View Full Version : FSX error help please

May 14th, 2020, 14:28
I’m in need of some help please. When I try to close FSX it shuts down then after about 10 seconds an error message flashes on the screen too fast to read and then a banner pops up saying due to an error FSX is restarting. It restarts.

i use it without error or any problems while in sim. The problem only occurs during normal shut down. I’ve tried shutting down in different ways always with same result.

i checked the windows error logs which shows the error to be caused by the FSX panel.dll. I tried substituting the stock unmodified panel.dll but got the BSOD. The current and stock dll both have the same date and size.

I think it all started about the time I reloaded the SWS Midway Battle Group. Don’t know that is what’s causing this.

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.


May 14th, 2020, 15:22
Check the dll hasn't become 'read only'

Just a thought



May 14th, 2020, 15:42
Check the dll hasn't become 'read only'

Just a thought



I’ll take a look. Thanks Pete

William Njurmi
May 14th, 2020, 19:09
As we noticed earlier the SWS installationchanges the dll so all previous lines are gone. Use backup and add sws lines manually.

May 15th, 2020, 03:31
I had the same error message after installing recent addon aircraft in FSX W7x6. Had the same error message logged panel.dll on shutdown only. It turned out that FSX and only Fsx didn't like the visual studio 2015-2019 suite. Removing the recently added visual studio with add/emove program cured my problems with FSX.
Visual studios 2015/2017/2019 use the same components, hope this helps.

May 15th, 2020, 04:55
I had the same error message after installing recent addon aircraft in FSX W7x6. Had the same error message logged panel.dll on shutdown only. It turned out that FSX and only Fsx didn't like the visual studio 2015-2019 suite. Removing the recently added visual studio with add/emove program cured my problems with FSX.
Visual studios 2015/2017/2019 use the same components, hope this helps.

Got your PM. Thank you.

May 15th, 2020, 06:19
I have sent you another pm not sure if it sent it or not. I have had this problem before and both times it was the Microsoft visual c++ 2015/2017/2019 which caused the panel.dll error.
Just check the dates of the latest Microsoft visual c++ entries and see if they correspond to the time the problem started.
Good luck.

May 15th, 2020, 08:56
Delete both of the visual c++ you mentioned in your pm, both the 2015 & 2017 visual C++ both use the same components as well as 2019. It was this that gave me the same error code faulting modules name panel.dll.
Deleting these visual c++ stopped the error when exiting FSX.

May 15th, 2020, 09:01
Results to now:

1. Ran AV and Malwarebytes scans. Nothing found.
2. FSX main folder was set to read only - un-ticted and verified
--opened FSX default flight and flew one circuit
--exited FSX normally and it restated after 27 seconds
3. Removed MS Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable x64 dated 5/10/20, date trouble started
--opened FSX default flight and flew one circuit
--exited FSX normally and it restated after 27 seconds


May 15th, 2020, 09:15
Are you now error free on exit? Did you install the sws g91 or f104 they return to the aircraft selection screen on exit. Never had FSX restart after exit, I hope someone else can help you out.

May 15th, 2020, 09:22

Results to now:

1. Ran AV and Malwarebytes scans. Nothing found.
2. FSX main folder was set to read only - un-ticted and verified
--opened FSX default flight and flew one circuit
--exited FSX normally and it restated after 27 seconds
3. Removed MS Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable x64 dated 5/10/20, date trouble started
--opened FSX default flight and flew one circuit
--exited FSX normally and it restated after 27 seconds

Note: Restarted PC after each procedure

4.Installed "clean" dll.xml, encoded in Windows 1252
--No joy

5. Removed Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable x64 dated 3/31/20, next earliest date is 2019.
--No Joy

So far internet searches have turned up nothing.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

May 15th, 2020, 09:35
Duckie.. some questions for you (despite the obvious answers) just to check out a few things.

-- What is your default flight and aircraft when you load FSX and do a test flight?
-- Have you tried to reset your FSX.cfg (delete and let the sim rebuild)?
-- Have you examined the dll.xml or exe.dll file for any weird or duplicate entry?
-- Did you remove the Midway group from your scenery.cfg (I don't have it, but is it there??)?

Just wondering and sharing some random questions.

May 15th, 2020, 09:40
Sorry I couldn't have been more help. Has the panel dll error gone?

May 15th, 2020, 10:28
Sorry I couldn't have been more help. Has the panel dll error gone?

I appreciate you trying.

Panels.dll error still present

May 15th, 2020, 10:34
Duckie.. some questions for you (despite the obvious answers) just to check out a few things.

-- What is your default flight and aircraft when you load FSX and do a test flight?
-- Have you tried to reset your FSX.cfg (delete and let the sim rebuild)?
-- Have you examined the dll.xml or exe.dll file for any weird or duplicate entry?
-- Did you remove the Midway group from your scenery.cfg (I don't have it, but is it there??)?

Just wondering and sharing some random questions.

-Default flight is MS Cub at KFFC
-Have not rest FSX.cfg
-swapped dll.xml with "clean" file encoded in Windows 1252 as original
-Midway Ships are in SimObjects\Boats not in scenery. Not present in scenery.cfg

May 15th, 2020, 11:02
Sorry that removing the visual c++ didn't work for you, as it has got rid of the panel.dll error twice for me. Did you install any addons recently?

May 15th, 2020, 11:14
Sorry that removing the visual c++ didn't work for you, as it has got rid of the panel.dll error twice for me. Did you install any addons recently?

Reinstalled SWS Midway Battle Group - 1st uninstalled it through via windows uninstall process then removed all the left overs I could find. Backed up dll.xml. Then reinstalled same version. The was done because I was unable to trap aboard either SWS carrier. This is about when I noticed the problem. I say about because I didn't pay attention the first time it happened as I just thought I shut it down haphazardly. I downloaded the latest version of MBG and installed it yesterday which is when I began noticing the shutdown restart problem happening every time but it was happening before the latest install of the MBG.

May 15th, 2020, 11:49
Did you get a similar error message to the one I have just pm'd you?

May 15th, 2020, 11:56
Did you get a similar error message to the one I have just pm'd you?

Hmmmm. Didn't get your last PM.

May 15th, 2020, 11:59
I will resend it, I keep getting kicked off the site when swapping pages and have to log back in.

May 15th, 2020, 12:11
I will resend it, I keep getting kicked off the site when swapping pages and have to log back in.

Dave, the error banner flashes so quickly that I cannot read it. It's immediately replaced with the "FSX is Restarting" Banner with the elapsed time crawl along the bottom of the banner. Once I shut FSX down it acts like it does shut down. The Icon leaves the tool bar and it takes a full 27.6 seconds for the error banner to flash and the restart sequence to begin.

May 15th, 2020, 12:17
Very strange that it automatically restarts FSX, the error message stayed on the screen until I selected what I wanted it to do.

May 15th, 2020, 12:24
OK. I managed to get a screen shot of the first banner which is, as I said replaced immediately by the restart banner.

This flashes first 27 seconds after shutdown.


The first banner is replaced immediately with this one which runs for about 15 seconds then the normal FSX start screen appears which leads to a normal start up.


May 15th, 2020, 12:39
That's a bit of a problem, not sure what else to suggest. It usually asks you first if you want it to try and find a solution online.

May 15th, 2020, 13:16
When you checked the windows error log, can you tell when you first encountered the problem with the panel.dll??

If so can you identify what addons you've added since that date?

BTW, if you have FSUIPC it can generate a log file of each time you load FSX from start to close. It's in your modules folder.

May 15th, 2020, 14:37
When you checked the windows error log, can you tell when you first encountered the problem with the panel.dll??

If so can you identify what addons you've added since that date?

BTW, if you have FSUIPC it can generate a log file of each time you load FSX from start to close. It's in your modules folder.

5/10/20 is the date. On that date I un then re installed the Midway Battle Group. On 5/14 I un then installed the latest version of the MBG I have the free version of FSUIPC.

All the other details are above.

May 16th, 2020, 12:51
Just to be thorough I re-installed the visual studio 2019 which contains the elements of 2015 & 2017 and got the panel.dll error on shutdown FSX ran perfectly. Removed the Microsoft visual C++2019 and the error was gone.
Installed the seperate versions of the microsoft visual studio 2015 and 2017 seperately and tried fsx, both times FSX gave me the panel.dll error on shutdown, when I removed them I had no more errors.
Using Windows7 64 bit.

May 16th, 2020, 13:24
If you have the visual C++ 2015 installed I would try deleting it, you can re-install them from the link below
2015 onwards gave me the panel.dll error.

May 16th, 2020, 23:59
If it helps anyone else this was the error I was getting on shutdown of FSX.
https://i.imgur.com/fyt05C7.jpg</a> (https://i.imgur.com/fyt05C7.jpg)

May 17th, 2020, 06:30
If it helps anyone else this was the error I was getting on shutdown of FSX.
https://i.imgur.com/fyt05C7.jpg</a> (https://i.imgur.com/fyt05C7.jpg)

Dave, that’s the same information I get from the MS Event Viewer. I will delete 2013 and give that a try. At this point I’ll try almost anything.

May 17th, 2020, 08:29
Good luck, I did have a look on the net to see if the panel.dll error was generic. Not much information available.

May 17th, 2020, 11:45
I got it stopped! Finally. It was the Midway Battle Group. Took me a while to find all the bits and pieces because the latest update installs without being placed in the windows program group. When it was installed, even using an unedited dll.xml it would error. Uninstalled main MBG folders still got the error. When I finally found all the scattered pieces including ship placer, aicarrier cfg entries, etc did it stop. Also it doesn't appear to have been associated with any of the versions of Visual C++. So no more SWS apps for me! And I hate that because I liked the carriers.

Obviously this appears to be peculiar to my system only so aside from the dll.xml issue I would not discourage anyone from installing this software.

Thank you erican2, dl and everyone else who offered suggestions.



May 17th, 2020, 12:11
Great news.