View Full Version : Sander de Cocq's London landmarks object library uploaded!

April 15th, 2009, 13:03
A good day to everybody! :wavey:

In order to help all members who missed the chance to download Sander's London Beta1 pac, I just uploaded the original dp object library to complete the scenery.

These objects need to be installed, as any other addon object, in the \OBJECTS_DP, \SCENEDB\INF and \TEXTURE CFS2 root folders. They will complete the London GSL updated scenery gobs I uploaded a week ago.

In his original readme, Sander mentioned the damage profiles for each building were not entirely correct. If anybody would like to step in and update them, it will be another contribution to improving our beloved CFS2. :d

Enjoy your London!
KH :ernae:

April 15th, 2009, 13:11
Many Thanks KH !!
It's off to London for a little sight seeing :wavey:


April 15th, 2009, 13:43
Awesome! Thanks, Kelti! :ernae:

April 15th, 2009, 16:37
Great work Stefano, as always!

April 16th, 2009, 01:28
B.T.W. folks:

I set up SdC's London objects scenery files as a separate external scenery folder and they work flawlessly.

I mean:

instead of dropping "LDM_London.bgl" in CFS2 \SCENEDB\INF and the following texture files:



I created a standard scenery folder:

\Euro_SdC_London_GSL ---------> \scenery
\Euro_SdC_London_GSL ---------> \texture

then I dropped:

"LDM_London.bgl" in \Euro_SdC_London_GSL\scenery



in \Euro_SdC_London_GSL\texture

Finally, I inserted the whole new scenery in my scenery.cfg (or, if you prefer, through CFS2 scenery library) as:

Title=SdC London beta GSL objects
Local=..\CFS2_Scenery\EUROPEAN_WF\Euro_SdC_London_ GSL
; Naval Hospital flatten
Flatten.0=35, N51 28.93, W0 0.40, N51 28.61, W0 0.04, N51 28.71, E0 0.62, N51 29.07, E0 0.55

In my mind, this avoids mixing stock files with dedicated theatre sceneries and it helps keeping things organised with multi-theatre installs like mine. SdC's materials sit in my external library, inside a:

C:\Simulators\CFS2_SCENERY\EUROPEAN_WF subfolder,

dedicated exclusively to my CFS2-ETO.

KH :ernae:

April 16th, 2009, 05:11
Thank you my friend!:friday:

April 16th, 2009, 07:05
thank you muchly,

April 16th, 2009, 13:08
As usual, I got nothing. Nothing, I tell you.

I grabbed SdC's London landmarks when SdC first offered them. But when I tried to use them, all I got was CTD's. I think at some point I deleted them.

So, when our beloved Kelticheart offered them again, I thought, AHA! They've been fixed. So I downloaded them again. Then I put some of them in a mission for a test. They behaved nicely While I was placing them in the mission. But as soon as I tried to save the mission, BAM! Down goes CFS2! Down goes CFS2!

And yet all these other folks seem to be having no problem whatsoever. It's as if my CFS2 exists in some alternate universe, where all the laws are different. :confused::confused::confused:

April 16th, 2009, 14:13
Don't save the mission, save the gsl layout first. Set up the layout by adding objects as if setting up a mission, zoom out to see everything, press shift button while left-clicking the mouse to drag the green square around the entire layout setup. This highlights everything to bright green. Then hit Ctrl+W to save the layout. Now you can exit---don't save the mission when prompted.

Now go to GSLEDIT and import the layout as a gob. Now it becomes the permanent layout for all London-based missions you do.

April 16th, 2009, 15:41
Don't save the mission, save the gsl layout first. Set up the layout by adding objects as if setting up a mission, zoom out to see everything, press shift button while left-clicking the mouse to drag the green square around the entire layout setup. This highlights everything to bright green. Then hit Ctrl+W to save the layout. Now you can exit---don't save the mission when prompted.

Now go to GSLEDIT and import the layout as a gob. Now it becomes the permanent layout for all London-based missions you do.

So! It was another of Sander's cunning tricks! He somehow fixed them so they can only be GSL infrastructure, and never mission infrastructure on pain of a vicious CTD.

Well, alrighty then. I will meekly confine their use to GSL infrastructure.

And thanks for the tip, Bearcat.:ernae:

April 16th, 2009, 16:25
...He somehow fixed them so they can only be GSL infrastructure, and never mission infrastructure on pain of a vicious CTD....I will meekly confine their use to GSL infrastructure.

Well, having no clear idea of your system's workings and configuration, or Sander's design methodology, i can't comment on whether that's the case or not, but if so, my tip is a good workaround. :wave:

The downside is that if you're planning on targeting the gsl additions in a mission, AI may object and pass on them. The sim's targeting flags don't apply to gsl objects, only MB-added objects. The other workaround is to add and orient objects that won't CTD on save, then change them later to Sander's objects with hand-editing.

April 19th, 2009, 23:58
So! It was another of Sander's cunning tricks! He somehow fixed them so they can only be GSL infrastructure, and never mission infrastructure on pain of a vicious CTD.

Well, alrighty then. I will meekly confine their use to GSL infrastructure.

And thanks for the tip, Bearcat.:ernae:

I'll second BC's comments about your system organisation Ettico, but, if I may add, you are tackling a beast which gave me unending kicks in me butt for years. And still does, sometimes.

I am speaking of Mission Builder, the most hectic, touchy and temperamental component of the CFS2 system.

See, when I used MB built-in GSL tools to update SdC's London objects positions, I got two CTD's in a row myself. Only to find out I had previously deleted an old, obsolete CFS1-derived addon weapon from my \objects_dp subfolder forgetting to do the same with its description from mdlnames.dat and description.dat. MB didn't like that at all.

I am not sure whether SdC meant his objects exclusively for a GSL environment and not for mission work, to be quite honest I never heard such a distinction was possible.

Try this: make sure anything you are trying to use as mission infrastructure is properly listed in all CFS2 legacy files it is supposed to.

Many times, doing that helped me taming MB.

KH :ernae:

April 23rd, 2009, 18:42
this is great to see, i had hopes of working on a scenery pack for London and some of the other major cities...but HD crash took out my CFS2 install and all related fifles :) so this is great to see. thanks for the re upload and the original work up, it is great to see this resource.

April 28th, 2009, 14:10
Did I miss something here ?
Am I to understand that you have to have Sander's London beta _1 for this to work ?
I was just at Sander's site ( up again ) and didn't see any London beta download .
Any where else this can be found ?
Thankx in advance

April 30th, 2009, 04:34
Did I miss something here ?
Am I to understand that you have to have Sander's London beta _1 for this to work ?
I was just at Sander's site ( up again ) and didn't see any London beta download .
Any where else this can be found ?
Thankx in advance


SdC's original work, apart from the original *.gsl file which I modified, is precisely what I uploaded.

Unfortunately with the server crash they might not be available yet. Just be patient for a few more days and SOH's downloads library will be fully restored.

KH :ernae:

May 1st, 2009, 14:17
Many Thanks KH ,

Standing by:

May 2nd, 2009, 00:55
Many Thanks KH ,

Standing by:

You're welcome Otto!

I just tried test-downloading SdC's London landmarks, but they are not available yet.

From my end it seems like all CFS2 files uploaded prior to April 29th haven't been restored yet. I reported it in Rami's state-of-recovery thread.

We are all on the starting blocks to begin downloading like mad men when every SOH section will be operative again. I noticed not all of the smilies are working as well.

I hope we'll not saturate the bandwidth!

Life just isn't the same when SOH is not working right..... ;-)

KH :ernae: