View Full Version : Interesting video

March 17th, 2023, 11:26
I found this video recently. It details how the Luftwaffe formed attacks on flights of B-17's during the Defense of the Reich phase of the air war. Unfortunately, the best method seems to have been an initial head on attack. I say unfortunately because the way AI are programmed in CFS2 we can not implement this into our missions. They will fire a short burst head on if they are kept in formation straight towards the bombers and are then told to attack. But after that they always assume a six o'clock attack position for the remainder of the engagement.

Still, it's an interesting video that covers not only the tactical practicality of this attack but also the reasons why it was psychologically effective for Luftwaffe pilots to attack head on grouped close together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO4B4-DvS-o&t=2s

March 18th, 2023, 04:39
Still, it's an interesting video that covers not only the tactical practicality of this attack but also the reasons why it was psychologically effective for Luftwaffe pilots to attack head on grouped close together.

He didn't mention that the jig was up when allied escorts commonly countered by positioning squadron elements just far enough ahead of bomber formations to run interference on these head-on attackers, like down-field blockers. The ensuing merge scattered the Luftwaffe groupings ahead of the bombers and only allowed a few "escapees" to get through to the bombers for a quick head-on pass if they had no escorts hot on their tails. This nullified the effectiveness of the attacking group and forced them into scattered lateral and six o'clock attack positions as the bombers passed through the scene of the dogfight.

Break 'em up and beat 'em down to lower altitudes.

March 18th, 2023, 07:54
He does briefly mention frontal attacks being "driven off by escort fighters in the later stages of the war" (15:10 in the conclusions section) but does not go into any further detail of how this was accomplished. I think his intent, for this video, was to focus on the Luftwaffe's initial conclusions and directives of the early stages of the Defense of the Reich stages of the war. Maybe he'll do a follow up video on the response of allied escorts to these tactics.

March 18th, 2023, 13:57

Very interesting info, thanks for sharing this with us! :encouragement:

March 18th, 2023, 15:24
He has a lot of great videos about WW II aircraft as well as modern aircraft at his youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@MilitaryAviationHistory

and for a real funny GIF from Chris check this out https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hFe-j599AtQ