View Full Version : VC Aliasing

June 21st, 2023, 18:05
Has anyone had any success in aliasing the Captain Sim B707 VC to another aircraft ?

I've used other VC's and aliased them to other aircraft without any issues, apart from having to adjust the viewpoint.

With the CS B707 VC this is the cockpit view in the new aircraft, but if I pan further to the left all interior views of the cockpit disappear and there's no view of the panel. Even moving the viewpoint behind the seats and panning towards the panel has no views.

Any help would be appreciated.



June 27th, 2023, 14:30
I had the exact same problem when aliasing the default CRJ 700 VC with Eric Cantu's EMB120 (FSX native conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations).

The fix was to change with raditor (https://www.scenerydesign.org/raditor/) the "radius" parameter of the external model (here emb120.mdl). I've increased the radius a little bit, not much, like from 10 meters to 11 meters (not sure how much, it was a long time ago). Lots of trials and errors... And you need to restart FSX each time you change a mdl file, so it takes ages to get it right.

Yes I know it sounds counterintuitive to change the external model, and not the interior model... But in my case it worked, no more vanishing VC when looking ahead or panning around...

What is the external model you're using with the CS 707 VC?

June 27th, 2023, 19:27
Thanks for your reply. I'd never thought about that.

I'm trying to use it on the Lockheed L-1329 Jetstar II.

I'll do a bit of tweaking when I have the time.

Thanks again :applause:


June 28th, 2023, 11:22
With 17 meters it seems to work fine most of the time... Maybe a bit more is better...



Jetstar II (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/126604-Lockheed-L-1329-Jetstar-II-FSX-only-(light)) freeware by Jim Goldman near Wakonda Beach (OR) by Blue Sky Scenery. 707 VC by CaptainSim (payware)

June 28th, 2023, 20:31
Thanks again for your help.

I've now got the VC panel showing, but apart from the clock none of the gauges work.

I'll try adding some other gauges to replace the CS ones.


June 29th, 2023, 06:56
What I like about MCX is that you can "Kit Bash" to a degree with parts of other models (Personal use only for now) and with lots of trail and error get a more functional version of the Jet Star VC. I did this a while ago just to get something functional in the Jetstar VC.

I might redo it at some time to make something a little more release worthy.


June 30th, 2023, 00:50
Be keen to see your work on this.