View Full Version : Nifty Tower View Utility

April 26th, 2009, 05:39
If you have this utility already, you can stop reading, or if you have Active Camera, you sure don't need this, but if you don't, this little utility will give you a perfect tower view every time, no matter where you land.

It's called GetTowerView and it only requires that the program exe be dropped into the main FS folder and a dll file put into the modules folder. If you have FSUIPC, you can add a very simple line into the FSUIPC ini file and it will automatically start and stop for you.

I suggest running in windowed mode so you can access the small cfg window that displays once FS9 starts and there you can make setting changes and view the results instantly until you have a view you like. From that point on, every airport you land at will be viewed from that setting. Pretty cool.

April 26th, 2009, 08:02
Yep, nice little app, I've been using it for a while. :applause: FSX (with fps) yer FS9 lol

LouP :kilroy:

April 26th, 2009, 08:31
Yep, nice little app, I've been using it for a while. :applause: FSX (with fps) yer FS9 lol, LouP :kilroy:
Yeppers, I also noticed that if you hit the set view button in flight, it gives you the equivalent of a fly-by view. One thing that might be a bit misleading is that once you set the view, it doesn't actually take effect at the destination airport until after you touch down, (which, when you think about how this works, is pretty obvious) but once the wheels touch, it's there. Great for instant replays.