View Full Version : Radio Chatter: ita01 is finished

April 17th, 2009, 15:27
:woot: :applause: :engel016:

This is a beta of the first gvr file done in Italian. PM me if you want to give it a look see. I need critics as well as people to record more raw files in other languages. It is too big to post on the forum and I will not upload the finished Italian Radio Pack until we have several other gvr files done in Italian. Michael Brookshire has given his official okey dokey to use his static file and I think we are fine on everything else. This project is about ready to fly if I can get more raw files submitted to me. Come on guys, its a simple no brainer thing to record your voice on a computer and mail me the files. I am so desperate for a Spanish Civil War pack I am about to record it myself. But, redneck Spanish ain't gonna cut is at the outhouse.

April 18th, 2009, 13:08
I am about to record it myself. But, redneck Spanish ain't gonna cut it at the outhouse.

Tanks Mang; & cho got dat right Gringo!

:costumes: :costumes: :costumes:

April 18th, 2009, 13:44
I tried them, but couldn't get any sound!

April 19th, 2009, 08:49
This is just great News!

April 19th, 2009, 22:46
i have followed Erufle instructions and.. i have flyed as DAF italian pilot listening my voice ordering to squadron.:woot:
I shall try to do better with Ita03 and others. Ita02 has been sent to Erufle for edit.
E vai ( italian for " i have got it" ) :applause:

April 21st, 2009, 08:02
I tried them, but couldn't get any sound!

Well, first thing is to make sure you have an Italian in the country. cfg file. You could simply replace the short name=USA in any country to short name = ita so that you do not have to install a new set of missions and campaigns. I put it in my USA just to try it out.


Next, make sure usa01.gvi and usa01.gvt are copied and renamed ita01.gvi and ita.gvt. I do not think you really need ita01.gvt that is just so you get the text on the screen.

Also, ita01.gvr only gives you four commands, "A" for attack, "H" for help me, "R" for form up, and "S" for split formation. Do not expect anything more at this point.

There are still several other gvr files yet to do. I just want to make sure the first one works before moving on to the rest. If it worked for Dandolo it should work for you.

By the way RAMI, give me a reccomendation for a good Italian campaign/mission set to try these out on. I just made a virgin install for this project and need to try it out as others would. I have done DAF a couple of times.

I also talked to daddy dirt about making a new English version pack for his Vietnam campaign. You know, update the the phrases used, maybe make it a little more "PG" rated. Just a possibility I wanted to throw out there.

April 21st, 2009, 10:21
I did follow the instructions to the letter, and...nothing.

As far as campaigns, Corpo Aereo Italiano would work for me...

April 24th, 2009, 14:38
I did follow the instructions to the letter, and...nothing.

As far as campaigns, Corpo Aereo Italiano would work for me...

Well, I'm stumped. Let me see if Dandolo and I get ita02 working. I have a Dirtman load of school work to do (its a Kansas expression) so I will only be working on it sporadically the next two weeks.

April 24th, 2009, 14:44
It could be that if I upload the gvi file I use with the gvr file it will work more consistently. Not really sure what the gvi file is.

May 9th, 2009, 02:36
GVR file ita02 is finished and work on ita03 has started. Ita03 is a very large file and contains enough of the total chatter to give you a complete experience. I still think Dandolo and I will continue until all of the original files are duplicated. I still need beta testers. PM me with your e-mail if you want them. I need to know if anyone else is having the problem RAMI is having. They seem to be working great for Dandolo and I. I love the immersion this project gives you. The text file is still in English so you get a rough translation of what the Italian speaker (Dandolo) is saying. Its a great way to learn another language.

It will take at least another week before ita03 is finished. I still have to study for finals and tweak a paper before I finish it.

May 9th, 2009, 02:37
Let me take another go at it. Just make sure to send the instructions again.

May 9th, 2009, 02:54
I sent the off Rami, but left out the instructions. I will send them now.

May 9th, 2009, 03:26

May 9th, 2009, 03:53

It works! :ernae:

May 10th, 2009, 07:08
Cool beans, now to get this project finished. The gvr files get bigger and bigger as you go from 01 to 03 and I've been way to busy at school to work on it.

But anyway - Raminator, get the Italian campaigns cranked out!!!

May 13th, 2009, 16:56
I received two days ago the Radio Chatter package and is working just fine. Thank you!

I hope you can finnish it soon!

Thank you again:ernae: