View Full Version : Welcome to the MSFS 2024 forum

March 17th, 2024, 15:56
We all know it is coming. We just don't know when. So in preparation of the new sim we have added the new forum. If the release runs anythign like the last release is will get dropped suddenly and unexpetedly.

From the sounds of things the specs will be the same as MSFS 2020 (originally posted April 23, 2020 and updtaed March 6, 2024

Minimum-Recommended-and-Ideal-PC-requirements-for-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator (https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013463459-Minimum-Recommended-and-Ideal-PC-requirements-for-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator)

Here is the Official Trailer Video


I read an article about the new simulator the other day and they wrote that addons from MSFS 2020 will be compatible with 2024. I find that encoraging but I wonder for how long. Seems now they make updates that break addons and the developer is forced to update the product to get it workng in the new update. Just me thinging there.

Anyway Here we Go Again More Toys...

March 18th, 2024, 13:10
There were a couple of comments by Jorg in the last Developer live stream that gave some broad timescale benchmarks

March 19th, 2024, 04:44
Meh! :barf:

Paul K
March 19th, 2024, 04:51
Very much looking forward to MSFS2024. No doubt there'll be a few compatibility issues to start with, but reputable companies like Just Flight, Flying Iron and PMDG will soon have them sorted out.

March 19th, 2024, 05:52
Very much looking forward to MSFS2024. No doubt there'll be a few compatibility issues to start with, but reputable companies like Just Flight, Flying Iron and PMDG will soon have them sorted out.

......but they shouldn't have to!

Just sayin':biggrin-new:

Tom Clayton
March 19th, 2024, 06:53
The developers have stated that "virtually" all addons for the 2020 edition will work in 2024. In fact, they've reached deals with a few developers to incorporate what are currently 3rd party addons into the core. The Cirrus Vision VLJ is one of those.

Paul K
March 19th, 2024, 07:45
......but they shouldn't have to!

Just sayin':biggrin-new:

Well yes, but it could be that something that fundamentally improves the sim might introduce a little glitch or two, here and there. If so, there are developers you can have full confidence in. Then there are others...

March 21st, 2024, 12:25
curious to see what Carenado does..

They left MS flightsim after FS9 and almost stayed away from FSX entirely.
Also -MS only gave what amounted to lip service to porting aircraft from FSX to MSFS - the effectiveness of that was never worthwhile.
It remains to be seen how well these models will translate or just how much work will be required to get a decent result. I guess we'll see.
I look forward to MSFS2024 for one big reason. I've acquired 'fishin permission' from the warden to buy a new rig for the new sim once it's released.

March 21st, 2024, 13:17
Very much looking forward to MSFS2024. No doubt there'll be a few compatibility issues to start with, but reputable companies like Just Flight, Flying Iron and PMDG will soon have them sorted out.

FlyingIron's P-38 still needs sorting out in FS2020. The autopilot in their EFB tablet behaves nothing like the same functionality for their Spitfire or Bf-109. I also get a very pronounced right wing rolling behavior in level flight in calm air, even with both engine operating normally and in sync as far as power and prop are set.

March 21st, 2024, 13:50
The developers have stated that "virtually" all addons for the 2020 edition will work in 2024. In fact, they've reached deals with a few developers to incorporate what are currently 3rd party addons into the core. The Cirrus Vision VLJ is one of those.

Back before MS2020 came out, they stated the same for FSX addons - you can't believe everything the Developers tell you :ernaehrung004:

March 21st, 2024, 16:52
curious to see what Carenado does.. They left MS flightsim after FS9 and almost stayed away from FSX entirely.

I wonder how you could have gotten that idea? Carenado (and their company Alabeo) made 94 aircraft addons for FSX - I'd guess more than any other developer. There are 8 pages of FSX products on the Carenado website.

Carenado was one of the companies that were involved in the development of the default aircraft included in MSFS2020 (as well as many of the "Local Legends" and "Historic Flyers"), and I fully expect they've been working closely with Asobo/MS for the past year or so on MSFS2024 as well.

March 22nd, 2024, 01:57
...and some of us think the only Carenado aircraft worth having were those ported to Xplane by Thranda anyway.

I'm sure Carenado will be fully involved in FS24.

March 22nd, 2024, 03:01
Carenado/Alabeo dominated the FSX add-on aircraft market. They also developed a reputation of releasing add-on aircraft so fast that they were guaranteed to have bugs and because of Carenado/Alabeo's business plan of introducing new add-on's faster than any other developer, only some of the bugs would ever be addressed with a patch. I'm sure Carenado will drop MSFS 2020 like a hot rock as soon as 2024 is released.

Will I be jumping to MSFS 2024? Probably not, I'm still puttering in the skies of FSX:Steam Edition. :biggrin-new:

March 22nd, 2024, 19:50
I got into FSX right after the first update and right before Acceleration - a week later I found the Carenado FS9 Beech Bonanza - it had been ported but that first FSX update had broken it. I contacted Carenado by email and asked them
about it. The reply was short and to the point. We will not be making aircraft for that flight sim. We were told it would not be any trouble to port our aircraft over and their first update made our models unplayable. As of today it is our decision
to part ways with MS flight sim. It wasn't until months after Acceleration pack was released that they relented and as you know - they went to work and made Alabeo and Carenado models galore. But at first they were not happy.

March 25th, 2024, 19:04
I never got around to loading MSFS 2020, due to OS and hardware limitations, and will have to sit this one out too, as I still have the same old computer. But still, I'm excited to see what MSFS 2024 has to offer!



March 27th, 2024, 18:11
Good grief! FS2024 is planned? And here I was looking to update my computer to FS2020 standard. Guess I'll wait now, to see what develops.

March 28th, 2024, 01:41
I never got around to loading MSFS 2020, due to OS and hardware limitations, and will have to sit this one out too, as I still have the same old computer. But still, I'm excited to see what MSFS 2024 has to offer!


The performance of FS2020 is pretty good with the latest (Beta) update, if you already own 2020 give it a try, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Tom Clayton
March 28th, 2024, 06:12
Good grief! FS2024 is planned? And here I was looking to update my computer to FS2020 standard. Guess I'll wait now, to see what develops.
I haven't seen anything like a revised minimum hardware list for the '24 edition, and Asobo's leadership has stated that "virtually" all '20 addons will be compatible. My guess is that the same hardware will be good, but I'll try to find out over at the official board later today.

March 29th, 2024, 05:27
I was going to use this post to start a new thread. Hoqwever, I can't find a way to start a new thread in this forum.

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I am interested in what 2024 will bring to the table. I don’t see how the visuals can be made much better, unless the trees and buildings are rendered more accurately and detailed. Even if they are, at what cost in processing power? Will we be reaching a point of diminishing return?

I have read that MS plans on bringing in more up to date Bing maps. I guess we will get to witness urban sprawl. What will be the resolution of mountains. This is where I see the biggest visual issues. That will require better satellite height and topographical measurements.

ATC and AI Traffic are areas where I can see possible improvements. However, third parties are already getting ready to provide ATC improvements. Will 2024 just incorporate these products, or will they backstab the companies who have spent years and money developing these products?

I have not tried any of the AI Traffic products like Just Flight’s offering. They are all focused on airliners and their schedules. Since I don’t fly airliners, I would be more interested in better GA and Military traffic. Maybe we will see this in 2024?

Real time weather has never, to my understanding, worked correctly in 2020. So maybe we will see improvement in the weather area. I would like to see seamless seasons, based on location. I have never been able to get REX Simulations’s seasons to switch automatically. So, true to life weather might be interesting. I would have to polish up my IFR training.

I don’t hold high hopes for VR improvement. I find the visuals to already be outstanding. What I would like to see is better interaction with the various cockpit switches and dials. Perhaps a more realistic ability to use a touch screen in VR? One can wish. 😊 I ordered a PointCTRL in January of 2023. He is only at April 2022 for deliveries. At this rate I will be dead before he reaches my number.

Anyway, this is one man’s musings. What else do you expect to see in 2024.

Tom Clayton
March 29th, 2024, 06:36
Weather works fine for me. but seeing green trees in January is my biggest gripe. Seasonal tree textures are the one thing I'm hoping for most. ATC doesn't really worry me too much. Even if I'm at FL350, I still fly with my own made-up VFR rules. If I can see the GPS, then it's Visual Flight!

April 8th, 2024, 13:32
FlyingIron's P-38 still needs sorting out in FS2020. The autopilot in their EFB tablet behaves nothing like the same functionality for their Spitfire or Bf-109. I also get a very pronounced right wing rolling behavior in level flight in calm air, even with both engine operating normally and in sync as far as power and prop are set.

My FIL flew P-39's in the Pacific in WWII. They all thought it was the most stable platform of all the fighters. Counter-rotating props left no issues with torgue like single engine fighters.