View Full Version : Race Point Lighthouse Question (KPVC)

June 10th, 2020, 13:14
I have a bit of a dilemma trying to get an effect to show inside the lighthouse. I have placed the attach point directly in the center of the area where the fresnel lense would be and while in MCX it pulses every 6 seconds as it should. Once I compile and then load the scenery to check it what I have is a "glow" from the effect that shows on the opposite side of the lighthouse from my viewpoint and if I slew around the lighthouse that glow remains directly across from me on the opposite side. Despite the fact that the glass is transparent and I can see directly through it the light effect is not visible inside.

Any ideas or suggestions?

June 10th, 2020, 20:09
I have a bit of a dilemma trying to get an effect to show inside the lighthouse. I have placed the attach point directly in the center of the area where the fresnel lense would be and while in MCX it pulses every 6 seconds as it should. Once I compile and then load the scenery to check it what I have is a "glow" from the effect that shows on the opposite side of the lighthouse from my viewpoint and if I slew around the lighthouse that glow remains directly across from me on the opposite side. Despite the fact that the glass is transparent and I can see directly through it the light effect is not visible inside.

Any ideas or suggestions?

I'm not positive, but, you said you've got "glass". Is it possible you're seeing it go through the opposite side because from that point of view, the glass is invisible on the other side, IOW, surfaces typically are solid only on one side, the side you apply the texture too, unless you set it up otherwise, which I don't imagine you did for these surfaces. Have you tried removing the "glass" and leaving the windows empty to test that theory, or reversing the textures?

That doesn't completely solve your problem, but at least it explains what you're seeing. I don't know how to get an effect to shine through a surface from the inside, it must be possible though, as we've all seen it done in other models, or, at least it looks like it does.

Maybe check out an airplane model that does it and see if you can figure out the difference?

June 11th, 2020, 04:26
. . . . . . . Have you tried removing the "glass" and leaving the windows empty to test that theory, or reversing the textures?

That doesn't completely solve your problem, but at least it explains what you're seeing. I don't know how to get an effect to shine through a surface from the inside, it must be possible though, as we've all seen it done in other models, or, at least it looks like it does. . . .
That's exactly what I ended up having to do. I removed the "glass" and now the fresnel Lense and the effect show.

June 11th, 2020, 05:08
That's exactly what I ended up having to do. I removed the "glass" and now the fresnel Lense and the effect show.

Great! Glad you found a fix :)