View Full Version : Vista Made MDLC Quit Working Also

March 28th, 2009, 08:45
It was working fine, but about the same time Vista's Indexing Service mysteriously started working again (after I thought it was permanently disabled) my MDLC quit working. I tried re-installing it, but it still does not work. As I recall, there is a trick to installing it that I think I have forgotten. Either that or there is something in Vista that must be disabled before it will work. I know that Vista's UAC is still disabled. Help PLEASE!!!!!!

Computer Specifications

HP Pavilion dv6700 Notebook PC
Product number: GP238AV
Intel Core2 Duo CPU T9300, 2.5GHz, L1 Cache 64 KB, L2 6,144
Installed memory 3.072 GB ; 1-2GB module + 1-1GB module
HD: 233 GB/ Free Space 168 GB
Windows Vista 6.0 SP 1 32-bit installed
Display adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS 1280x800 resolution
Drivers updated 9-13-08
HP Pavilion dv6700t CTO Entertainment Notebook PC

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March 28th, 2009, 11:14
I'm in the same boat as you. My wife installed Vista as part of a disaster recovery plan after our hideous meltdown and now nothing works!! I can't edit cfg's, I can't save modifications to skins or even add aircraft, etc to CFS2 without everything barfing. What a bucket load Vista is!! I love the look of the interface, but the rest is cack.

Yours rantingly,


March 28th, 2009, 19:25
Go here and do some reading,I have been running Vista for over a year with no problem.



March 29th, 2009, 01:04
Thanks for the links, Safn.
I suspect that I'll end up piggy-backing XP onto my system for my CFS2 stuff and using Vista for my day to day operations. I guess that I'm just an ol' stick-in-the-mud when it comes to computers. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is broke, shout and swear at it, hit it with heavy objects and then sob quietly in a corner until my personal Computer Engineer (or wife, as I know her) comes to my rescue.



March 29th, 2009, 05:21
It was working fine, but about the same time Vista's Indexing Service mysteriously started working again (after I thought it was permanently disabled) my MDLC quit working. I tried re-installing it, but it still does not work. As I recall, there is a trick to installing it that I think I have forgotten. Either that or there is something in Vista that must be disabled before it will work. I know that Vista's UAC is still disabled. Help PLEASE!!!!!!

Computer Specifications

HP Pavilion dv6700 Notebook PC
Product number: GP238AV
Intel Core2 Duo CPU T9300, 2.5GHz, L1 Cache 64 KB, L2 6,144
Installed memory 3.072 GB ; 1-2GB module + 1-1GB module
HD: 233 GB/ Free Space 168 GB
Windows Vista 6.0 SP 1 32-bit installed
Display adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS 1280x800 resolution
Drivers updated 9-13-08
HP Pavilion dv6700t CTO Entertainment Notebook PC

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If I read you correctly...have you followed theses install instructions to the letter?
Install the MDLC MDL Converter Version beta85 (beta117 avail here at outhouse) by Ivan Hsu into a new directory.
The directory should contain all the default files.
Drop the MK_MDLC files (2) into the directory where you also keep all the MDLC files. Make a shortcut to the MK_MDLC.EXE and run.
This program only runs on top of Ivan Hsu's actual DOS-MDLC software. It simply executes the commands in a background DOS window.

March 29th, 2009, 08:36
Yes Hellcat, I have followed them, but I have not re-installed the beta85 file. I will try that next.

I have the tweak guides safn1949, and have gone all the way through them with both of my computers. I am concerned that maybe I downloaded something along with the updates from Microsoft that has caused the indexing program to run despite the fact that I have disabled it in the Services program.

Let me make sure that I understand what is happening. When I open up a window that contains all of the files for CFS2, a green bar starts to creep across the title at the top of the window moving from left to right. When that happens everything comes to a stand still. This is because the indexing program has been initiated, right? If not, what is happening?

March 29th, 2009, 09:48
It should work just fine with beta117 erufle.
I have winxp so not much help I'm afraid.

March 30th, 2009, 07:57
For some reason I have not upgraded to beta117. i will do that also. Thanks Hellcat! :ernae: