View Full Version : Uploaded anthor viaduct damage box mod.

April 12th, 2009, 16:21
Thanks to sqiffy and help for the tokori mission for korea. pat pattle and the ACC team made the viaduct 99.99+ indestructable. i have modified the damage boxs so used in korea,as a bridge.it can now be blowen up. i made installation as simple as poss.2 drop in folders and overwrite. here are some before and after mod pic's. those are 57mm gatling guns being used.up when admin.sees it. have fun! :pop4:

April 12th, 2009, 20:04
Hi Slip,

Can you believe you reminded me of anothe rthing I forgot in the skeleton pack!? Augh. I modifed the damage numbers in the xdp. I also painted a new facility tile for the blank shipyard. I better pack those up too.

No improvement on the mosaic front. We can have only one I think. I will check the B-29 and see what happens. Mine works fine so hopefully gosd will read this too.

Started working on Navy campaign but dont' have the squadrons set right yet. Got the front fixed to include gsl Saratoga but can't move HQs yet.

April 12th, 2009, 21:05
got ya covered john. :wavey: but painted tiles would be nice.is there going to be a river?

April 12th, 2009, 23:16
Did you say 57mm Gatling gun loads?!?!?!:faint:

April 13th, 2009, 05:44
muuahh ha ha ha.my nasty little toy.yes pop 57mm molins,plus other cal.s:rocket:

April 13th, 2009, 08:44
Yes there is a river.

April 13th, 2009, 08:46
:faint:yes somthing is wrong with the download i contacted middle hold off on it