View Full Version : OT: Ipod/Itunes

March 10th, 2009, 18:24
I think I'm going to get an Ipod Touch, but I was wondering how Itunes handles windows audio files. Originally Zune Marketplace sold .wmv's, (now it's almost exclusively mp3's) I was just wondering if I would have to physically search and convert the rouge files or if Itunes would at least point me to the incompatible files. I did a half-hearted search on Apple's website, but then got lazy and remembered there were a few Apple guru's here.

March 10th, 2009, 19:19
I think you mean .wma's, not .wmv's.

In my experience with the iTouch, some (most, really) .wma's work in converting to the iTouch, others don't. For instance I've taken a bunch of old ripped Van Halen stuff which I converted to .wma off the disk for my old Dell DJ, and after just dropping them into iTunes they seem to work fine. I've never been able to tell what the difference between iTunes-compatible .wma's and incompatible ones is; for me guess and check has become my friend.

March 10th, 2009, 19:22
I think the difference is some .wma files have digital rights management, and that's where the problem comes in. But I could be wrong.

Silver Fox
March 10th, 2009, 20:08
I had no trouble with any of mine, but I know some others who reported occasional problems. Hard to say what causes it, all my ripped stuff was from older CD's.

<-- Posted from my iPod Touch. :)

March 11th, 2009, 03:08
My iTunes copied my existing 'ton' of music and converted it to the format it uses, which is then shared/synced to the iPod-T. iTunes has its own folder system, which works with the sync system.

Youre going to really enjoy that thing. I made the mistake of getting a 16Gig instead of a 32Gig. I was out of memory in 2 weeks. But, I also had gone nuts on the Podcasts.. They can take up huge amounts of room on the HD, (the TV shows that is.. I also had a movie in there, etc.... Now, my 16G is about 1/3rd full. I learned to shuffle Podcasts in and out of it. I store them on the 'big' iPod now. :d (iMac).


March 11th, 2009, 11:35
Question answered...Itunes is converting my .wma's right now. I'm soo excited,:jump: the touch is really awesome so far.

March 11th, 2009, 12:11
You got it already!


There are some cool Apps for it at Apple.com in the Downloads area as well as in iTunes. At apple.com, dont look at iPod games, totally diff.. The Touch uses Apps like the iPhone.

Also, if you have a wireless Router/modem at the house, the Touch will link into its wireless system and you can go online and download songs, view webpages, download Apps and Podcasts wirelessly without having to link into your computer.

Also, do the tutorial at Apple.com on iTunes and managing your albums. To create a new Playlist, you just click that plus sign at the bottom left, name the album (playlist), then drag and drop songs into it. For instance, I created one that is 'fave 70's tunes', I then drad and drop songs into that playlist. You can delete the 'playlist' without deleting the songs. (Make sure you realise, playlists are menu's, not the songs themselves).

Also, if you want to put on photos, just create a iPod pictures folder on your main computer HD, then put in folders of your fave pics. Each folder acts as a photo album. One would be say Family, one would be aircraft, one would be the family puppy, etc. Then in iTunes, click the iPod icon on the left side panel and in the main screen at the top, click the Photos tab, then select the location of the folder for your photos. When you change photos in that computer HD folder location, they will 'sync' automatically when you plug in your iPod Touch.

There are alot of games out that use the 'tilt' sensor in the iPod. Some car games, you use the iPod like a steering wheel, turning it will turn the vehicle in the game.

Have fun man!


March 11th, 2009, 13:59
Cool! I didn't know that you could get on the Internet on this. The keyboard or lack thereof takes some getting used to.:ernae:

March 11th, 2009, 20:28
Yep.. Its WiFi, so you can also go online in some public places that offer hotspots, like in malls, coffee shops, etc..

Watch the Tutorials at Apple.com to learn to work the screen finger zooming. Spreading two fingers apart on the screen zooms in.. Two fingers pinching together zooms back out. Double touching a point will zoom you there, etc..

Lots of controls via finger touch.

Also, web will go sideways for easier reading if you turn the unit sideways. Give it like 2 seconds to adjust.

That keypad is a bit small.. Works well for me. It has a spell check built into the typing side, so it will auto-correct your words for you.

Amazingly... If you ever purchased an iMac computer, it will seem like a big iPod. Same software, same icons... lolol..


Silver Fox
March 12th, 2009, 08:47
The Touch has got to be the coolest toy I have ever owned!

Flightsimming takes some getting used to though...

March 12th, 2009, 09:42
The Touch has got to be the coolest toy I have ever owned!

Flightsimming takes some getting used to though...

Dang! Those screenshots are from your iPod!


I have to learn how to take screenshots in mine..


Silver Fox
March 12th, 2009, 15:32
Home and Power buttons together will snap a screenshot. You can't directly upload though, I email the pics to my computer first.

March 12th, 2009, 15:38
Roger that. Thanks Silver Fox.

They say to occasionally power them down and reboot. I usually always leave mine on, but in sleeping mode. Amazing how long the battery can last.
