View Full Version : Cactus Missions

February 27th, 2009, 21:12
I am trying to get the Cactus missions up as soon as possible. The reason that it is taking so long is I have a large readme. I am also looking after my 92 yearold mother who just got out of the hospital as well.Now down to business.Inorder to fly the Cactus missions I have been working on for about the last 4 years I have tried to make things as easy to do as I can and to use the tools that were supplied with CFS2 as well as much of the stock objects that came with CFS2 inorder to make things as easy as possible for all.In order to take out the stock scenery all I needed to do was to open the CFS2 config file ,go to [PREF]and type in at the bottom of this section UseGSL=empty.gsl . This removes all the infrastructer objects in CFS2. Inorder to get them back all I need to do is put a sims-colon infront of ;UseCSL=empty.gsl and all the objects are back.Inorder to add new gsl scenery I use the gsl program that came with CFS2 to creat emptys to go into my GSL CFS2 folder.Why do I use it ,simple it is easy to learn how to use, it came with CFS2 and you don`t run the risk of messing up your CFS2 program.Inorder to take out the runways in CFS2 go to the scendb folder,open it and there you will find a folder titled runways.Open it and you will see a file titled allrunways.Make a new folder and title it then put the allrunways file in it. This removes all the runways in CFS2.You then have a nice clean canvas to work from.Later I will go into a fix for the airbase.dat file so planes will takeoff and land in the same direction.:typing: