View Full Version : flying f3f-3

April 2nd, 2009, 11:55
after looking into my aircraft book's I remember my old aero plane heaven f3f-3 my first pay ware aircraft, flying against a few Ki 43 Oskar, just for fun.


April 2nd, 2009, 13:41
Nice Screen shot Wolfi!:ernae:

April 2nd, 2009, 13:53
I thought about a fictional campaign, .....10 f3f should be delivered to the royal navy in December 1941, they are on the way when the war in the pacific starts, all aircraft are bend on a little island far away from support. the whole flight is doing a secret hit and run fight with the Japanese army for a few month.....
That would be a way to use this wonderful aircraft in a campaign I think.

April 2nd, 2009, 19:19
Another good "what if" campaign using the F3F would be war in the Pacific breaking out before war in Europe. For example, an escalation of hostilities between Japan and the US following the bombing of the gunboat USS Panay on the Yangtze River in 1937. Would be nice to have more pre-war Japanese aircraft in CFS2, such as the Yokosuka B4Y and Nakajima A4N used by the IJN.

April 2nd, 2009, 20:20
...So Wolfi, who did the fight with Oscar go?:wavey:

April 2nd, 2009, 21:30
at last I win, but lost all my wingmen (8 against 8 with unlimited munitions) Ai setting expert.

April 3rd, 2009, 03:21
It doesn't surprise me you won in a F3F-3. It was considered one of the finisht aircraft for doing a snap roll in. It was very agile. It can actually tun inside anything the Japanese had in the beginning of the war.

Its draw back is in speed. You have to let the enemy close in on you to begin the figh, but in the F3F in a fur ball it can't be beat. I bet if you had more human pilots in those F3Fs you wouldn't have lost all your planes. The Flying Barrel is truly a pilot's plane. The F3F was retained as a fighter trainer and as squadron "hacks" right up to the end of the war.

Unfortunately the AI really doesn't do some of the planes justice. The F3F is one, Others being the Gloster Gladiator, the Brewster Buffalo, and the Boeing P-26 Peashooter.

Just an opinion.....the AI almost sucks in this sim.

April 3rd, 2009, 04:42
The Ai needs improvement. Its not all that bad but it does need improvement.:wiggle:

April 3rd, 2009, 10:26

"Just an opinion.....the AI almost sucks in this sim."

"The Ai needs improvement. Its not all that bad but it does need improvement."

Very true, but in QC, underneath that weakness is the larger issue of the lack of a Player's ability to control the skill and aggressivness levels of his wingies, as he can the enemy by just selecting the boxes.

Your enemies are 'aces' or 'vets', but the majority of your wingies are hardcoded as 'rookies' in QC with POSSIBLY only one or two as 'vets' max. You can ID them usually by how aggressive they are, how they respond to commands and how well they handle their aircraft against the ace bogies, as well as how long they last with continuously respawning enemy flights.

Of course, in the "perfect" AI sim (whatever it is), fighting in speed-deficient F3F biplanes against ace AI Oscars is a recipe for disaster by any account, even with all human against all AI (with respawn). Take this same setup with the identical F3F and KI43IIB FDE's into CFS1 and i can personally guarantee NOBODY goes home but the enemy. I don't want to judge unfairly since i wasn't in the decision loop, but i sure wish MS had done a better job of porting the CFS1 AI engine into CFS2! Ace AI pretty much means real tactical experts in that sim. And a hot, Jap monoplane flight model against a slower US biplane FM would be no contest at all.

April 3rd, 2009, 11:08
I can`t remember where I found this story but it is said to be true.Just before the F3F became operational it was flown from coast to coast.Well an ENS was assigned to fly the plane which he did. He made it as far as the mountains, landed at the NAS walked into the COs office pulled of his wings and said he would not fly that peace of junk any more.He said it had no power and it was all he could do to keep it in the air.A LT was assigned to fly it the rest of the way which he did. After he landed on the west coast he to walked into the COs office and told the CO if he was made to fly that thing anymore he would turn in his wings and resign his commission.He said he had done the samething the ENS had done , asked everyone to look at the plane when ever he landed to refuel and he to had gotten Gruman reps to go over the plane but no one found anything wrong.He said it was so bad that he taxied the plane over the mountains because it just didn`t have the power to fly over them. The CO called in the head line chief and got him to take a look at it. He was back in about five min. and said he found the problem.They went out to the plane and he asked the group to take a close look at the props.They did but saw nothing strange or wrong with them.He said you didn`t look close enough the prop blades are on backwards. once that was corrected the plane fley better than advertised.:typing:

April 3rd, 2009, 15:31
...He said you didn`t look close enough the prop blades are on backwards. once that was corrected the plane flew better than advertised...

Should have put the damned thing in reverse and flown it backwards...


April 3rd, 2009, 15:32

I agree. I've always wanted to do a Pearl Harbor 1937 campaign. Replace the entire stock campaign with 1937 a/c. Still waiting for that B4Y to see the light of day. Just love those yellow wings!!!
