View Full Version : Oops ... (wild weather in MO)

March 8th, 2009, 14:59
We had some “interesting” weather here this morning. While under a tornado warning, a storm blew through with heavy rain and amazingly strong winds. As I watched the excitement from my garage, coffee cup in hand, I think I heard the sound of a tree cracking, but I still don’t see and trees down. What I didn’t know was that my outside front door was not completely latched and the wind got hold of it and blew it back hard. I had two of those thingies attached, you know, those things that keep the door from slamming (pictured) and as the door was basically “over extended” those two doo-hickies got bent, as you can see. Those things are not lightly built units either. I couldn’t bend them back into shape without a vice. The storm did flip over a couple of trailers and took down some power lines. Weather channel said we had 50-70 MPH winds all across this area. It was amazing. Off to the hardware store...

March 8th, 2009, 15:38
If you live in Missouri and can calmly watch such a storm while sipping coffee you're either a much braver man than I or you have all your personal affairs in order - or both. :d Back in northern Illinois we head for the basement.

March 8th, 2009, 16:17
The truth is probably that I’m not very smart..! As a transplanted “Maine-iac” I probably haven’t seen enough of these storms to appreciate them fully. As it happened, I had the radio going, and the power was still on so I could watch the local weather, and the really bad stuff was happening a bit to the south (and north) of me. But there’s no question I have somewhat of a bad habit of going outside to watch when the thunderstorms come over…

March 8th, 2009, 16:28
A few summers back, my wife Debra, Spud (dog in my avatar) and I were taking a nice afternoon nap after a very busy morning. We awoke to the sound of a train engine...we got up, came into the living room, looked out the big picture window. The wind was really wipping the trees around. I looked at my wife and said "Just some very strong wind....I've seen worse." With that, the three of us went back into the bed room, flopped back across the bed and went back to sleep.

Later that evening, my wife went to work...and saw trees down, a few houses with their roofs torn off, the big red barn down the road from up totally destroyed. She got to work and learned that a tonado had come right down our road, skipping from one side to the other.

Given the fact that I sleep through tornados, I'm not sure what kind of weather it would take for me to head for cover.


March 8th, 2009, 16:42
Had a few of those winds down in my part of Mo. to Paul!!

just one (hard) rain storm, but the wind.......................

March 8th, 2009, 17:30
Well, no severe wind here in Wisconsin, but 6 inches of snow this afternoon.

March 8th, 2009, 18:19
Here in central Kansas we got that stuff earlier in the afternoon. We had four or five tornado's on the ground and lots of quarter sized hail. No tornado damage was reported. Yep, I go outside to "watch the weather" also!
