View Full Version : Continuation To An Earlier LOD Question

March 7th, 2009, 13:07
Greetings All;

I'm still puzzling over the relationship between image LODs and BMP image incorporation.

I've noticed that many of my repainted files are unusuable. I open the original file in DXTBMP, transfer it to Paintshop Pro and edit, save it and reload it in DXTBMP, and then save it again.

It doesn't seem to matter which format the file is saved in ~ less than 60% of the images are unusable at this point.

UNLESS I then open that file in BMP2000, create an extended image set, and save it [I]again as an extended format Bitmap. Then all is well.

Now - I've always been under the impression that LOD requirements are formulated in the MDL file during aircraft construction.

Why do I need to take this extra save step in order to have these files work ?


March 8th, 2009, 12:57
Bump to keep it high on the list...

March 8th, 2009, 13:22

When you pull the image back into DXTbmp, are you saving it as an extended format there? DXT3, 555-1 or something like that?

I save my files through DXTbmp all the time and they always work.


March 8th, 2009, 15:56
... to Injure Myself...

I discovered that I was linked to an ANCIENT version of Martin's DXTBMP on my laptop... this was creating any number of save challenges. :faint:

Reinstalling the latest version has corrected the errors.

Sorry about that, y'all !