View Full Version : Reducing Shine

March 27th, 2009, 19:06
Here's a question for Obio or some of the other experienced tweakers. I have an aircraft that is very shiny as originally downloaded. This is a CFS2 plane, not FS2002 or a FS2004 conversion. I attempted to reduce the shine using Morton's shell utility with Ivan Hsu's MDLC. I got a "conversion failed" error. I've never been successful in adjusting the shine up or down on any plane using this program. Maybe somebody can tell me what I'm doing wrong. :banghead:

March 27th, 2009, 19:17
I have found MDLC version 117 to be a good choice for shining and deshining aircraft. Version 190 often produces a pink hue when adjusting the specular shine.

Select the MDL you want to shine/deshine (make sure you do a back up of the original and make sure that it is not set as read only or hidden...that will keep MDLC from having a successful conversion). Adjust the settings in the shine window on the right side of the MDLC interface, make sure the "Hide DOS MDLC Window" is NOT CHECKED...frequently, the interface will lock up if that is left checked. Then hit the Start Conversion button at the bottom.

If you still have problems doing it this way, let me know what plane you are working with and I will take a gander at it.


March 27th, 2009, 19:18
What model is it and when was it made (what year i mean)? If its an old model built with AF99 or something before FSDS2+ became the rule, you won't be able to mod it with any mdlc tooling.

March 27th, 2009, 21:51
Obio, I followed your instructions but still no success. Check your PM's.