View Full Version : FSXBA Hornet - Visor command?

May 16th, 2020, 11:42
FSXBA Hornet - Visor command?

Does any one know the keyboard command to raise and lower the helmet visor? I did a search through the documents and could not find any listing of the keyboard short cuts for such things.



May 17th, 2020, 11:45
To the best of my knowledge, there isn't one.

You can try making a post in the FSXBA forums. There IS a thread specifically for this plane. Jimi or Orion would be the ones to answer this question, really. It may take them a bit to respond, as Jimi is still on active duty, and Orion has a job working on the Navy's simulator programs. Summer is a busy time IRL for them both, but one of them will respond eventually to your question.

Hope this helps a bit. I've been too busy as well, now that summer is neigh, to monitor the forums as well as I should. I WILL get back there ASAP. It will be a couple days more, at least. I have 2 1987 trucks, and they take some work to keep them running,, so I've been busy doing scheduled, and other, maintenance on them lately, as well as the outside stuff for my house and yard I need to catch up on.

Have fun!

May 17th, 2020, 12:27
Thanks for the reply Pat. In the meantime, I'll try a full reinstall and see if that solves the issue.



May 18th, 2020, 16:32
Found it!

It's Ctrl + W


May 19th, 2020, 13:45
I'm glad you found it!

Can I ask where? By default, for FSX that's the water rudder up/down command. I don't recall using it in the Hornet, but I'm getting old. I think, although rarely, that I have so much garbage in my pea-brain it's pushing info out as I get more in.

Let me know, so if it comes up again with someone else, I can answer them. Of course, with my luck, it never will, but what the heck :D


May 19th, 2020, 19:39
I'm glad you found it!

Can I ask where? ......

It's not in any of the FSDT documents that I searched. I just recall that there was a keystroke to do this. I don't recall who told me, but through dumb luck, I just stumbled upon it once again.
