View Full Version : '3 Pictures, 3 Different Filters; Which Looks Best?'

March 25th, 2009, 16:09
1, 2, or 3 :ques:

March 25th, 2009, 16:10
To me 3 looks best as I prefer the cooler colour temperatures.

March 25th, 2009, 16:11
Agreed - no. 3. looks more natural also.

March 25th, 2009, 16:13
Ah but 2 gives the most detail. That's my vote.

March 25th, 2009, 16:19
2 cause what he said ;)


March 25th, 2009, 16:20
Tough choice for me - each seems to offer something different :)

March 25th, 2009, 16:32
To me:

1. looks too green. That's the "storm is a comin" photo.

3. looks like "one h3ll of a storm is comin".... as in tornado.

And 2. looks like "a nice spring day".... CAFB. Well, almost. Maybe CAB. ;)

March 25th, 2009, 16:44
All three of em look overdone to me. What era photo are you going for?

Here's a couple of reworks of your 3 (was the easiest for me to get back to what my mind thought the original might've looked like).
3copy2 is the "corrected" image that I started with. Just a bunch of tweaking on the channel mixture to "green the greens" and "blue the blues" a little. Also removed the lens vignetting.
3copy is 3copy2 with an 81 filter @ 30% applied.

Neither one is the best looking since the tweaks got a little funked by the JPEG artifacts. Not sure my monitor is in calibration right now either, I left my Huey down at the farm while tweaking mom's new rig last weekend.
That black blob down at the bottom makes it kinda hard too.

March 25th, 2009, 16:50
What era photo are you going for?

Not a specific era - perhaps something older, something that catches the eye....

March 25th, 2009, 17:23
To me, #2 (in the first post) has a old/early color film, family camera type look to it. A casual snapshot, with a consumer grade camera from the 50s maybe.

March 25th, 2009, 17:54
Hey All,

Panther Number 1 if you want to preserve something - number two for an old snapshot. I'll try HDRin this for fun later but I have to say - what on earth is the point of this picture? The composition is simply baffling as to purpose - all I can think is it means something to the photographer which is fair enough and perfectly OK - otherwise why bother?

- From a composition perspective - the horizon is level - good.
- The subject matter is exactly in the middle (vertically) of the picture - bad.
- The road ends right exactly in the middle of the picture and what is there but a gate - bad (maybe?).
- The shadow in the foreground is totally distracting - bad.

If this is from a digital camera at high resolution try cropping - high and low. Maybe a right side crop would add interest. Maybe a panorama like view is what you want. I don't know as I don't see a purpose (what you are trying to capture) to this image.

No offense - you know that - just an honest opinion. If you don't want it - Sorry!


March 25th, 2009, 17:54
What graphics program are you editing with Panther?

If you use Photoshop or PSP, give this little free Plug-In a swing.


Some dynamic results can be had when used with other PS or PSP filters.


March 25th, 2009, 18:02
I like pic number 2 because it has that post-apocolyptic look seen in all the really good flesh-eating zombie movies. Run, scream, hide! The SOH Zombies are coming for you!!!!!!


March 25th, 2009, 18:02
Tks folks.....The story of the pictures is rather simple...

While dropping off a co-worker to get his transmission fixed, the view of the abandoned railroad tracks going the closed gate caught my eye. So I decided "what the heck!".

I then pulled out my iPhone, set up my software to take a vintage yellow, vintage warm, and a low saturation picture & then I snapped away :)

March 25th, 2009, 18:58
Numero Dos!

March 25th, 2009, 20:07
No 2 catches my fancy