View Full Version : USS Carl Vinson - RIMPAC 2018 stlye... from Dustin Kosman

August 5th, 2020, 07:20
May be interesting...
...seen on simviation.com..
see: https://simviation.com/1/browse-Military-57-0?mark=57905#57905

and also this additional little ZIP file


August 8th, 2020, 01:29
Hello everybody

meanwhile Iīve installed Dustinīs USS Carl Vinson "RIMPAC layout" on my FSX in the ship hangar using it with AI Carriers...

Iīam running a lot of different ships from different sources... Now - for the first time - I have a problem with the wake of Dustinīs ship. Starting it with AI Carriers I saw only a wake going vertical...no wake on the rear...

Therefore I took a look into the sim.cfg. I found no effects. So I added the effects of the AI USS Nimitz to the sim.cfg of the Carl Vinson:

wake = voo_wake_carrier

I select this modified Carl Vinson again in AI Carriers. Now see the pic below. I have my rear wake and additionally again this damn vertical wake... It seems the effect/wake is coded in the model MDL I assume ...or what? :banghead:

I`ve never had such a problem. Searching in the net I have to notice that this kind of problems are only described for P3D.

Is there anybody with the same experience and/ or - better - has somebody a solutio for it?

Greetings RS


August 9th, 2020, 22:44
Hi everybody,

the vertical wake problem is solved. You have to look deep and you will find mostly a solution...
After all Iīve found a thread about a "Carrier Wake Break up Fix" in the FsDreamTeam forum...


to notice that I have fixed this problem years ago when installing Javierīs Nimitz:
You have to neutralize a bad guy - the "fx_wake_carrier.fx" file in the effects folder. So Iīve checked the folder, found a neutralized fx_wake_carrier.fx.OFF file as well as another "active" fx_wake_carrier.fx" file. This copy must be placed in the effects folder for my part again when installing another AI ship in the last weeks or months...

I changed it also to a *.off file - and see the maritime FSX Word was calm again.:untroubled: