :ernae:

Here's one for you: http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j220/Pechora07/?action=view&current=SavingLadyLexAgain.flv

May 8th, 2009, 18:58
I use Fraps for all my movies... look me up on Youtube... username DauntlessDriver546. Thirty seconds is a really long time indeed! :ernae:

Shadow Wolf 07
May 9th, 2009, 04:26
Right DD. The only problem I had was remembering to hit the record hotkey every 30 seconds whiile in the heat of action. :wiggle:

BTW: I looked up Camstudio and only found a limited itme trial version for freeware. The freeware version for FRAPS is unlimited with the 30 secind limit, watermark on the video and limited to BMP for screenshot image type.

May 9th, 2009, 06:00
I looked up Camstudio and only found a limited time trial version for freeware.


Did you look on this page? http://camstudio.org/

I enjoyed your vids too .... keep up the great work Bro!

I've got 2 vids under construction right now:

One is a Harrier/RN/Falkland Island tribute .... got the Harrier, carrier & even Vulcan bombers but am stalled due lack of quality Falklands (Port Stanley) scenery.

The other is a special request from a good friend (who has a metal band called "ANVIL") to do a music vid for one of his early tunes called: "Winged Assassins". This is much more complex because I'm integrating live concert footage with the sim shot stuff then sync it all with the soundtrack.
In this instance, .25 seconds is a LONG time! This too is stalled as I'm waiting for better concert footage from the band.

If yer interested, PM me yer email info & I'll send ya the 1m 30s "test clip"


Shadow Wolf 07
May 9th, 2009, 11:03
My error. I didn't see the links at the page bottom.

May 10th, 2009, 02:24
Hi Mike, I've done a repaint for HMAS Sydney's Walrus. The only solid evidence I could find was 2 photos in the AWM collection showing the plane, A2-21, on a beach at Mersa Matruh in a written off condition. It was attacked in a "Blue on Blue" incident by RAF Gladiators whilst spotting for naval gunfire at Bardia during the Australian Army's first action of WWII. Its is silver dope overall with codes in black on the fuselage and outlined in white on the rudder. Thats my interpretation from the photo's anyhow. I cross checked the codes at the RAAF serials site. The plane was part of No 9 Sqn RAAF which supplied aircrew and maintenance personnel to the RAN cruiser force. Tried several times to upload a screenshot but no luck

May 10th, 2009, 18:45
Sounds good to me Tony. The only other relevent photo I have seen is the Walrus attached to HMAS Perth late in 1941. In that case the upper wings and fuselage were painted ( probably grey-green and grey). I'm looking forward to seeing your repaint!

May 19th, 2009, 01:54
Screenie, at last, I really enjoyed the repaint and am still trying to find photographic evidence of a camouflaged one, There are many camouflage schemes used by Walrii in both A and B patterns and I have done them all previously so I really need to pinpoint the pattern and code styles and positions. It would take a couple of hours to complete

May 19th, 2009, 05:05
The attached photo is grainy but it does show that the Walrus attached to Sydney had a camo pattern applied by 1941. I think that the one you have painted was shot down near Bardia, probably by a Gladiator pilot! I guess that the Aust War Memorial would hold a record of all the Walruses used by Sydney. I'll give them a call.

May 19th, 2009, 23:47
Looks like very heavily weathered cam paint over aluminium dope. Its a tough life at sea :australia: