View Full Version : Mainstream Support for Windows XP Ends Next Week

April 8th, 2009, 17:01
What you guys think >> http://www.dailytech.com/Mainstream+Support+for+Windows+XP+Ends+Next+Week/article14797.htm

April 8th, 2009, 17:23
I have one of the XP based netbooks mentioned in the article. I bought all of two weeks ago. The OS does appear to be stable and the machine does what it is supposed to do. I saw another article a week or so ago that MS's plan is to push as many XP users, including netbooks, to Windows 7 as soon as they can. The only issue I have with it is that I have found a handful of applications that won't install on it due to screen resolution issues. This machine has 1024x576. There is no way I can find to get it to the 800x600 those applications want. That includes Trend Micro's internet suite but Kaspersky has one aimed right at netbooks.


April 8th, 2009, 17:39
Looks like they're cutting support for XP short by 3 years. 2014 was the date they'd given before for their support of XP to end.

Just shows how much M$ wants to push Vista on us, and Windows7 once it's out. No more freedom of choice for those of us wanting to hang on to their best OS..... XP. :frown:

April 8th, 2009, 17:54
I'll stick with XP. Have too much fun with all the flight sims on XP. Don't want the hassle of starting over again.:friday:

April 8th, 2009, 17:59
This means that a Windows 7 release is just around the corner....

(Glad I decided to hold off on getting a new system until after Windows 7) :engel016:

April 8th, 2009, 19:03
If it means no more daily updates I'm all for it! :ernae:

April 8th, 2009, 19:23
Oh,I don't know.I have been using Vista for 15 months now with no real problems,I like it just fine and if most people would take a couple of hours to read and learn they wouldn't mind it. I don't miss XP at all.

The problem is everyone listens to all of the nonsense posted about Vista. As far as Windows 7 I will wait and see.I don't think they are ready with it yet.

April 8th, 2009, 19:39
Man...I am almost in a position to upgrade. I normally build my own, but I am seriously starting to consider a mac...I'm tired of the whole Microsoft thing :isadizzy:

April 8th, 2009, 20:21
Do people still use Microsoft for support any more?

Every time I've had issues with XP, I've been able to solve the problem by either using google or a tech support forum, which are quicker, simpler, and usually far less irritating than trying to deal with MS support.

April 8th, 2009, 20:54
Do people still use Microsoft for support any more?

Every time I've had issues with XP, I've been able to solve the problem by either using google or a tech support forum, which are quicker, simpler, and usually far less irritating than trying to deal with MS support.

Exactly .............:applause:

April 8th, 2009, 21:15
If it means no more daily updates I'm all for it! :ernae:
Key security updates will not be ended until 2014. I wouldn't advise anybody to turn off the automatic updating ! Dangerous game...

April 8th, 2009, 22:08
Key security updates will not be ended until 2014. I wouldn't advise anybody to turn off the automatic updating ! Dangerous game...

I have been doing the exact opposite of you dominique. I tell everyone to turn of AUTOMATIC updates and do manual updates....for Windows, AV, everything....I have seen too many problems caused by automatic updating. I once lost about 500meg of sim files due to them becoming corrupt while I was copying them to my back up drive and my AV kicking on an automatic update. The source files and the copied files were all unrecoverable...and I not only shut off that AV's auto update, I stopped using that AV altogether. My sister-in-law cries about how horrible XP SP3 is, but when pressed about how she has been trying to install it, she said "Auto Update". I told her to turn off Auto Updates, do manual updates...and she now has SP3 installed and loving it.


April 9th, 2009, 00:20
the thing with automatic updates is that it downloads and installs it all for you .... the thing with manual updates is that you download and install it all for yourself .. there isnt any difference in the exe's that are used :kilroy:

April 9th, 2009, 00:22
I have been doing the exact opposite of you dominique. I tell everyone to turn of AUTOMATIC updates and do manual updates....for Windows, AV, everything....I have seen too many problems caused by automatic updating. I once lost about 500meg of sim files due to them becoming corrupt while I was copying them to my back up drive and my AV kicking on an automatic update. The source files and the copied files were all unrecoverable...and I not only shut off that AV's auto update, I stopped using that AV altogether. My sister-in-law cries about how horrible XP SP3 is, but when pressed about how she has been trying to install it, she said "Auto Update". I told her to turn off Auto Updates, do manual updates...and she now has SP3 installed and loving it.

ME too. I don't want to come home and find a buncha crap in my front yard I didn't ask for. I do it manually and I use custom install instead of express. I usually get just the high priority and security updates. So yeah, I get to say who hangs around and who does not.

As for the next generation of OS, It's been said that Win 7 will have ease of backwards compatibility. http://windows7news.com/2008/04/09/windows-7-backwards-compatibility/

If I could dust of a game from 1996 and Win 7 would digest it without a hitch, I'm all for it. I hear all sorts of talk about compatibility issues with Vista but I don't know because I'm not using it.

Sky (XP ferret)

April 9th, 2009, 00:58
Looks like they're cutting support for XP short by 3 years. 2014 was the date they'd given before for their support of XP to end.

Just shows how much M$ wants to push Vista on us, and Windows7 once it's out. No more freedom of choice for those of us wanting to hang on to their best OS..... XP. :frown:

You know.. They burned me with not allowing me to buy computers with XP on them. So I went to Mac because I could put XP on it. Now they are discontinuing XP by 3 years early.


and... and ... they fired Aces!!!!

Mac baby.. Ubuntu, Mac, and anything else..

XP was a diamond! A rare jewel. But MS keep aiming at their own foot to somehow shoot it off!

oops.. (takes a deep breath.. )


April 9th, 2009, 04:33
XP was a diamond! A rare jewel. But MS keep aiming at their own foot to somehow shoot it off!

oops.. (takes a deep breath.. )


It's still a diamond as far as I'm concerned Bill. ;) And you're right about M$ shooting their foot off. Their aim is getting better, and one of these days...... POW! :costumes: I'm very surprised tho they haven't been nailed for monopolizing the computer market. Especially with games running only on their OS. :rolleyes:

April 9th, 2009, 04:39
re games, thats all up to the developer and how they code their game, has sod all to do with microsoft ;)

April 9th, 2009, 04:57
Back when I switched to from 2000 pro it was the hardest change to swallow. XP was new and fresh. People were raving about how good it was. Over time I couldn't take the pressure of not seeing what it was all about. Eventually I bit the bullet and did a dual boot. It was hard to get use to the look. Days passed so quickly and before I knew it I was booting to XP all the time. The lure of learning something new seemed to be my drive.

XP has grown to be just as stable as 2000 pro was. More bells and whistles, a better gui. Apealing. And not to mention the best overall compatability al the way around.

Windows Vista.......NOT IN MY LIFETIME. Vista is the Frankenstein of all creations. Windows ME anyone?? Windows ME was on my system as a dual boot option. I still remember the advertising M$ aired on TV when the little kid played piano on the keyboard. That quaint restore option. Wasn't that neat. I was so impressed with it that I mailed it back to Renton WA with a note telling them I wanted my money back for their delapidated, over-rated garbage. Never did get a response back.

Windows 7 sounds like it may be the stallion of the stables. Maybe they finally figured out what the consumers want.

With all that said, I'm holding my breath.:173go1:

April 9th, 2009, 05:44
re games, thats all up to the developer and how they code their game, has sod all to do with microsoft ;)

But don't you think M$ has their hands in it? I do.

April 9th, 2009, 05:54
Back when I switched to from 2000 pro it was the hardest change to swallow. XP was new and fresh. People were raving about how good it was. Over time I couldn't take the pressure of not seeing what it was all about. Eventually I bit the bullet and did a dual boot. It was hard to get use to the look. Days passed so quickly and before I knew it I was booting to XP all the time. The lure of learning something new seemed to be my drive.

XP has grown to be just as stable as 2000 pro was. More bells and whistles, a better gui. Apealing. And not to mention the best overall compatability al the way around.

Windows Vista.......NOT IN MY LIFETIME. Vista is the Frankenstein of all creations. Windows ME anyone?? Windows ME was on my system as a dual boot option. I still remember the advertising M$ aired on TV when the little kid played piano on the keyboard. That quaint restore option. Wasn't that neat. I was so impressed with it that I mailed it back to Renton WA with a note telling them I wanted my money back for their delapidated, over-rated garbage. Never did get a response back.

Windows 7 sounds like it may be the stallion of the stables. Maybe they finally figured out what the consumers want.

With all that said, I'm holding my breath.:173go1:
Utter nonsense on Vista,I run everything on it with 1 small problem in cfs 1 that we have figured out.As I said before if you take a small amount of time and learn what the program is all about,then tweak it a little it will run like a champ.NOTHING runs great out of the box,not XP or 98 or whatever.Stop listening to all of the people who hate Vista who have either never run it or are too lazy to learn how.

April 9th, 2009, 06:38
Thats why I have 2 PCs...one with Win Vista32 and the other XP SP2. Vista has been a real pain ever since I bought my new rig. Xp hasn't given me much problems on my old rig which I've owned for the last 6 years now:wiggle:

April 9th, 2009, 08:44
Great!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
This means that a Windows 7 release is just around the corner....<o:p></o:p>
(Glad I decided to hold off on getting a new system until after Windows 7) <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 31.5pt; HEIGHT: 17.25pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/engel016.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\dshoaff\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip _image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape><o:p></o:p>
Just what I have been doing and it looks like it was a good plan. Not only will W7 be coming out but the Core i7 processor should drive down the prices on the previous processors at the same time.

Oh,I don't know.I have been using Vista for 15 months now with no real problems,I like it just fine and if most people would take a couple of hours to read and learn they wouldn't mind it. I don't miss XP at all. The problem is everyone listens to all of the nonsense posted about <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Vista</st1:place>. As far as Windows 7 I will wait and see.I don't think they are ready with it yet.

We don't need another <st1:place>Vista</st1:place> vs. XP fight but keep in mind MS has admitted that <st1:place>Vista</st1:place> is/was a resource Hog and the security features were designed to irritate users. It has Clearly not been a winning package in the OS Market. <o:p></o:p>
Windows 7 as far as I can tell is built on <st1:place>Vista</st1:place>. I like to call it Vista-ish by that I mean it has some of the same features, some of the same faults but is not the resource hog Vista was when it came out. It still has UAC that you can turn off if you require it. Vista SP2 if you got it to install and run on your system may actually be Windows 7 without DirectX 11. <o:p></o:p>
With my PC I have a couple of quirks on Windows 7 that I did not have on XP (nothing major). I also have a couple of quirks that I did have on XP (again nothing major). For an updated OS to run on an older PC as well as it is I am amazed.<o:p></o:p>
That said I would not expect anyone to leave XP to go to Windows 7 on their old box that would just not make sense at all. I would not expect anyone running Vista SP2 to upgrade to W7 I really think they are almost the same animal. Yes there will be subtle differences that may not work on all machines but that goes for any OS or Service Pack upgrade. <o:p></o:p>
Building a new box and loading Windows 7 on it is a different story. You should not fear doing that. <o:p></o:p>
However if you are tired of the MS rat race then I encourage you to head over to the Linux Distro Ubuntu its very well made, secure and for the most part free. <o:p></o:p>
I edge MAC out over Ubuntu because you still have to buy the OS for the MAC and it is UNIX based which is where Linux came from in the first place. MAC does have one positive and that is you can build your own system just like a PC or a Linux Distro but you have to use an Intel Processor. I will not work (the last I knew of) on an AMD. <o:p></o:p>
Myself I will stick with Windows XP until I build the new rig then it will get W7 Ultimate. <o:p></o:p>