View Full Version : WOTR Battle of France Expansion Released

February 2nd, 2023, 08:39
OBD has just released its Battle of France Expansion for Wings Over the Reich. Looks like some nice developments are involved including a very nice looking flyable Hawk 75. I plan on purchasing once I get my PC set up after our move.

Official Announcement:

Get it here:

February 2nd, 2023, 15:49
I've been awaiting this release also, but I have an issue with my WOTR install that I need to address first before I buy. Doesn't seem to be much support available from OBD, anyone know another forum where one can find answers?

February 2nd, 2023, 17:09
SimHQ and CombatAce have forums managed by the OBD team. That's where you need to go.

Pat Pattle
February 2nd, 2023, 21:53
Been looking forward to this, will purchase at the weekend!

February 3rd, 2023, 02:58
I've been awaiting this release also, but I have an issue with my WOTR install that I need to address first before I buy. Doesn't seem to be much support available from OBD, anyone know another forum where one can find answers?
What happens to your WOTR? I also had a problem, it wouldn't start, it was stuck on a black screen.

February 3rd, 2023, 08:05
Did you i stall the DirectX9?

February 3rd, 2023, 09:18
Set the WoTR .exe in the game folder to run as administrator perhaps? That's what solved my issues.

February 3rd, 2023, 17:43
WOTR ran well for me for a while , although I did have to run the ToolBox Runtime repair to get it work everytime. Now when I launch it, I get XML error messages related to Administrator or anti-virus. I can close those and get to the main menu and select a scenario, but while it's loading I get dll errors that bring me back to the main menu. I was going to delete the Usiel.XML file in AppRoaming......but thought that might make it even worse!

February 4th, 2023, 15:05
What happens to your WOTR? I also had a problem, it wouldn't start, it was stuck on a black screen.

I was having the same problem but the following FAQ helped me.

Occasionally WOTR can stop right at the beginning on laptops and some Windows 10 PCs if they have aproblem playing the basic opening splash movie (OBDSplash.wmv which is a simple windows media moviefile). If you launch and the WOTR menu seems to hang, try renaming OBDSplash.wmv found inC:\OBDSoftware\WOTR\OBDWW2 Wings Over The Reich\campaigns\CampaignData\ShellMusic