View Full Version : Freedom Tower changes its name

March 27th, 2009, 12:25
... to "One World Trade Center."


I'm none to pleased about some communist Chinese conglomerate getting first dibs on the building, but as for the name I don't have any concerns. It'll be great to have 1 World Trade Center as an address in NYC again - something only made better by having a squarer design featuring a matching second tower right next door called 2 World Trade Center. I guess I'm not going to get that, though.

Now, if they'd stop worrying about the name and get to building the thing, that would be much appreciated. WTC7 went back up in 4 years, and near here in Philly the taller Comcast building is finished, too, so the sooner they resolve all their stupid issues up there we can get ourselves the building finally, after all this time.

March 27th, 2009, 19:18
LB, Comcast got their building from ripping us off with high costs for cable and internet. ;) Now they're doing it more for phone servive. They lowered the monthly price but now you have to pay 5 cents a minute for calls. More Scrod for the cutomers. :costumes:

March 27th, 2009, 21:09
What I don't get is why it took this long to build something on the site.

It only took eight years to build the original WTC towers, yet somehow the people running this project bungled it enough to need nine years to complete a single tower (work started in 2004 and may be done by late 2013), on top of the three years of screwing around before construction started.

March 27th, 2009, 21:31
Longer Delays+Politics+Union Management=More money in Fat Cats Pocket. Sad but true when greed and power come hand in hand.